Class DefaultCacheServer

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class DefaultCacheServer
    extends Base
    DefaultCacheServer is a simple command line facility and convenience API that starts all services that are declared as requiring an "autostart" in the configurable factory XML descriptor.

    DefaultCacheServer can also monitor services it started to ensure they exist. Monitoring services is enabled by default.

    Coherence 2.2
    • Field Detail


        public static final long DEFAULT_WAIT_MILLIS
        The default number of milliseconds between checks for service restart.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • m_serviceMon

        protected volatile ServiceMonitor m_serviceMon
        The ServiceMonitor used to monitor services.
      • m_fShutdown

        protected volatile boolean m_fShutdown
        Flag that indicates whether of not the shutdown was initiated.
      • m_fServicesStarted

        protected boolean m_fServicesStarted
        Flag that indicates whether this instance of DefaultCacheServer has called start on the associated services.
        See Also:
      • m_threadShutdown

        protected Thread m_threadShutdown
        Shutdown hook thread.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultCacheServer

        public DefaultCacheServer​(ConfigurableCacheFactory factory)
        Construct a DefaultCacheServer using the provided factory.
        factory - the ConfigurableCacheFactory
    • Method Detail

      • removeLifecycleListener

        public void removeLifecycleListener​(LifecycleListener listener)
        Remove a LifecycleListener so that it will no longer be notified of lifecycle events for this DefaultCacheServer.

        Listeners are stored in a List and will be removed based on a simple object equality check.

        listener - the listener to remove
      • startAndMonitor

        public void startAndMonitor​(long cWaitMillis)
        Start the cache server and check the service status periodically, restarting any stopped services.

        This method will block the calling thread.

        cWaitMillis - the number of milliseconds between checks
      • startDaemon

        public void startDaemon​(long cWaitMillis)
        Start the cache server and asynchronously check the service status periodically, restarting any services that have stopped.
        cWaitMillis - the number of milliseconds between checks
        Coherence 12.1.2
      • startServices

        public List<Service> startServices()
        Start all services that are declared as requiring an "autostart" in the configurable factory XML descriptor.
        list of services that have been successfully started
      • shutdownServer

        public void shutdownServer()
        Shutdown the DefaultCacheServer and Coherence cluster.
      • waitForServiceStart

        public void waitForServiceStart()
        Block the calling thread until DefaultCacheServer has called start on all associated services. Upon control being returned services may not be running due to possible error on start or concurrent shutdown.
        IllegalStateException - iff the services were not attempted to be started, which could be due to concurrent shutdown
      • markServicesStarted

        protected void markServicesStarted()
        Set the "services started" flag.
      • shutdown

        public static void shutdown()
        Shutdown the cache server.
        Coherence 3.2
      • startDaemon

        public static void startDaemon()
        Start the cache server on a dedicated daemon thread. This method is intended to be used within managed containers.
        Coherence 3.2
      • startDaemon

        public static void startDaemon​(File fileGar)
        Start the cache server on a dedicated daemon thread using the given File reference to a GAR. The file reference may be to a GAR file complying to the GAR file structure or a directory containing contents complying to the same structure. This method is intended to be used within managed containers.
        fileGar - file reference to either a GAR file or a directory containing the contents of the GAR
        Coherence 12.1.2
      • startDaemon

        public static void startDaemon​(File fileGar,
                                       String sAppName)
        Start the cache server on a dedicated daemon thread using the given File reference to a GAR. The file reference may be to a GAR file complying to the GAR file structure or a directory containing contents complying to the same structure. This method is intended to be used within managed containers.
        fileGar - file reference to either a GAR file or a directory containing the contents of the GAR
        sAppName - name to be used for the application
        Coherence 12.1.2
      • startServerDaemon

        public static DefaultCacheServer startServerDaemon()
        Start the cache server on a dedicated daemon thread, using default ConfigurableCacheFactory. This method is intended to be used within managed containers.
        the instance of the DefaultCacheServer started
        Coherence 12.1.2
      • startServerDaemon

        public static DefaultCacheServer.GarServer startServerDaemon​(File fileGar)
        Start the cache server on a dedicated daemon thread using the given File reference to a GAR. The file reference may be to a GAR file complying to the GAR file structure or a directory containing contents complying to the same structure. This method is intended to be used within managed containers.
        fileGar - file reference to either a GAR file or a directory containing the contents of the GAR
        an instance of the DefaultCacheServer.GarServer started
        Coherence 12.1.2
      • startServerDaemon

        public static DefaultCacheServer.GarServer startServerDaemon​(File fileGar,
                                                                     String sAppName)
        Start the cache server on a dedicated daemon thread using the given File reference to a GAR. The file reference may be to a GAR file complying to the GAR file structure or a directory containing contents complying to the same structure. This method is intended to be used within managed containers.
        fileGar - file reference to either a GAR file or a directory containing the contents of the GAR
        sAppName - name to be used for the application
        an instance of the DefaultCacheServer.GarServer started
        Coherence 12.1.2
      • startServerDaemon

