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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Replication Guide for ZFS Snapshots

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Updated: October 2018

Use Case: Configuring Oracle Solaris ZFS Snapshot Replication for ZFS-based Cluster Filesystems in Zone Clusters

The focus of this procedure is the illustration of steps required for ZFS-based cluster filesystems in zone clusters replicated with ZFS snapshot replication. As such, it does not show setting up replication users, nor SSH and other steps, such as preparing a zone cluster for the disaster recovery framework. Such procedures are found else where in this guide and other disaster recovery framework guides. For information about the step for creating the replication user and SSH setup, see Use Case: Setting Up Replication User and SSH

The example uses the following names:

  • Global cluster paris with nodes phys-paris-1 and phys-paris-2

  • Zone cluster paris-zc paris on with nodes paris-zc-1 and paris-zc-2

  • Global cluster newyork with nodes phys-newyork-1 and phys-newyork-2

  • Zone cluster newyork-zc on newyork with nodes newyork-zc-1 and newyork-zc-2

  • On paris cluster the zpool is named dataz4 with dataz4/fs1 being replicated

  • On newyork cluster the zpool is named dataz5 with dataz5/fs1 being replicated

  • paris-rep-lh is replication logical host on paris cluster

  • newyork-rep-lh is replication logical host on newyork cluster

This example contains the procedure required for this configuration. It shows scalable Apache for illustration purposes only.

  1. From one node of paris global cluster create zpool, filesystem and configure it in HAStoragePlus resource setting globalzpools property.

    root@phys-paris-1:~# zpool create dataz4 c0t600144F08010407600005BAEA4BC0004d0
    root@phys-paris-1:~# zfs create dataz4/fs1
    root@phys-paris-1:~# clrg create -S -p auto_start_on_new_cluster=false gzfsgc-rg
    root@phys-paris-1:~# cldg list dataz4
    cldg:  (C531091) Device group "dataz4" does not exist. 
    root@phys-paris-1:~# zpool export dataz4
    root@phys-paris-1:~# clrs create -g gzfsgc-rg -t HAStoragePlus -p \
    globalzpools=dataz4 hasp4dataz4
    root@phys-paris-1:~# cldg status dataz4
    === Cluster Device Groups ===
    --- Device Group Status ---
    Device Group Name     Primary     Secondary     Status
    -----------------     -------     ---------     ------
    dataz4                -           -             Offline
    root@phys-paris-1:~# cldg show dataz4
    === Device Groups ===                          
    Device Group Name:                              dataz4
      Type:                                            ZPOOL
      failback:                                        false
      Node List:                                       phys-paris-2, phys-paris-1
      preferenced:                                     false
      autogen:                                         true
      numsecondaries:                                  1
      ZFS pool name:                                   dataz4
      poolaccess:                                      global
      readonly:                                        false
      import-at-boot:                                  false
      searchpaths:                                     /dev/dsk
    root@phys-paris-1:~# clrg online -M gzfsgc-rg
    root@phys-paris-1:~# cldg status dataz4
    === Cluster Device Groups ===
    --- Device Group Status ---
    Device Group Name     Primary      Secondary    Status
    -----------------     -------      ---------    ------
    dataz4                phys-paris-2    phys-paris-1    Online
    root@phys-paris-1:~# df -h | grep dataz4
    dataz4                  14G    46K        14G     1%    /dataz4
    dataz4/fs1              14G    40K        14G     1%    /dataz4/fs1
    root@phys-paris-1:~# zpool list dataz4 
    cannot open 'dataz4': no such pool

    The zpool is imported on one node of the global cluster but the filesystem is mounted on both global cluster nodes.

    root@phys-paris-2:~# df -h | grep dataz4
    dataz4                  20G    46K        14G     1%    /dataz4
    dataz4/fs1              20G    40K        14G     1%    /dataz4/fs1
    root@phys-paris-2:~# zpool list dataz4
    dataz4  19.9G   158K  19.9G   0%  1.00x  ONLINE  /
  2. Configure the ZFS cluster file system in the zone cluster and create resource group and HAStoragePlus resource for it setting rg_affinities and resource_dependencies_offline_restart properties.

