Page Information

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Use the Page Information tabs to manage portal pages and other items in the portal navigation, including viewing and modifying page information, adding and deleting parameters, viewing page source code, establishing page security, and specifying additional navigation options. More

Element Description


(Pages only) Click to open the selected page in the Page Editor. More


Click to delete the selected item. More

Save As Page Style

(Pages only) Click to save the selected page as a page style, either creating a new page style or replacing an existing page style. More

Summary tab

(Pages only) See Summary.

Parameters tab

See Parameters.

Source tab

(Pages only) See Source.

Security tab

(Pages only) See Security.

Advanced tab

(Pages only) See Advanced.

Target tab

(Non-page items only) See Target.

Options tab

(Non-page items only) See Options.


The Summary tab enables you to rename, modify the description, identify the pretty URL, view creation and modification information, and hide or show the selected page in the portal navigation. This tab applies only to pages, not to other navigation items such as Links.

Element Description


If desired, enter a new name for the selected page. This changes the display name for the page and the page navigation item. It does not change the page URL; any pretty URLs using the old name remain valid. More


If desired, enter or modify the description of the selected page. The new description is applied to both the navigation item and the page itself. More

Direct URL

Specifies the pretty URL to the selected page.


Specifies the date and time the selected page was created.

Created By

Specifies the user who created the page.

Last Modified

Specifies the date and time the selected page was last modified.

Last Modified By

Specifies the user who last modified the page.


Select to display, or deselect to hide the selected page in the navigation for the portal. More

Click the Expression Editor icon icon and select Expression Builder to enter an EL expression that determines whether or not the item displays in the navigation. If the expression evaluates to false, the item is not visible in the navigation. Otherwise, the item is visible in the navigation.

Page Fallback

This setting applies to the current page only, and is honored based on the following rules:

  • If the request is from a device in the default device group for the portal, then the default (base) page will be displayed no matter what is set for Page Fallback. More

    Note: This means that even if there is a page variant for the device group, the default (base) page will be displayed.

  • If the request is from a device that is not in the default device group for the portal, then:

    If there is a page variant for that device group, the page variant is displayed on the device.

    If no page variant exists for the device group, then the Page Fallback setting is used by the device:

    • Use portal setting to use the portal-level default setting specified on the Settings page in the portal administration. More

    • Display default page to display the original base page on the device.

    • Display no page to display the Page Not Available page on the device.


The Parameters tab enables you to provide values for any parameters supported by the selected page or resource for passing between components that have been configured to consume them. More

Element Description

Page Parameters

(For pages only) Pages may include parameters. For example, pages based on the out-of-the-box Blog page style include the following parameters with default values:

  • centerWidth, leftWidth, and rightWidth to adjust the fixed width of page columns.

  • showFooter and showHeader to display (true) or hide (false) a page footer and header. Both of these content areas are immune to user customizations, preventing them from being dragged to a new position or otherwise altered in page view mode.

Modify the values of existing page parameters, or click Delete icon to delete the associated parameter.

Click the Expression Editor icon icon next to a field and select Expression Builder to open the Expression Editor to set the value using Expression Language (EL).

New Parameter Name

Specify the name of a parameter to use for the selected resource.

The parameter name must start with an alphabet or underscore (_) character only and can contain only alphanumeric and underscore characters. More

New Parameter Value

Optionally, specify a value for the new custom parameter.

Click the Expression Editor icon icon next to a field and select Expression Builder to open the Expression Editor to enter an EL expression that specifies a variable value instead of a constant value.


Click to add the new parameter name/value pair to the page.

If you did not specify a parameter value, you can specify the value once the field is displayed on the tab, along with other fields.


The Source tab enables you to view, search, and edit the source code for the selected page. This tab applies only to pages, not to other navigation items such as Links. If there is draft for the current page, the source is for the draft. If there is no page draft, then the source is for the published page. More

Element Description

Page tab

Click to view, search, and edit the underlying .jspx file that defines the page layout and style.

PageDef tab

Click to view, search, and edit the .xml file that defines the parameter definitions and task flow and data control bindings for the page.


The Security tab enables you to establish the permissions for other users, groups, and roles to work with the selected page. This tab applies only to pages, not to other navigation items such as Links. More

Element Description

Access Method

Click to select an access method for the selected page:

  • Override Security. Select to customize access on the current page. When selected, the settings below are active.

  • Inherit Parent Security. Select to specify that the page should inherit access settings from the permissions established for the portal, or for the parent page (if a subpage). When selected, the settings below are not available.

Add Users icon Add Users

Add Groups icon Add Groups

Add Roles icon Add Roles

Click to open a search dialog to select users, groups, or roles to add to the Role or User list. More

Add Authenticated Role icon Add Authenticated Role

Click to add the role authenticated-role to the Role or User list, with default View access to the page. This role is given to all users who are logged in to WebCenter Portal.

Add Anonymous Role icon Add Anonymous Role

Click to add the role anonymous-role to the Role or User list, with default View access to the page. This role is given to all public users (that is, users who are not logged in to WebCenter Portal).

Delete icon Delete Access

Click to remove access to the page for a selected user, group, or role.

Role or User

Lists all the users, groups, and roles that can be given permissions to access the page.


For each user, groups, and role listed under Role or User, select or deselect access permissions, as described here.


The Advanced tab enables you to identify and specify additional options for the page in the portal navigation. This tab applies only to pages, not to other navigation items such as Links.

Element Description

Target pane

Links to WCPAA/portadv_pgmng/Table Page Navigation Item Settings: Target Pane <Ingrid>

See "Page Navigation Item Settings: Target Pane"

Options pane

Links to WCPAA/portadv_pgmng/Table Page Navigation Item Settings: Options Pane <Ingrid>

See "Page Navigation Item Settings: Options Pane"


The Target tab enables you to identify and specify additional options for the selected navigation item. For pages, the contents of this tab are included on the Advanced tab.

Element Description

Target tab

The properties on this tab are described in the online help topic for the Target tab of the Create Navigation Item.


The Options tab enables you to identify and specify additional options for the selected navigation item. For pages, the contents of this tab are included on the Advanced tab.

Element Description

Options tab

The properties on this tab are described in the online help topic for the Options tab of the Create Navigation Item.