        public static DefaultCacheServer.GarServer startServerDaemon​(File fileGar,
                                                                     String sAppName,
                                                                     String[] asTenant)
        Start the cache server on a dedicated daemon thread using the given File reference to a GAR. The file reference may be to a GAR file complying to the GAR file structure or a directory containing contents complying to the same structure. This method is intended to be used within managed containers.
        fileGar - file reference to either a GAR file or a directory containing the contents of the GAR
        sAppName - name to be used for the application
        asTenant - (optional) Domain Partition names
        an instance of the DefaultCacheServer.GarServer started
        Coherence 12.2.1
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] asArg)
        Entry point: start the cache server under two possible contexts:
        1. With a "coherence-cache-config.xsd" compliant configuration file.
        2. With a GAR file or a directory containing the contents of a GAR file and optionally an application name and comma-delimited list of tenant names.
        If both are provided the latter takes precedence. Additionally DefaultCacheServer accepts a numeric value to monitor the service status (keep alive interval).

        Default configuration file is "coherence-cache-config.xml"; default keep alive interval is 5 sec.

           java -server -Xms512m -Xmx512m cache-config.xml 5
         GAR Example:
           java -server -Xms512m -Xmx512m my-app.gar MyApp 5

        asArg - the command line arguments
      • start

        public static List start()
        Start all services that are declared as requiring an "autostart" in the default configurable factory XML descriptor.

        This method will not create a ServiceMonitor for started services.

        list of services that have been successfully started
      • start

        public static List start​(ConfigurableCacheFactory factory)
        Start all services that are declared as requiring an "autostart" in the configurable factory XML descriptor.

        This method will not create a ServiceMonitor for started services.

        factory - ConfigurableCacheFactory to use
        list of services that have been successfully started
      • stopMonitoring

        protected boolean stopMonitoring()
        Ensures the DCS instance has shutdown and the associated ServiceMonitor is no longer monitoring services. return true if the monitoring was active and has been stopped as a result of this call; false if the monitoring was not active
      • stopServiceMonitor

        protected void stopServiceMonitor()
        Stop the ServiceMonitor.
      • notifyShutdown

        protected boolean notifyShutdown()
        Ensure the DCS instance has shutdown. return true if DCS instance was called to start on the associated services
      • initialStartServices

        protected void initialStartServices​(long cWaitMillis)
        Setup any necessary resources and start all services.
        cWaitMillis - the interval, in milliseconds, to monitor services
      • reportStarted

        protected void reportStarted()
        Log the start message.
      • reportStarted

        protected void reportStarted​(Collection<Service> colServices)
        Log the start message.
        colServices - the collection of started services
      • startServicesInternal

        protected Map<Service,​String> startServicesInternal()
        Starts the services marked with autostart returning a map of a service name to the started service.
        a map holding all started services keyed by names
      • monitorServices

        protected void monitorServices​(long cWaitMillis)
        Check the ServiceMonitor status ensuring it is monitoring services. This method blocks the caller's thread until the DefaultCacheServer is shutdown and monitoring stops.
        cWaitMillis - the number of milliseconds between checks
      • handleEnsureServiceException

        protected void handleEnsureServiceException​(RuntimeException e)
        Invoked if starting a service raises an exception. Re-throws the exception. Override, for example, to log the exception and continue starting services.
        e - the RuntimeException
        See Also:
      • getServiceBanner

        protected String getServiceBanner​(Collection<Service> colService)
        Return a service banner for a collection of services.
        colService - the collection of services
        a service banner for a collection of services
      • isMonitorStopped

        public boolean isMonitorStopped()
        Return the ServiceMonitor used by the cache server.
        the ServiceMonitor
      • isMonitoringServices

        public boolean isMonitoringServices()
        Return true if this DefaultCacheServer is monitoring services.
        true if this DefaultCacheServer is monitoring services
      • startDaemon

        protected static void startDaemon​(DefaultCacheServer dcs)
        Start the provided cache server on a dedicated daemon thread. This method is intended to be used within managed containers.
        dcs - the cache server to start
      • getConfigurableCacheFactory

        protected static ConfigurableCacheFactory getConfigurableCacheFactory()
        Gets a ConfigurableCacheFactory based on the default configuration.
        a ConfigurableCacheFactory
      • ensureInstance

        protected static DefaultCacheServer ensureInstance​(ConfigurableCacheFactory factory)
        Returns the DefaultCacheServer singleton, creating it if necessary.
        factory - the CacheFactory to use
        the DefaultCacheServer singleton
      • ensureInstance

        protected static DefaultCacheServer.GarServer ensureInstance​(File fileGar,
                                                                     String sAppName,
                                                                     String[] asTenant)
        Returns the GarServer singleton, creating it if necessary.
        fileGar - file reference to either a GAR file or a directory containing the contents of the GAR
        sAppName - application name
        asTenant - (optional) Domain Partition names
        the GarServer singleton
      • instantiateContext

        protected ContainerContext instantiateContext​(String sTenant,
                                                      ContainerAdapter adapter)
        Factory pattern: instantiate the SimpleContext
        sTenant - the domain partition name
        adapter - the corresponding adapter
        a new instance of the context