    root@phys-paris-1:~# clzc configure paris-zc
    clzc:paris-zc> add fs
    clzc:paris-zc:fs> set dir=/global/apache
    clzc:paris-zc:fs> set special=/dataz4/fs1
    clzc:paris-zc:fs> set type=lofs
    clzc:paris-zc:fs> end 
    clzc:paris-zc> exit
    root@phys-paris-1:~# clrg create -Z paris-zc -S -p rg_affinities=++global:gzfsgc-rg \
     -p auto_start_on_new_cluster=false apache-rg
    root@phys-paris-1:~# clrs create -Z paris-zc -t HAStoragePlus -p \
    filesystemmountpoints=/global/apache -p \
    resource_dependencies_offline_restart=global:hasp4dataz4 -g apache-rg hasp4apache 
    root@phys-paris-1:~# clrg online -M -Z paris-zc apache-rg
    root@phys-paris-1:~# zlogin paris-zc
    [Connected to zone 'paris-zc' pts/3]
    Oracle Corporation      SunOS 5.11      11.4    September 2018
    You have new mail.
    root@paris-zc-1:~# df -h | grep apache
    /global/apache          20G    40K        20G     1%    /global/apache

    The filesystem is mounted on both zone cluster nodes.

    root@phys-paris-2:~# zlogin paris-zc
    [Connected to zone 'paris-zc' pts/4]
    Oracle Corporation      SunOS 5.11      11.4    September 2018
    You have new mail.
    root@paris-zc-2:~# df -h | grep apache
    /global/apache          20G    40K        20G     1%    /global/apache
  3. From one node of newyork global cluster create zpool, filesystem and configure it in HAStoragePlus resource setting globalzpools property.

    root@phys-newyork-1:~# zpool create dataz5 c0t600144F0CD152C9E00005BAE9BB90009d0
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# zfs create dataz5/fs1
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# clrg create -S -p auto_start_on_new_cluster=false gzfsgc-rg
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# cldg list dataz5
    cldg:  (C531091) Device group "dataz5" does not exist. 
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# zpool export dataz5
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# clrs create -g gzfsgc-rg -t HAStoragePlus -p \
    globalzpools=dataz5 hasp4dataz5
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# cldg status dataz5
    === Cluster Device Groups ===
    --- Device Group Status ---
    Device Group Name     Primary     Secondary     Status
    -----------------     -------     ---------     ------
    dataz5                -           -             Offline
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# cldg show dataz5
    === Device Groups ===                          
    Device Group Name:                              dataz5
      Type:                                            ZPOOL
      failback:                                        false
      Node List:                                       phys-newyork-2, phys-newyork-1
      preferenced:                                     false
      autogen:                                         true
      numsecondaries:                                  1
      ZFS pool name:                                   dataz5
      poolaccess:                                      global
      readonly:                                        false
      import-at-boot:                                  false
      searchpaths:                                     /dev/dsk
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# clrg online -M gzfsgc-rg
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# cldg status dataz5
    === Cluster Device Groups ===
    --- Device Group Status ---
    Device Group Name     Primary      Secondary    Status
    -----------------     -------      ---------    ------
    dataz5                phys-newyork-2    phys-newyork-1    Online
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# df -h | grep dataz5
    dataz5                  20G    42K        20G     1%    /dataz5
    dataz5/fs1              20G    40K        20G     1%    /dataz5/fs1
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# zpool list dataz5
    cannot open 'dataz5': no such pool
    The zpool is imported on one node of the global cluster but the filesystem is mounted on both global cluster nodes.
    root@phys-newyork-2:~# df -h | grep dataz5
    dataz5                  20G    42K        20G     1%    /dataz5
    dataz5/fs1              20G    40K        20G     1%    /dataz5/fs1
    root@phys-newyork-2:~# zpool list dataz5
    dataz5  19.9G   158K  19.9G   0%  1.00x  ONLINE  /
  4. Configure the ZFS cluster file system in the zone cluster and create resource group and HAStoragePlus resource for it setting rg_affinities and resource_dependencies_offline_restart properties.

