C Portal Components

Add portal components to custom pages templates (and pages, if desired).

See Table C-1 for a listing of all portal components.

About Portal Components

Portal components are prepackaged, fully functional WebCenter Portal objects, such as the menus and links in the WebCenter Portal user interface, that are available to add to your own pages templates (and pages, if desired). Out-of-the-box, they are available in the Default Page Template Catalog (see About the Built-In Resource Catalogs). To add portal components to a page template, see Editing a Page Template.

Portal components have associated properties that you can use to refine the appearance and behavior of a component instance. See Accessing Portal Component Properties.

Table C-1 lists all available portal components and links to more information about each one.

Accessing Portal Component Properties

You can view and modify the properties of any portal component in a page template. For more information, see Setting Component Properties in Structure View.


While you can add a portal component to any page, these components are intended for use in page templates. Therefore, properties on these components can be set only when they are in a page template.

About Portal

The About Portal component is a link that opens the About Portal dialog with information about the current portal (Figure C-1).

Figure C-1 About Portal Component

Description of Figure C-1 follows
Description of "Figure C-1 About Portal Component"

Every portal has associated information, called metadata. Portal metadata includes such information as display name, internal ID, description, current user membership role, user name of the creator, date created, and pretty URL. Users click the About Portal link to access this information.

See Also:

Viewing Information About a Portal in Using Portals in Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Table C-1 lists and describes the Display Options properties associated with the About Portal component.

See Also:

The About Portal component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-2 About Portal Component Display Options

Property Description

Depressed Icon

A URL or relative path to an icon that appears when the component is clicked

Use any Web-compatible image from any accessible location. That is, do not put in a path to an image on an external server that requires authentication.

Enter a full URL or a path that is relative to the application root.

Disabled Icon

A URL or relative path to an image that appears when the component is disabled

See Depressed Icon for more information.

Display Type

The render mode of the component:

  • link—Show the component as a link

  • button—Show the component as a command button

Hover Icon

A URL or relative path to an icon that appears when users hover their mouse pointers over the component

See Depressed Icon for more information.


A URL or relative path to an icon to represent the active component

See Depressed Icon for more information.

Icon Position

A selection of options for placement of the link's associated icon:

  • leading—The icon is positioned at the start of its associated text

  • trailing—The icon is positioned at the end of its associated text

Scope Name

The name of the portal to describe in the dialog

The default value is null (defaultScope), which provides information about the current portal. You can also enter a portal name in lieu of the default.

Note: If you enter a portal name, be sure to enter the portal's internal name. The portal internal name is the name specified by the Portal URL on the General Settings page of a portal's administration settings.

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component


Display text for the component

The default is About Portal. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.TITLE_SHOW_GROUP_SPACE_INFO}.

About WebCenter Portal

The About WebCenter Portal component is a link that opens the About WebCenter Portal dialog with application version and copyright information (Figure C-2).

Figure C-2 About WebCenter Portal Component

Description of Figure C-2 follows
Description of "Figure C-2 About WebCenter Portal Component"

The About WebCenter Portal component has many of the same Display Options properties as the About Portal component. Table C-3 lists and describes the Display Options properties associated with the About WebCenter Portal component that are not included in Table C-2 or that have different default values.

See Also:

The About WebCenter Portal component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-3 About WebCenter Portal Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component.

The default is Display WebCenter Portal Information. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.GLOBAL_LINK_ABOUT_DESC}.


Display text for the component.

The default is About WebCenter Portal. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.GLOBAL_LINK_ABOUT}.


The component type.

The default is aboutWebcenter.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Add To Favorites

The Add To Favorites component is a link that opens the Add To Favorites dialog to enable users to add an item to their Favorites menu (Figure C-3).

Figure C-3 Add to Favorites Component

Description of Figure C-3 follows
Description of "Figure C-3 Add to Favorites Component"

See Also:

Managing Your Favorites in Using Portals in Oracle WebCenter Portal

For example, users can use this component to add a favorite page, wiki, blog, list, event, task, template, to their Favorites menu.

