Element: <oj-table>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: TableElement

  • 16.1.0
  • 0.6.0
Used to style a table cell so that it has no padding.
An app developer would likely use this in the case of editable tables when an editable cell content does not need the default cell padding.
The class is applied as follows:

The class must be applied to the table cell.
<oj-table id="tableId" class='oj-table-data-cell-no-padding'>
Used to style a table cell so that it has default padding.
An app developer would likely use this in the case of editable tables when an editable cell content does not need the default cell padding.
The class is applied as follows:

The class must be applied to the table cell.
<oj-table id="tableId" class='oj-table-data-cell-padding'>
Used to explicitly hide the vertical scrollbar when the table body is scrollable.
An app developer would likely use this when synchronizing the vertical scrolling of the Table with another component, such as a Gantt chart. The class is applied as follows:

The class must be applied to the oj-table custom element.
<oj-table id="tableId" class='oj-table-hide-vertical-scrollbar'>

Note: This styleclass is not supported in the following themes: Alta

Used to notify the Table that it should stretch its inner contents to fill all available horizontal and vertical space. This requires that the Table's outer dimensions are controlled externally, either by its containing layout or by height and width values being set on it.
An app developer would likely use this when rendering a Table within a flex layout that specifies a content-based flex-basis value. The class is applied as follows:

The class must be applied to the oj-table custom element.
<oj-table id="tableId" class='oj-table-stretch'>

CSS Variables

See JET CSS Variables for additional details.
Table cell padding CSS
Name Type Description
--oj-table-cell-padding-horizontal <length> Table horizontal cell padding