    root@phys-newyork-1:~# clzc configure newyork-zc
    clzc:newyork-zc> add fs
    clzc:newyork-zc:fs> set dir=/global/apache
    clzc:newyork-zc:fs> set special=/dataz5/fs1
    clzc:newyork-zc:fs> set type=lofs
    clzc:newyork-zc:fs> end
    clzc:newyork-zc> exit
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# clrg create -Z newyork-zc -S -p \
    rg_affinities=++global:gzfsgc-rg -p auto_start_on_new_cluster=false apache-rg
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# clrs create -Z newyork-zc -t HAStoragePlus:12 -p \
     filesystemmountpoints=/global/apache -p \
    resource_dependencies_offline_restart=global:hasp4dataz5 -g apache-rg \
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# clrg online -M -Z newyork-zc apache-rg
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# zlogin newyork-zc
    [Connected to zone 'newyork-zc' pts/2]
    Oracle Corporation      SunOS 5.11      st_015.server   February 2018
    You have new mail.
    root@newyork-zc-1:~# df -h | grep apache
    /global/apache      20G    40K        20G     1%    /global/apache

    The filesystem is mounted on both zone cluster nodes.

    root@phys-newyork-2:~# zlogin newyork-zc
    [Connected to zone 'newyork-zc' pts/4]
    Oracle Corporation      SunOS 5.11      st_015.server   February 2018
    You have new mail.
    root@newyork-zc-2:~# df -h | grep apache
    /global/apache          20G    40K        20G     1%    /global/apache
  5. Configure apache in paris-zc.

    root@phys-paris-1:~# zlogin paris-zc
    [Connected to zone 'paris-zc' pts/3]
    Oracle Corporation      SunOS 5.11      11.4    September 2018
    You have new mail.
    root@paris-zc-1:~# clrg create -p auto_start_on_new_cluster=false apachesip-rg
    root@paris-zc-1:~# clrssa create -g apachesip-rg apache-lh
    root@paris-zc-1:~# clrg set -p rg_dependencies=apachesip-rg apache-rg
    root@paris-zc-1:~# cd /global/apache
    root@paris-zc-1:/global/apache# df -k .
    Filesystem           1024-blocks        Used   Available Capacity  Mounted on
    /global/apache          15105524          42    15105482     1%    /global/apache
    root@paris-zc-1:/global/apache# mkdir conf bin docs
    root@paris-zc-1:/global/apache# cd /global/apache/conf
    root@paris-zc-1:/global/apache/conf# cp /etc/apache2/2.4/httpd.conf .
    <update httpd.conf>
    root@paris-zc-1:/global/apache/conf# cd /global/apache/bin
    root@paris-zc-1:/global/apache/bin# cp /usr/apache2/2.4/bin/apachectl .
    <update apachectl>
    root@paris-zc-1:/global/apache/bin# cd
    root@paris-zc-1:~# clrg online -M apachesip-rg
    root@paris-zc-1:~# clrt register apache
    root@paris-zc-1:~# clrs create -g apache-rg -t apache -p bin_dir=/global/apache/bin \
    -p resource_dependencies_offline_restart=hasp4apache -p \
    resource_dependencies=apache-lh -p scalable=true apache 
    Oct  3 11:40:55 phys-paris-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Load balancer setting distribution on paris-zc:apache:
    Oct  3 11:40:55 phys-paris-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Node paris-zc-1: weight 1
    Oct  3 11:40:55 phys-paris-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Node paris-zc-2: weight 1
    Oct  3 11:40:55 phys-paris-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Load balancer setting distribution on paris-zc:apache:
    Oct  3 11:40:55 phys-paris-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Node paris-zc-1: weight 1
    Oct  3 11:40:55 phys-paris-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Node paris-zc-2: weight 1
    Oct  3 11:40:55 phys-paris-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Scalable service instance [TCP,,80] registered on node paris-zc-1.
    Oct  3 11:41:01 phys-paris-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Scalable service instance [TCP,,80] registered on node paris-zc-2.
    root@paris-zc-1:~# clrs status apache
    === Cluster Resources ===
    Resource Name       Node Name       State       Status Message
    -------------       ---------       -----       --------------
    apache              paris-zc-2       Online      Online - Completed successfully.
                        paris-zc-1       Online      Online - Completed successfully.
  6. Set required permissions on the source and target filesystems.