The Add to Favorites component has many of the same Display Options properties as the About Portal component. Table C-4 lists and describes the properties for which Add to Favorites has different default values than those described in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Add to Favorites component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-4 Add to Favorites Component Display Options

Property Description

Favorite Title

The display name of the application object to add as a favorite

Favorite URL

The URL to use to navigate to the application object

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component

The default is Add To Favorites. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.TITLE_ADD_FAVORITE_DIALOG}.


Display text for the component.

The default is Add to Favorites. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.TITLE_ADD_FAVORITE_DIALOG}.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.


The Administration component is a link that opens the WebCenter Portal administration Settings page (Figure C-4).

Figure C-4 Administration Component

Description of Figure C-4 follows
Description of "Figure C-4 Administration Component"

Only users with permissions of the Administrator role can see this link once it is placed on a page or page template.

See Also:

For information about WebCenter Portal administration, see About Application Roles and Permissions in Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.

The Administration component has many of the same Display Options properties associated as the About Portal component. Table C-5 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Administration component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-5 Administration Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component

The default is Open WebCenter administration pages. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.GLOBAL_LINK_ADMINISTRATION_DESC}.


Display text for the component

The default is Administration. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.GLOBAL_LINK_ADMINISTRATION}.


The component type

The default is administration.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Change Membership

The Change Membership component is a link that opens the Change Membership dialog to enable users to request a change to their portal role (Figure C-5).

Figure C-5 Change Membership Component

Description of Figure C-5 follows
Description of "Figure C-5 Change Membership Component"

See Also:

Changing Your Role in a Portal in Using Portals in Oracle WebCenter Portal

The Change Membership component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-6 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Change Membership component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-6 Change Membership Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component

The default value is Change Membership. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_s_r_Spaces.COMMUNITY_CHANGE_MEMBERSHIP}.


Display text for the component

The default is Change Membership. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_s_r_Spaces.COMMUNITY_CHANGE_MEMBERSHIP}.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Contact Administration

The Contact Administration component is a link that opens the Contact Administration dialog where users can enter and send a workflow notification to members with the Administrator role (Figure C-6).


The Contact Administration component requires a connection to the Oracle BPEL Server included with Oracle SOA Suite. For more information, see Specifying the BPEL Server Hosting WebCenter Portal Workflows in Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Figure C-6 Contact Administration Component

Description of Figure C-6 follows
Description of "Figure C-6 Contact Administration Component"

The Contact Administrator component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-7 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Contact Administration component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-7 Contact Administrator Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component

The default value is Contact the Administrator. The default value is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.CONTACT_ADMINISTRATOR_DESC}.


Display text for the component

The default is Administrator. The default value is represented by the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.CONTACT_ADMINISTRATOR}.


The component type

The default is contactAdmin.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in I.

Copyright Message

The Copyright Message component renders the following text string:

Copyright © 2009, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Figure C-7 shows an example of the Copyright Message component rendered within the user interface.

Figure C-7 Copyright Message Component

Description of Figure C-7 follows
Description of "Figure C-7 Copyright Message Component"

The Copyright Message component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-8 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Copyright Message component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-8 Copyright Message Component Display Options

Property Description

Inline Style

A field for entering CSS style values to define the appearance of the component

The default inline style is white-space:nowrap;.


The component type

The default is copyrightMessage.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Create Page

The Create Page component is a link that opens the Create Page dialog (Figure C-8).

Figure C-8 Create Page Component

Description of Figure C-8 follows
Description of "Figure C-8 Create Page Component"

See Also:

Creating, Editing, and Publishing a Portal Page and Creating and Managing Personal Pages in Using Portals in Oracle WebCenter Portal

This component is useful for providing an on-the-spot means of creating pages in the current portal or Home portal. Only authorized users can see and use the Create Page link.

The Create Page component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-9 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Create Page component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-9 Create Page Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component

The default is Create a new page. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.TOOLTIP_MANAGE_PAGES_CREATE_PAGE}.

