Administration: Portals

Use the Portals page in WebCenter Portal Administration to manage portals. The tasks available to you are dependent on your role or permissions:

  • System administrators (or users with Portal Server-Manage Configuration permission) can manage any portal, and also import and export portals.

  • Portal managers (or members with portal-level Manage Security and Configuration or Manage Configuration permission) can manage portal settings, but cannot import and export portals.


    When you move around in WebCenter Portal, use application navigation rather than your browser's Back button. Using application navigation keeps you reliably in the application context and prevents a loss of functionality that has been observed when browser navigation is used.

Element Description

Portal Browser

Click to display the portal browser.

Left selection pane

Filter the portals you want to show on the page:

  • All Portals. Click to show all portals that are available to you, both public and private. Portals defined as hidden are not shown.

  • Managed. Click to display portals you created or for which you have been granted the manager role or permissions.

  • Joined. Click to display portals of which you are a member.

  • Public. Click to display portals accessible by anyone with the portal URL.

  • Discoverable. Click to display portals that can be found in search results.

Portal Deployments


Create Portal

Click to create a new top-level portal. More

Import icon Import

(Portal Server-Manage All or Manage Configuration permission only) Click to import one or more portals from a portal archive (.par file). In the Import Portals pane, specify the .par file you want to import. More

Export icon Export

(Portal Server-Manage All or Manage Configuration permission only) Click to export one or more selected portals. To select multiple portals, Ctrl+click all required rows.

In the Export Portals pane, set export options as required. More

Actions icon Actions menu

Select a portal and click Actions to perform any of the following actions on the portal:

About Portal

Open the About Portal to view information about the portal. More

Share Link

Share the URL link to the portal with others. More


Reactivate one or more selected closed portals. More

This action is available to system administrators (with Portals-Manage Security and Configuration permission), and to portal managers (or members with portal-level Manage Configuration permission). An alternative is to click a portal's Administer link to activate the portal on the General page in portal administration (select the Active check box).


Close one or more selected portals if they are no longer being actively used, without deleting them. When you close a portal, the content is archived. More

When a portal is closed, it is removed from everyone's Portals menu and displays in the Portal Browser only when a member selects Closed from the Show list. Portal content remains accessible and searchable to those who still want to reference it and members can continue working in the portal.

This action is available to system administrators (with Portals-Manage Security and Configuration permission), and to portal managers (or members with portal-level Manage Configuration permission). An alternative is to click a portal's Administer link to close the portal on the General page in portal administration (deselect the Active check box).

Take Offline

Take one or more selected portals temporarily offline. For example, a system administrator may take a portal offline to remove inappropriate content, and bring it back online later. More

When a portal is offline, portal members are unable to access the portal; instead they see the Unavailable page. Only the system administrator, portal manager, or portal members with Manage Configuration permission can access a portal that is offline or bring it back online.

This action is available to system administrators (with Portals-Manage Security and Configuration permission), and to portal managers (or members with portal-level Manage Configuration permission). An alternative is to click a portal's Administer link to take the portal offline on the General page in portal administration (deselect the Online check box).

Bring Online

Bring one or more selected portals back online. More

This action is available to system administrators (with Portals-Manage Security and Configuration permission), and to portal managers (or members with portal-level Manage Configuration permission). An alternative is to click a portal's Administer link to bring the portal online on the General page in portal administration (select the Online check box).


Permanently remove one or more selected portals from WebCenter Portal. A deleted portal cannot be restored after it is deleted. More

This action is available to system administrators (with Portals-Manage Security and Configuration permission), and to portal managers (or members with portal-level Manage Configuration permission). An alternative is to click the portal's Administer link to delete the portal on the General page in portal administration.

Sort By

Choose a display order for the portals on the page:

  • Created Date to order from most to least recently created.

  • Display Name to order alphabetically by external display name, as specified by its Title value in the portal administration.

  • Last Accessed to order from most to least recently viewed, whether or not it was updated.

  • Last Updated to order from most to least recently updated.

  • Member Count to order by greatest to least number of portal members.

  • Portal Name to order alphabetically by internal name of the portal, as specified by its Name value in the portal administration. The internal name is not visible on the Portals page.

Note: When All Portals is selected in the left selection pane, you can sort by only Display Name and Last Accessed.


Enter a full or partial search term in the Search field, then click Filter icon to refresh the list with all portals for which a match is found in the Display Name, Description, or Search Keywords (specified on the General page).

To clear the current search string and display all portals, click Clear Search icon.

Refresh icon Refresh

Click to refresh the list of portals. Make sure that any prior search is cleared (click Clear search), and no filter is specified in the filter panel.

Portal listing

Each row shows:

  • Portal icon and name. Click to view the portal.

  • Active/Closed status of the portal. More

  • Online/Offline status of the portal. More

  • Membership. Shows the number of portal members.

  • Edit link. Click to edit the portal. To edit portal pages, you need the portal-level Basic Services: Edit Page Access, Structure, and Content (standard permissions) or Pages: Create, Edit, and Delete Pages (advanced permissions) permission. More

  • Administer link. Click to administer the portal. More

Related Topics

"Exploring the Portals Page in WebCenter Portal Administration" in Administering Oracle WebCenter Portal