    • On phys-paris-2, where dataz4 zpool is imported:

      root@phys-paris-2:~# zfs allow zfsuser1 create,destroy,\
      hold,mount,receive,release,rollback,send,snapshot dataz4/fs1
    • On phys-newyork-2, where dataz5 zpool is imported:

      root@phys-newyork-2:~# zfs allow zfsuser2 create,destroy,\
      hold,mount,receive,release,rollback,send,snapshot dataz5/fs1
  7. Update script-based plugins configuration file with the replication component for the ZFS snapshot protection group.

    • On all nodes of paris:

      root@phys-paris-1:~# echo "gzfs-fs1|any|phys-paris-1,phys-paris-2" \
      >> /var/tmp/ody/sbp_conf
    • On all nodes of newyork:

      root@phys-newyork-1:~# echo "gzfs-fs1|any|phys-newyork-1,phys-newyork-2" \
      >> /var/tmp/ody/sbp_conf
  8. From one node of paris create the ZFS snapshot protection group.

    root@phys-paris-1:~# cat /var/tmp/ody/gzfsgcpg
    DESC="GZFS with zfs snapshot replication"
    root@phys-paris-1:~# clrs disable -g gzfsgc-rg +
    Oct  3 11:55:18 phys-paris-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Scalable service instance [TCP,,80] deregistered on node paris-zc-2.
    root@phys-paris-1:~# Oct  3 11:55:20 phys-paris-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Scalable service instance [TCP,,80] deregistered on node paris-zc-1.
    root@phys-paris-1:~# clrg offline gzfsgc-rg
    root@phys-paris-1:~# clrg unmanage gzfsgc-rg
    root@phys-paris-1:~# clrg status -Z paris-zc apache-rg
    === Cluster Resource Groups ===
    Group Name            Node Name    Suspended    Status
    ----------            ---------    ---------    ------
    paris-zc:apache-rg     paris-zc-2    No           Offline
                          paris-zc-1    No           Offline
    root@phys-paris-1:~# geops status paris_newyork
       Partnership "paris_newyork"      : OK
            Partner clusters        : newyork
            Synchronization         : OK
            ICRM Connection         : OK
            Heartbeat "hb_paris~newyork" monitoring "newyork": OK
                 Plug-in "ping_plugin"      : Inactive
                 Plug-in "tcp_udp_plugin"   : OK
    root@phys-paris-1:~# /opt/ORCLscgrepzfssnap/util/zfs_snap_geo_register \
    -f /var/tmp/ody/gzfsgcpg
    sourcing /var/tmp/ody/gzfsgcpg
    Creating protection group "gzfsgcpg"
    This operation might take a while...
    Protection group "gzfsgcpg" successfully created.
    Adding the replication component "gzfs-fs1" to the protection group "gzfsgcpg" 
    This operation might take a while...
    Password for property local_service_password : 
    Password for property remote_service_password : 
    Script-based plug-in configuration "gzfs-fs1" successfully added to the protection group "gzfsgcpg".
    Wait for 60 seconds to allow potential locks to be released
    Adding the application resource group(s) "gzfsgc-rg" to "gzfsgcpg"
    Following resource groups successfully added: 
     Run "geopg get --partnership paris_newyork gzfsgcpg" on the partner cluster if this has not been done.
  9. Get the protection group from one node of newyork global cluster.

    root@phys-newyork-1:~# clrs disable -g gzfsgc-rg +
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# clrg offline gzfsgc-rg
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# clrg unmanage gzfsgc-rg
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# clrg status -Z newyork-zc apache-rg
    === Cluster Resource Groups ===
    Group Name            Node Name    Suspended    Status
    ----------            ---------    ---------    ------
    newyork-zc:apache-rg  newyork-zc-2    No           Offline
                          newyork-zc-1    No           Offline
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# geopg get --partnership paris_newyork gzfsgcpg
    Protection group "gzfsgcpg" successfully created.
  10. From one node of paris-zc create protection group of type NONE and add application resource groups to it.