Task Flow Id

The component's unique identifier, for example wcdc4082953494


Display text for the component

The default is Create Page. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.LABEL_CREATE_PAGE}.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Create Portal

The Create Portal component is a link that opens the Create Portal wizard (Figure C-9).

Figure C-9 Create Portal Component

Description of Figure C-9 follows
Description of "Figure C-9 Create Portal Component"

This component is useful for providing an on-the-spot means of creating a portal. Only authorized users can see and use the Create Portal link.

See Also:

For information about creating portals, see Getting Started

The Create Portal component shares many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-10 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Create Portal component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-10 Create Portal Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component

The default is Create a Portal. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_s_r_Spaces.HEADING_CREATE_COMMUNITY}.


Display text for the component

The default is Create a Portal. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_s_r_Spaces.HEADING_CREATE_COMMUNITY}.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Current User Profile

The Current User Profile component displays the name of the current user linked to the user's Profile page (Figure C-10).

Figure C-10 Current User Profile Component

Description of Figure C-10 follows
Description of "Figure C-10 Current User Profile Component"

Users click the name to open a Profile page with the user's profile details.

See Also:

The Profile page is a customizable business role page that appears in the Home portal for all authenticated users. For more information about business role pages, see About Business Role Pages in Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal. For more information about profiles, see Managing Your Profile in Using Portals in Oracle WebCenter Portal.

The Current User Profile component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-11 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Current User Profile component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-11 Current User Profile Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering a tooltip to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component

The default is the current user's name. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{security.userDisplayName}.


Display text for the component

The default is the current user's name. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{security.userDisplayName}.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see the Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Edit Page

The Edit Page component is a link that opens the current page in the page editor (Figure C-11).

Figure C-11 Edit Page Component

Description of Figure C-11 follows
Description of "Figure C-11 Edit Page Component"

Only users who are authorized to edit the current page can see and use the Edit Page link.

See Also:

The Edit Page component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-12 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Edit Page component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-12 Edit Page Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering a tooltip to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component

The default is Edit the Page. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.PAGE_CONTEXT_EDIT_PAGE_DESC}.

Task Flow Id

The component's unique identifier, for example wcdc4082953494


Display text for the component

The default is Edit Page. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.PAGE_CONTEXT_EDIT_PAGE}.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Favorites Menu

The Favorites Menu component is a menu with options to open the Add to Favorites and Manage Favorites dialogs (Figure C-12).

Figure C-12 Favorites Menu Component

Description of Figure C-12 follows
Description of "Figure C-12 Favorites Menu Component"

See Also:

Managing Your Favorites in Using Portals in Oracle WebCenter Portal

The Favorites Menu component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-13 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Favorites Menu component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-13 Favorites Menu Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component

The default is Manage your favorites. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.LABEL_FAVORITES_DESC}.

Task Flow Id

The component's unique identifier, for example wcdc4082953494


Display text for the component

The default is Manage your favorites. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.LABEL_FAVORITES_DESC}.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Global Help

The Global Help component is a link that opens WebCenter Portal online help (Figure C-13).

Figure C-13 Global Help Component

Description of Figure C-13 follows
Description of "Figure C-13 Global Help Component"

The Global Help component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-14 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Global Help component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-14 Global Help Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering a tooltip to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component

The default is Help for WebCenter Portal. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.LABEL_HELP_DESC}.


The component label

The default is Help. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.LABEL_HELP}.


The component type

The default is globalHelp.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Home Portal

The Home Portal component is a link to navigate directly to the Home portal (Figure C-14).

Figure C-14 Home Portal Component

Description of Figure C-14 follows
Description of "Figure C-14 Home Portal Component"

See Also:

For information about Home portals, see Exploring WebCenter Portal in Using Portals in Oracle WebCenter Portal.

The Home Portal component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-15 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Home Portal component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-15 Home Portal Component Display Options

Property Description


Display text for the component

The default is Personal Portal.


The component type

The default is personalSpace.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Invite People as Connection

The Invite People as Connection component is a link that opens a page where users can invite other users to connect (Figure C-15).

