Element: <oj-buttonset-one>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: ButtonsetOneElement

  • 16.1.0
  • 0.6.0

Forces Buttonset Buttons' widths to be determined by the total width of their icons and label contents, overriding any theming defaults.

Optionally, specify the overall width of the Buttonset for further width control.

Can be applied to Buttonset's root element, or on an ancestor such as Toolbar or document.


Forces Buttonset Buttons' widths to be equal, overriding any theming defaults.

Note that the overall width of the Buttonset defaults to 100%; set the max-width (recommended) or width of the Buttonset for further width control.

Can be applied to Buttonset's root element, or on an ancestor such as Toolbar or document.

Category: Button Size

Makes the button small or large.

