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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Replication Guide for ZFS Snapshots

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Updated: October 2018

Oracle Solaris ZFS Snapshot Replication Resource Runtime Status and Status Messages

The following table lists the Status and Status Message values that are returned by the clresource status command when the State of the Oracle Solaris ZFS snapshot replication status resource is not Offline.

Table 4  Status and Status Messages of an Online Oracle Solaris ZFS snapshot Replication Status Resource Group
Status Message
The specified replication hostname is unreachable
Host hostname is unreachable
The snapshot replication daemon of the resource is not running
The snapshot replication daemon is not running
The SSH agent for the resource is not running
SSH agent is not running
The ZFS dataset configured for replication on local cluster is not found
Local ZFS dataset local_dataset is not found
The ZFS command to list all ZFS datasets on the specified host failed
Failed to get the list of all ZFS datasets on the host host
The ZFS command to list all snapshots of a ZFS dataset on a specified host failed
Failed to get the list of ZFS snapshots for the ZFS dataset dataset on the host host
The ZFS command to get the GUID property of a ZFS snapshot failed
Failed to get the GUID of the ZFS snapshot snapshot_name on the host host
The ZFS command to create a recursive/non- recursive snapshot failed
Failed to create recursive/non-recursive ZFS snapshot snapshot_ name on the host local_host
The ZFS command to roll back a ZFS dataset to an earlier snapshot failed
Failed to roll back the ZFS dataset dataset on the host host to the ZFS snapshot snapshot_name
The ZFS command to destroy a ZFS snapshot failed
Failed to destroy the ZFS snapshot snapshot_name of the ZFS dataset dataset on the host host
ZFS send/receive command pipeline failed to replicate a snapshot
Failed to replicate the ZFS snapshot snapshot_name from the source dataset source_dataset on the host local_host to the target dataset target_dataset on the host remote_host
Replication agent daemon is attempting one round of replication
Attempting replication
The ZFS command to get the dataset hierarchy of the specified dataset failed
Failed to get the dataset hierarchy for the local dataset local_dataset
Replication stream package cannot be used to perform replication, as a recursive send is not possible when datasets in a hierarchy are not at the same replicated snapshot level
Cannot replicate the dataset hierarchy using a single ZFS replication stream package, because the latest replicated snapshots on the datasets in the hierarchy have different names. Use the RECURSIVE parameter instead of the REPLICATION_STREAM_PACKAGE parameter.
The specified snapshot was replicated successfully according to the replication parameters
Synchronized to snapshot snapshot_name
The resource could not get the SSH passphrase to use
Failed to get the SSH passphrase for replication user replication_user from the Oracle Solaris Cluster private string "OSC_private_string"
The resource failed to get the zpools property value of the specified SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource
Failed to query Zpools property of the HAStoragePlus resource HAStoragePlus_resource_name in the zone remote_zone of the remote host remote_host
The infrastructure SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource on the remote partner does not manage the remote zpool
The remote HAStoragePlus resource HAStoragePlus_resource_name in the zone remote_zone of the remote host remote_host does not manage the zpool zpool_name
The infrastructure SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource, that must have been created automatically by the replication setup software, does not exist on the local cluster
The infrastructure HAStoragePlus resource SUNW.HAStoragePlus_resource_name does not exist on the local cluster
The infrastructure SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource, that manages the zpool on the local cluster, is not online
The infrastructure HAStoragePlus resource SUNW.HAStoragePlus_resource_name is not online on the local cluster
The associated snapshot replication agent resource of type ORCL.ZFSSnapRepAgent, that should be created automatically by the replication setup software, does not exist on the local cluster.
The snapshot replication agent resource resource_name does not exist on the local cluster
The associated snapshot replication agent resource of type ORCL.ZFSSnapRepAgent is not online on the local cluster.
The snapshot replication agent resource resource_name is not online on the local cluster
The status resource could not get the replication status from the snapshot replication agent on the remote primary
Failed to obtain replication status from the snapshot replication agent resource resource_name in the zone remote_zone on the remote host remote_host
The SSH information stored by this resource is missing, so the resource cannot connect to remote host for its status query
Cannot find the SSH environment file file

Examine the resource log file, console and syslog messages, and the trace log for more information about the failures. The ZFS commands executed by the replication module can be seen in the resource log and the trace log. For more information about such failure messages from ZFS commands, see Chapter 8, Working With Oracle Solaris ZFS Snapshots and Clones in Managing ZFS File Systems in Oracle Solaris 11.4 and the zfs(8) man page.

Typically, the ZFS command failures might occur due to the absence of the required ZFS dataset permissions for the replication user. For information about the required ZFS permissions, see Prerequisites for Configuring Remote Replication Using Oracle Solaris ZFS Snapshot.

For more information about the clresource command, see the clresource(8CL) man page.