Figure C-15 Invite People as Connection Component

Description of Figure C-15 follows
Description of "Figure C-15 Invite People as Connection Component"

See Also:

For information about Connections, see Managing Your Contacts in Using Portals in Oracle WebCenter Portal.

The Invite People as Connection component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-16 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Invite People as Connection component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-16 Invite People as Connection Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering a tooltip to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component

The default is Invite People. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_s_r_Spaces.LABEL_INVITE_PEOPLE}.


The component label

The default is Invite People. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_s_r_Spaces.LABEL_INVITE_PEOPLE}.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Join Portal

The Join Portal component is a link that opens the Request Membership page to initiate the process of becoming a member of a portal, usually the current portal (Figure C-16).

Figure C-16 Join Portal Component

Description of Figure C-16 follows
Description of "Figure C-16 Join Portal Component"

See Also:

Joining a Portal in Using Portals in Oracle WebCenter Portal

The Join Portal component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-17 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Join Portal component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-17 Join Portal Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering a tooltip to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component

The default is Join Portal. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_s_r_Spaces.GROUP_SPACES_MANAGE_JOIN_SPACE}.


The component label

The default is Join Portal. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_s_r_Spaces.GROUP_SPACES_MANAGE_JOIN_SPACE}.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Leave Portal

The Leave Portal component is a link that opens the Leave Portal dialog to request removal of a user's own membership in the current portal (Figure C-17).

Figure C-17 Leave Portal Component

Description of Figure C-17 follows
Description of "Figure C-17 Leave Portal Component"

See Also:

Cancelling Your Portal Membership in Using Portals in Oracle WebCenter Portal

The Leave Portal component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-18 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Leave Portal component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-18 Leave Portal Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering a tooltip to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component

The default is Leave Portal. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_s_r_Spaces.LABEL_LEAVE_SPACE}.


The component label

The default is Leave Portal. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_s_r_Spaces.LABEL_LEAVE_SPACE}.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.


The Login component is a link for navigating to the WebCenter Portal Login screen (Figure C-18).

The Login link appears only to users who are not logged in. That is, if a user is logged in this link is hidden.

The Login component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-19 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Login component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-19 Login Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component

The default is Login. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.GLOBAL_LINK_LOGIN}.


Display text for the component

The default is Login. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.GLOBAL_LINK_LOGIN}.


The component type

The default is login.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.


The Logout component is a link for logging out of WebCenter Portal (Figure C-19).

The Logout link appears only to logged in users. That is, if a user is logged out, this link is hidden.

The Logout component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-20 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Logout component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-20 Logout Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component

The default is Logout of WebCenter Portal. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.GLOBAL_LINK_LOGOUT_DESC}.


Display text for the component

The default is Logout. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.GLOBAL_LINK_LOGOUT}.


The component type

The default is logout.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Mail Members

The Mail Members component is a link that opens a simple send-mail window with a URL to the portal added in the message body. The To field is prepopulated with member addresses, as specified in their user profiles (Figure C-20).

Figure C-20 Mail Members Component

Description of Figure C-20 follows
Description of "Figure C-20 Mail Members Component"

Such messages are sent to the inboxes of all members of the current portal.

The Mail Members component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-21 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

Table C-21 Mail Members Component Display Options

Property Description


The default is Send Mail to Members. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.LABEL_SEND_EMAIL_TO_MEMBERS}.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Mail Portal Managers

The Mail Portal Managers component is a link that opens a simple send-mail window with a URL to the portal added in the message body. The To field is prepopulated with portal manager addresses, as specified in their user profiles (Figure C-21).

Figure C-21 Mail Portal Managers Component

Description of Figure C-21 follows
Description of "Figure C-21 Mail Portal Managers Component"

Such messages are sent to the inboxes of all users assigned the role Portal Manager for the current portal.

The Mail Portal Managers component shares many of the same properties with the About Portal component. Table C-22 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Mail Portal Managers component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-22 Mail Portal Managers Component Display Options

Property Description


The default is Send Mail to Managers. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.LABEL_SEND_EMAIL_TO_MODERATORS}.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Page Links

The Page Links component is an icon and a link that opens the Links dialog (Figure C-22).