    root@phys-paris-1:~# zlogin paris-zc
    [Connected to zone 'paris-zc' pts/3]
    Oracle Corporation      SunOS 5.11      11.4    September 2018
    You have new mail.
    root@paris-zc-1:~# geops status paris-zc_newyork-zc
       Partnership "paris-zc_newyork-zc"       : OK
            Partner clusters        : newyork-zc
            Synchronization         : OK
            ICRM Connection         : OK
            Heartbeat "hb_paris-zc~newyork-zc" monitoring "newyork-zc": OK
                 Plug-in "ping_plugin"      : Inactive
                 Plug-in "tcp_udp_plugin"   : OK
    root@paris-zc-1:~# geopg create -s paris-zc_newyork-zc -o primary -d \
    none -p External_Dependency_Allowed=true gzfszcpg
    Protection group "gzfszcpg" successfully created.
    root@paris-zc-1:~# clrg status apachesip-rg apache-rg
    === Cluster Resource Groups ===
    Group Name        Node Name      Suspended      Status
    ----------        ---------      ---------      ------
    apachesip-rg      paris-zc-2      No             Online
                      paris-zc-1      No             Offline
    apache-rg         paris-zc-2      No             Offline
                      paris-zc-1      No             Offline
    root@paris-zc-1:~# clrs disable -g apachesip-rg,apache-rg +
    root@paris-zc-1:~# clrg unmanage apachesip-rg apache-rg
    clrg:  (C605916) Cannot make resource group apachesip-rg UNMANAGED because it is in a non-OFFLINE state on one or more nodes in the cluster
    root@paris-zc-1:~# Oct  3 12:17:10 phys-paris-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: load balancer for group 'paris-zc:apache' released
    root@paris-zc-1:~# clrg offline apachesip-rg apache-rg
    clrg:  (C328207) Skipping resource group apache-rg because it is unmanaged
    root@paris-zc-1:~# Oct  3 12:17:30 phys-paris-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: load balancer deleted
    root@paris-zc-1:~# clrg unmanage apachesip-rg apache-rg
    root@paris-zc-1:~# geopg add-resource-group apachesip-rg,apache-rg gzfszcpg
    Following resource groups successfully added: 
  11. From one node of newyork-zc, get the protection group from paris-zc.

    root@phys-newyork-1:~# zlogin newyork-zc
    [Connected to zone 'newyork-zc' pts/2]
    Oracle Corporation      SunOS 5.11      st_015.server   February 2018
    You have new mail.
    root@newyork-zc-1:~# clrg create -p auto_start_on_new_cluster=false apachesip-rg
    root@newyork-zc-1:~# clrs disable -g apachesip-rg,apache-rg +
    root@newyork-zc-1:~# clrg offline apachesip-rg apache-rg
    clrg:  (C328207) Skipping resource group apachesip-rg because it is unmanaged
    root@newyork-zc-1:~# clrg unmanage apachesip-rg apache-rg
    root@newyork-zc-1:~# geopg get -s paris-zc_newyork-zc gzfszcpg
    Protection group "gzfszcpg" successfully created.
  12. On the paris site, create site, join site, create multigroup, and add protection groups to the multigroup setting dependency from the zone cluster protection group to the global cluster protection group.

