Administration: Device Settings

Enterprise portal users access portals from a range of devices, from smart phones to tablets to desktop browsers. Device settings and related features allow you to control exactly how your portal pages render on different devices. As a system administrator, you may be asked to support a new type of device or to change or improve the way portal pages render on certain devices. More

The Device Settings page is arranged into the following tabs:

Device Groups

The Device Groups tab enables you to create and manage device groups.

A device group represents a collection of devices that share similar display requirements. Out-of-the-box, WebCenter Portal comes with several pre-configured device groups, such as iOS Phones, Android Phones, iOS Tablets, and so on. As a system administrator, you can create new device groups and manage existing ones. More

Element Description

Create icon Create

Click to create a device group. More

In the Create Device Group page, specify the required details in the following sections:

Device Group

  • Name: The name of the device group. This name must be unique and cannot contain spaces. One use of this name is that it can be located with an Expression Language expression.

  • Display Name: Specify the display name of the device group. This name must be unique and will appear in WebCenter Portal.

  • Description: An optional description of the device group.


Use the arrow buttons to move the available devices that you wish to add to the Selected Devices list.


Select the page template and skin that you want this device group to use.

Note: Click the Expression Editor icon icon next to a field and select Expression Builder to open the Expression Editor to set a variable value using Expression Language (EL).

After you are done, click Create.

Delete icon Delete

Click to delete the currently selected device group. You can delete only the custom device groups, and not the built-in device groups.

Note: If a device group is deleted, page variants associated with that device group will still exist (they are not deleted).

Upload Upload

Click to upload a previously downloaded device group(s) to the portal. More

Download Download

Click to download the selected device group(s) to a file. You cannot download out-of-the-box device groups. More


Use the Actions menu to perform these functions:


Copy the selected device group. This is useful when you want to:

  • Create a backup of a device group.

  • Update a device group while keeping the original in use.

  • Use a built-in device group as the starting point for creating a new device group.

When you create a copy of a device group, the copy is marked as hidden regardless of the status of the original device group.


Edit the selected device group. You can rename a device group, and specify a description that explains the purpose of the device group. However, you cannot change the device group name that is internally used to identify it.

Set As Default

Set the selected device group to be the default device group. All new pages that you create are automatically associated with the default device group. More

Move to top Move to top

Click to move the selected device group to the top in the list of device groups displayed.

A device may be associated with multiple device groups. In such cases, the ordering of the device groups in the Device Groups tab determines the precedence of device groups. More

Move up Move up

Click to move the selected device group one level up in the list of device groups displayed.

Move down Move down

Click to move the selected device group one level down in the list of device groups displayed.

Move to bottom Move to bottom

Click to move the selected device group to the end in the list of device groups displayed.


Enter a full or partial search string, then click The Search icon. to refresh the list with all the device groups for which a match is found.

To clear the current search string and display all device groups, click Clear Search.

Refresh Refresh

Click to refresh the list of device groups.

Device Group

Displays all the device groups, whether built-in or custom, available in WebCenter Portal.


All device groups, whether built-in or custom, can be marked as hidden or available. A check mark next to a device group's name indicates that the device group is available to use in portals. An empty check box indicates that the device group is not available for use in portals.


Indicates whether a device group is set as the default device group at the application level. More

Last Modified

Displays the user name of the user who last edited the device group, and the date and time at which the changes were made.


The Devices tab enables you to create and manage devices.

A device is a representation in WebCenter Portal of a physical device, like a smart phone or tablet, that users use to interact with a portal. Each time a portal page is requested, WebCenter Portal determines the type of device from which the request originated. This information enables the portal to decide what category of devices or device group the device is associated with. More

Element Description

Create icon Create

Click to create a device. More


  • Name - The name of the device. This name must be unique and cannot contain spaces. One use of this name is that it can be located with an Expression Language expression.

  • Display Name - Specify the display name of the device. This name must be unique and will appear in the WebCenter Portal user interface.

  • User Agent - Specify the user agent string. WebCenter Portal identifies a device by comparing the user agent string passed in the request header (comes from the user's device) and the string specified in this field. This parameter does not have to be a literal match with the request header. It is taken to be a regular expression, and you can enter any valid regular expression in this field.

    Note: The user agent string is a regular expression and conforms to the syntax specified by the Java platform (java.util.regex.Pattern). As such, certain special characters might need to be escaped if you want to match them. These characters include [\^$.|?*+() and, in some cases, curly brace characters {}. For example, a parenthesis must be escaped with "\", as in \(iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like Mac OS X\). For further guidance, a good reference on regular expression syntax is recommended.

  • Description - (Optional) Specify a description that helps to identify the purpose of the device.

Optional Attributes

Use the Optional Attributes section to manage attributes such as display resolution height and width. You can edit their default values as required.

Note: Attributes do not affect the way portals are rendered on a device. They exist simply to provide a way to specify information about a device that may be useful to a page designer. Portal designers can use Expression Language to access the values of device attributes.

Additional Attributes

Optionally, add additional attributes. Click Add Attribute and specify a name and value.

After you are done specifying all the device details, click Create to create the device.

Delete icon Delete

Click to delete the currently selected device.

You can delete only the custom devices, and not the built-in devices.

Upload Upload

Click to upload a previously saved device or devices from a file. More

Download Download

Click to download the selected device or devices to a file. More


Use the Actions menu to perform the following functions:


You can create copies of devices. This is useful when you want to:

  • Create a backup of a device.

  • Update a device while keeping the original in use.

  • Use a built-in device as the starting point for creating a new device.


Edit the selected device. You can change the display name of a device, and specify a description that explains the purpose of the device. However, you cannot change the device name that is internally used to identify it. In addition, you can add or edit device attributes. More


Enter a full or partial search string then click The Search icon. to refresh the list with all the devices for which a match is found in the Device column.

To clear the current search string and display all devices, click Clear Search icon.

Refresh Refresh

Click to refresh the list of devices.


Displays all the devices, whether built-in or custom, available in WebCenter Portal.

Last Modified

Displays the user name of the user who last edited the device and the date and time at which the changes were made.