Figure C-22 Page Links Component

Description of Figure C-22 follows
Description of "Figure C-22 Page Links Component"

The Links dialog enables users to add personal links to related content to the current page and to navigate to those link targets.

See Also:

Linking Information in WebCenter Portal in Using Portals in Oracle WebCenter Portal

Table C-23 lists and describes the Display Options properties associated with the Page Links component.

Table C-23 Page Links Component Display Options

Property Description

Task Flow Id

A unique identifier for the component instance

Caution: Never change this property's default value

Show Label

Display text for the component

By default, the Page Links component is labeled Links.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Portal Logo

The Portal Logo component is a small icon of the current portal's logo. When a page template containing the portal logo component is used to create new pages, the portal logo image shown in Figure C-23 is replaced by the current portal’s logo.

Figure C-23 Portal Logo Component

Description of Figure C-23 follows
Description of "Figure C-23 Portal Logo Component"

Table C-24 lists the Portal Logo component Display Options properties.

Table C-24 Portal Logo Component Display Options

Property Description


The vertical height of the logo.

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component.

The default is Home.


The component type.

The default is icon.


The horizontal width of the logo.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressionsin Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Portal Switcher

The Portal Switcher component is a menu where users can select a portal to which to navigate (Figure C-24).

Figure C-24 Portal Switcher Component

Description of Figure C-24 follows
Description of "Figure C-24 Portal Switcher Component"

The Portal Switcher component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-25 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

Table C-25 Portal Switcher Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component.

The default is Access portals and create new ones. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_s_r_Spaces.LABEL_COMMUNITIES_DESC}.


Display text for the component.

The default is Portals. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_s_r_Spaces.LABEL_COMMUNITIES}.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Print Preview

The Print Preview component is a link that opens a print preview of the current page in the browser (Figure C-25).

Figure C-25 Print Preview Component

Description of Figure C-25 follows
Description of "Figure C-25 Print Preview Component"

The Print Preview component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-26 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Print Preview component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-26 Print Preview Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component

The default is Print Preview. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.LABEL_PAGE_PRINT_PREVIEW}.


Display text for the component

The default is Print Preview. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.LABEL_PAGE_PRINT_PREVIEW}.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Privacy URL

The Privacy URL component is a link that renders the privacy statement (Figure C-26).

Figure C-26 Privacy URL Component

Description of Figure C-26 follows
Description of "Figure C-26 Privacy URL Component"

The Privacy URL component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-27 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Privacy URL component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-27 Privacy URL Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component

The default is Display privacy statement. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.PRIVACY_STMT_DESC}.


Display text for the component

The default is Privacy Statement. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.PRIVACY_STMT}.


The component type

The default is privacyURL.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.


The RSS component is a link that opens the RSS Manager (Figure C-27).

The RSS Manager enables users to subscribe to news feeds from WebCenter Portal tools and services. For more information, see Adding RSS Feeds to a Portal.

The RSS component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-28 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The RSS component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-28 RSS Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component

The default is Open RSS Manager. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.GLOBAL_LINK_RSS_DESC}.


Display text for the component

The default is RSS. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.GLOBAL_LINK_RSS}.


The component type

The default is rss.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.


The Self-Registration component is a link that opens the Self-Registration page (Figure C-28).

Figure C-28 Self-Registration Component

This image shows the portal component Self Registration. It is a link with the link text, Register for an account.


This link displays only to visitors who are not registered WebCenter Portal users, and only when the system administrator has enabled Allow public users to self-register.

The Self-Registration page is a system page that enables users to create their own application login credentials. For more information, see Registering Yourself with WebCenter Portal in Using Portals in Oracle WebCenter Portal.

The Self-Registration component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-29 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Self-Registration component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-29 Self-Registration Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component.

The default is Register with WebCenter Portal. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.GLOBAL_LINK_SELFREG_DESC}.


Display text for the component.

The default is Register for an account. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.GLOBAL_LINK_SELFREG}.


