
The Activities page is for posting and sharing content, like updates, documents, and links; and viewing and interacting with the content others have posted in the Home portal and in other portals.

Element Description

Text box

Type an update in the text box to post to the activity stream.More

Attach: File

Click to post a file or files to the activity stream. More

Attach: Link

Click to post a link to the activity stream. More

Share with

Select who should see this post:

  • Everyone—Share this post with your connections

  • Portals—Share this post with members of a selected portal


Click to publish your message or link or to upload your file(s).

Note: When you attach a link, the Publish button is not enabled by default. You must hover over the Publish button to enable it.

Date Range

Select to show the activities occurring within the selected time period:

  • Today

  • 7 Days

  • 30 Days

  • From <yesterday> to <today>

  • Select Date Range


Click to open the Activity Stream Options dialog:

  • People: Lists users whose activities you have hidden from your stream. To show activities, click Show next to the user.

  • Portals: Lists the portals whose activities you have hidden from your stream. To show a hidden portal's activities, click the Show button next to the portal.

  • Settings: Provides user customization options for activity stream content. More

Refresh icon

Click to refresh the list of activities.

Recent Activities

Lists the recent actions of your connections and fellow portal members. Each activity includes the avatar of the person who performed the activity, the person's name, the activity performed, actions you can take on the activity (hide, comment, like, share), and when the activity was performed.

User name

The name of the person who performed the activity. Click the user name to view that person's profile.


Describes the activity performed. If the activity includes creating an object (for example, a portal, a page, or a document), you can click the object to view it.


Click the Hide menu for options for hiding activities (for example, you can hide all activities from a particular user).

To show hidden activities, click Options.

Posted Content

If the activity includes a message or a link, they appear here. For files, a link to the file is posted.


Click to comment on the activity (for example, you might want to respond to a message or give feedback on an attached file).


Click to show that you like a particular activity. Liking an activity makes it appear in your connections' activity stream, so you can use liking as a way to share portal activities.


Select how to share the activity:

  • This Activity—Share this post with your connections or with other members of selected portals

  • Send Mail—Send this post through email

Time Stamp

Indicates when the activity was posted.