Element: <oj-input-search>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: InputSearchElement

Note: This component is not supported in the following themes: Alta

  • 16.1.0
  • 9.0.0
Render a larger search field that is more prominent on the page
<oj-input-search class="oj-input-search-hero">
 <!-- Content -->

Category: form-control-max-width

In the Redwood theme the default max width of a text field is 100%. These max width convenience classes are available to create a medium or small field.
The class is applied to the root element.


Sets the max width for a small field.
Sets the max width for a medium field.

Category: form-control-width

In the Redwood theme the default width of a text field is 100%. These width convenience classes are available to create a medium or small field.
The class is applied to the root element.


Sets the width for a small field.
Sets the width for a medium field.