The component type.

The default is selfRegistration.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Share Resource

The Share Resource component renders as Share Link. Users click this link to open a popup version of the Publisher task flow for publishing messages, links, and documents (Figure C-29).

Figure C-29 Share Resource Component

Description of Figure C-29 follows
Description of "Figure C-29 Share Resource Component"

Messages, links, and documents are published on the user's own Message Board or a portal Message Board, depending on the selected recipient. In turn, if activities on the user's Message Board are shared with the user's connections via Activity Stream, then the published message, document, or link is shared with all of the user's connections through their Activity Streams. Messages published to a portal are shared with all members of that portal through their Activity Streams.

See Also:

For information about the Publisher task flow, see Sharing Messages, Files, and URLs in Using Portals in Oracle WebCenter Portal.

The Share Resource component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-30 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Share Resource component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-30 Share Resource Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component

The default is Share Link. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter['NAV_TOOLS_ACTIONS_FOLDER_SHARE.TITLE']}.


Display text for the component

The default is Share Link. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter['NAV_TOOLS_ACTIONS_FOLDER_SHARE.TITLE']}.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Status Indicator

The Status Indicator component is an animated icon that spins when WebCenter Portal is processing information (Figure C-30).

Figure C-30 Status Indicator Component

Description of Figure C-30 follows
Description of "Figure C-30 Status Indicator Component"

The Status Indicator component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-31 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Status Indicator component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-31 Status Indicator Component Display Options

Property Description


The component type

The default is statusIndicator.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Subscription Preferences

The Subscription Preferences component is a link that opens the Subscribe dialog to enable users to subscribe to notifications about specific types of activities that occur in the context of the portal (Figure C-31).

Figure C-31 Subscription Preferences Component

Description of Figure C-31 follows
Description of "Figure C-31 Subscription Preferences Component"

See Also:

Setting Portal-Level Subscriptions in Using Portals in Oracle WebCenter Portal

The Subscription Preferences component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-32 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The Subscription Preferences component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-32 Subscription Preferences Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component

The default is Subscribe. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.LABEL_SUBSCRIBE_TO_GET_NOTIFICATION}.


Display text for the component

The default is Subscribe. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.LABEL_SUBSCRIBE_TO_GET_NOTIFICATION}.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.


The Tags component is an icon and link that opens the Tag This Page dialog (Figure C-32).

Add tags to associate personally meaningful search terms to a page or a portal item. For more information, see Adding Tagging to a Portal.

Table C-33 lists and describes the Display Options associated with the Tags component.

See Also:

The Tags component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-33 Tags Component Display Options

Property Description

Show Label

Display text for the component

By default, no display text is associated with the Tag icon.

Task Flow Id

The component's unique identifier, for example wcdc4082953494

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expression Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.

User Preferences

The User Preferences component is a link that opens the Preferences dialog (Figure C-33).

Figure C-33 User Preferences Component

Description of Figure C-33 follows
Description of "Figure C-33 User Preferences Component"

User preferences enable users to configure their views of the application to suit their working styles. For more information, see Setting Your Personal Preferencesin Using Portals in Oracle WebCenter Portal.

The User Preferences component has many of the same properties as the About Portal component. Table C-34 lists the properties that have defaults other than those specified in Table C-2.

See Also:

The User Preferences component has Style properties you can use to change the component's look and feel. For more information, see Setting Style and Content Style Properties.

Table C-34 User Preferences Component Display Options

Property Description

Short Desc

A field for entering tooltip text to display when users hover their mouse pointers over the component.

The default is Set user preferences. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.GLOBAL_LINK_PREFERENCES_DESC}.


Display text for the component.

The default is Preferences. The default is the rendered value of the EL expression #{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.GLOBAL_LINK_PREFERENCES}.

See Also:

The Display Options dialog provides access to an Expression Language (EL) editor for entering and testing EL values.

If you need EL assistance, an application developer can provide an EL expression; see Expresssion Language Expressions in Developing for Oracle WebCenter Portal.