Lists Console

The Lists console enables you to create, edit, and delete lists in a portal (lists are not available in the Home Portal). The Lists console is divided into two sections:

Lists Panel

The Lists panel provides controls for creating, copying, editing, and deleting lists. The Lists panel is the access point for all lists in a given portal. Click a list in the Lists panel to see its column and row details in the List Details Panel.

Element Description

Create New List icon Create a new list

Click to open the Create List dialog. More

Copy List icon Copy list

Click to copy a selected list.

Select a list in the Lists panel, and click the Copy list icon. The list copy appears in the Lists panel.

To revise the list structure, select the list and click the Edit list icon. More

Edit List icon Edit list

Click to open the Edit List page.

Select a list in the Lists panel, and click the Edit list icon. The page refreshes with controls for editing the list structure. More

Delete icon Delete list

Click to permanently remove a list from the Lists panel.

Select one or multiple lists in the Lists panel, and click the Delete list icon to permanently remove selected lists from the panel. (In Windows, Ctrl+click to select multiple lists.) To complete the deletion, click Delete in the confirmation dialog.

RSS icon Lists RSS feed

RSS feeds must be enabled for the current portal to view the RSS Feed icon.

Click to view an RSS feed for all lists displayed in this panel (enter your WebCenter Portal login credentials).

Right-click the RSS icon to open your browser's context menu and copy the link location. Use the link location with your preferred RSS reader. Your reader must support HTTP authentication.


Refresh icon Refresh lists

Click to refresh your view of the Lists panel.

List of Lists

A list of all the lists you are authorized to view.

Click a list to display its details in the List Details Panel.

List Details Panel

The List Details panel provides controls for adding, editing, and deleting list rows and list data and exporting and importing list data. This panel displays the rows and columns of the list currently selected in the Lists Panel.

Element Description

Actions (list view mode)

Actions available to perform on the current list in list view mode:

  • Edit—Enter list edit mode.

  • Export—Export list data to an Excel spreadsheet in .xlsx (Excel 2007) format.

  • Import—Import the list data from an Excel spreadsheet.

  • Filter Rows—Open a filtering panel to limit the display of list data to a filtering term you specify.

  • List Data RSS Feed—View list RSS data or access a list RSS URL to use in an RSS reader (RSS must be enabled in the portal).

  • Links—Link from the current list to other portal objects.

  • Send Mail—Open a compose-message window prepopulated with a link to this list.

  • Refresh List—Refresh your view of list details.


Actions (list edit mode)

Actions available to perform on the current list in list edit mode (Select Actions, click Edit, and then click Actions again to view these edit mode options):

  • Save—Save your list revisions, and exit edit list mode.

  • Close—Exit edit list mode.

  • Add Row—Create a list row.

  • Delete Row—Remove one or more selected list rows.

  • Export—Export list data to an Excel spreadsheet in .xlsx (Excel 2007) format.

  • Import—Import the list data from an Excel spreadsheet.

  • Filter Rows—Open a filtering panel to limit the display of list data to a filtering term you specify.

  • List Data RSS Feed—View list RSS data or access a list RSS URL to use in an RSS reader.

  • Links—Link from the current list to other WebCenter Portal objects.

  • Send Mail—Open a compose-message window prepopulated with a link to this list.

  • Refresh List—Refresh your view of list details.



The following options are available for arranging your view of the displayed list.

Columns—An option for specifying which list columns to show:

  • Show All—Show all available list columns.

  • Column Names—The columns with check marks are displayed in the list. Toggle to select or deselect a column to display it or remove it from the list view.

  • Manage Columns—Open the Columns dialog to show or hide columns as well as rearrange the order in which columns are shown.

Freeze—An option for holding a list column in place.

Sort—An option for rearranging the display order of list data according to the currently selected column:

  • Ascending—Sort from 0 to 9 then a to z on the currently selected column.

  • Descending—Sort from z to a then 9 to 0 on the currently selected column.

  • Advanced—Specify a more detailed sorting scheme. This opens a dialog where you can select a column and a sort direction. Although the dialog provides for selecting three sort columns, only one column is supported for sorting.

Reorder Columns—A means of reordering columns using Move icons. You can also reorder columns by dragging them to the desired location. The Reorder Columns option is active for the List Viewer but not for the List Manager nor on the Lists console.

These menu options appear in list edit and view modes.



Options for controlling the display of column content:

  • Resize Columns—Opens a dialog for specifying the width of a column using a selected unit of measure. You can also put your cursor on the column headers and make them wider or narrower, as long as the list has at least one row.

  • Wrap—Turn text wrapping on or off on a selected column.

These menu options appear in list edit and view modes.


Add icon Add

Click to add a row to the currently displayed list.

This icon appears only in list edit mode.


Edit List Data icon Edit

Click to open the list edit mode.

This icon appears only in list view mode.


Save icon Save

Click to save revisions to your list data and exit the list edit mode.

This icon appears only in list edit mode.

Close icon Close

Click to exit list edit mode without saving.

After you click Close, a dialog provides an opportunity to save before closing. This icon appears only in list edit mode.

Delete Row icon Delete

Click to delete one or multiple selected list rows.

This icon appears only in list edit mode.

Freeze icon Freeze

Click to hold a selected list column in place.

When users scroll the list horizontally, the frozen column and all columns to the left of it remain in their current position.

This icon appears in list edit and view mode.


Wrap icon Wrap

Click to turn text wrapping on or off on a selected column.

This icon appears only in list view mode.


List Data RSS Feed icon List data RSS feed

RSS feeds must be enabled for the current portal to view the RSS Feed icon.

A linked image to an RSS feed of the list.

Click this icon, and use your WebCenter Portal login to view the RSS feed for the list shown in the List Details panel.

Right-click the icon to open your browser's context menu and copy the link location. Use the link location with your preferred RSS reader. Your reader must support HTTP authentication.

This icon appears in list edit and view modes.


Links icon Find or create Links: List Name

Click to open the Links dialog to link from the current list to other WebCenter Portal objects.

You can also link from an individual list row to other WebCenter Portal objects.

This icon appears in list edit and view modes.


Refresh icon Refresh List

Click to refresh your view of the List Details panel.

This icon appears in list edit and view modes.