    root@phys-paris-1:~# geosite create -m paris-zc paris-site
    Processing operation...might take several minutes to complete.
    Site "paris-site" successfully created.
    root@phys-paris-1:~# geomg create -s paris-site parismg
    Processing operation...might take several minutes to complete.
    Multigroup "parismg" successfully created.
    root@phys-paris-1:~# zlogin paris-zc
    [Connected to zone 'paris-zc' pts/3]
    Oracle Corporation      SunOS 5.11      11.4    September 2018
    You have new mail.
    root@paris-zc-1:~# geosite join paris paris-site
    Processing operation...might take several minutes to complete.
    Local cluster "paris-zc" successfully joined site "paris-site" on cluster "paris".
    root@paris-zc-1:~# exit
    [Connection to zone 'paris-zc' pts/3 closed]
    root@phys-paris-1:~# geomg add-protection-group \
    paris-zc:gzfszcpg/paris:gzfsgcpg parismg
    The following protection group list was successfully added to multigroup "parismg": 
    root@phys-paris-1:~# geomg status -v parismg
    Multigroup: parismg
      Description                   : 
      Site name                     : paris-site
      Creation signature            : paris Oct 3, 2018 12:28:11 PM PDT
      Last update                   : Oct 3, 2018 12:30:19 PM PDT
      Configuration status          : OK
      Synchronization status with   :
                    paris-zc         : OK
      Timeout                       : 7320 seconds
      Protection group list         : paris-zc:gzfszcpg/paris:gzfsgcpg
      Status of protection group "paris:gzfsgcpg"        :
            Global status           : Unknown
            Partnership             : paris_newyork
            Synchronization         : OK
            Cluster paris                : Unknown
                 Role               : Primary
                 Activation state   : Deactivated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : Unknown
                 Resource groups    : OK
            Cluster newyork                : Unknown
                 Role               : Secondary
                 Activation state   : Deactivated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : Unknown
                 Resource groups    : OK
      Status of protection group "paris-zc:gzfszcpg" :
            Global status           : OK
            Partnership             : paris-zc_newyork-zc
            Synchronization         : OK
            Cluster paris-zc         : OK
                 Role               : Primary
                 Activation state   : Deactivated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : None
                 Resource groups    : OK
            Cluster newyork-zc                : OK
                 Role               : Secondary
                 Activation state   : Deactivated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : None
                 Resource groups    : OK
  13. On newyork site, create site, join site, create multigroup, and add protection groups to the multigroup setting dependency from the zone cluster protection group to the global cluster protection group.

    root@phys-newyork-1:~# geosite create -m newyork-zc newyork-site
    Processing operation...might take several minutes to complete.
    Site "newyork-site" successfully created.
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# geomg create -s newyork-site newyorkmg
    Processing operation...might take several minutes to complete.
    Multigroup "newyorkmg" successfully created.
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# zlogin newyork-zc
    [Connected to zone 'newyork-zc' pts/2]
    Oracle Corporation      SunOS 5.11      st_015.server   February 2018
    You have new mail.
    root@newyork-zc-1:~# geosite join newyork newyork-site
    Processing operation...might take several minutes to complete.
    Local cluster "newyork-zc" successfully joined site "newyork-site" on cluster "newyork".
    root@newyork-zc-1:~# exit
    [Connection to zone 'newyork-zc' pts/2 closed]
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# geomg add-protection-group \
    newyork-zc:gzfszcpg/newyork:gzfsgcpg newyorkmg
    The following protection group list was successfully added to multigroup "newyorkmg": 
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# geomg status -v newyorkmg
    Multigroup: newyorkmg
      Description                   : 
      Site name                     : newyork-site
      Creation signature            : newyork Oct 3, 2018 12:34:08 PM PDT
      Last update                   : Oct 3, 2018 12:36:09 PM PDT
      Configuration status          : OK
      Synchronization status with   :
                    newyork-zc                : OK
      Timeout                       : 7320 seconds
      Protection group list         : newyork-zc:gzfszcpg/newyork:gzfsgcpg
      Status of protection group "newyork-zc:gzfszcpg"        :
            Global status           : OK
            Partnership             : paris-zc_newyork-zc
            Synchronization         : OK
            Cluster newyork-zc                : OK
                 Role               : Secondary
                 Activation state   : Deactivated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : None
                 Resource groups    : OK
            Cluster paris-zc         : OK
                 Role               : Primary
                 Activation state   : Deactivated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : None
                 Resource groups    : OK
      Status of protection group "newyork:gzfsgcpg"        :
            Global status           : Unknown
            Partnership             : paris_newyork
            Synchronization         : OK
            Cluster newyork                : Unknown
                 Role               : Secondary
                 Activation state   : Deactivated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : Unknown
                 Resource groups    : OK
            Cluster paris                : Unknown
                 Role               : Primary
                 Activation state   : Deactivated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : Unknown
                 Resource groups    : OK
  14. Start the protection group using the geomg command.

    root@phys-paris-1:~# geomg start -e global parismg
    Processing operation... The timeout period for this multigroup operation is 7320 seconds...
    Beginning "Start" operation on protection group "paris:gzfsgcpg"
    Oct  3 12:41:05 phys-paris-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Load balancer setting distribution on paris-zc:apache:
    Oct  3 12:41:05 phys-paris-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Node paris-zc-1: weight 1
    Oct  3 12:41:05 phys-paris-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Node paris-zc-2: weight 1
    Oct  3 12:41:05 phys-paris-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Scalable service instance [TCP,,80] registered on node paris-zc-1.
    "Start" operation on protection group "paris:gzfsgcpg" completed successfully
    Beginning "Start" operation on protection group "paris-zc:gzfszcpg"
    Oct  3 12:41:10 phys-paris-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Scalable service instance [TCP,,80] registered on node paris-zc-2.
    "Start" operation on protection group "paris-zc:gzfszcpg" completed successfully
    Multigroup "parismg" successfully started.
    root@phys-paris-1:~# geomg status -v parismg
    Multigroup: parismg
      Description                   : 
      Site name                     : paris-site
      Creation signature            : paris Oct 3, 2018 12:28:11 PM PDT
      Last update                   : Oct 3, 2018 12:30:19 PM PDT
      Configuration status          : OK
      Synchronization status with   :
                    paris-zc         : OK
      Timeout                       : 7320 seconds
      Protection group list         : paris-zc:gzfszcpg/paris:gzfsgcpg
      Status of protection group "paris:gzfsgcpg"        :
            Global status           : OK
            Partnership             : paris_newyork
            Synchronization         : OK
            Cluster paris                : OK
                 Role               : Primary
                 Activation state   : Activated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : OK
                 Resource groups    : OK
            Cluster newyork                : OK
                 Role               : Secondary
                 Activation state   : Activated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : OK
                 Resource groups    : OK
      Status of protection group "paris-zc:gzfszcpg" :
            Global status           : OK
            Partnership             : paris-zc_newyork-zc
            Synchronization         : OK
            Cluster paris-zc         : OK
                 Role               : Primary
                 Activation state   : Activated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : None
                 Resource groups    : OK
            Cluster newyork-zc                : OK
                 Role               : Secondary
                 Activation state   : Activated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : None
                 Resource groups    : OK
    root@phys-paris-1:~# clrs status -Z paris-zc apache
    === Cluster Resources ===
    Resource Name       Node Name       State       Status Message
    -------------       ---------       -----       --------------
    apache              paris-zc-2       Online      Online - Service is online.
                        paris-zc-1       Online      Online - Service is online.
  15. In the Zone cluster, add data to the ZFS-based cluster filesystem that is being replicated. This is for illustrating replication functioning after switchover in later step.

    root@phys-paris-1:~# zlogin paris-zc 
    [Connected to zone 'paris-zc' pts/3]
    Oracle Corporation      SunOS 5.11      11.4    September 2018
    You have new mail.
    root@paris-zc-1:~# mkdir /global/apache/docs/testdir
    root@paris-zc-1:~# cp -r /net/howtos/QA_Docs/* /global/apache/docs/testdir
    root@paris-zc-1:~# ls /global/apache/docs/testdir
  16. Switchover multigroup to newyork site, verify that data in the filesystem exists on this cluster, and complete setting up resources for apache on this site.

    root@phys-newyork-1:~# geomg status -v newyorkmg
    Multigroup: newyorkmg
      Description                   : 
      Site name                     : newyork-site
      Creation signature            : newyork Oct 3, 2018 12:34:08 PM PDT
      Last update                   : Oct 3, 2018 12:36:09 PM PDT
      Configuration status          : OK
      Synchronization status with   :
                    newyork-zc                : OK
      Timeout                       : 7320 seconds
      Protection group list         : newyork-zc:gzfszcpg/newyork:gzfsgcpg
      Status of protection group "newyork-zc:gzfszcpg"        :
            Global status           : OK
            Partnership             : paris-zc_newyork-zc
            Synchronization         : OK
            Cluster newyork-zc                : OK
                 Role               : Secondary
                 Activation state   : Activated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : None
                 Resource groups    : OK
            Cluster paris-zc         : OK
                 Role               : Primary
                 Activation state   : Activated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : None
                 Resource groups    : OK
      Status of protection group "newyork:gzfsgcpg"        :
            Global status           : OK
            Partnership             : paris_newyork
            Synchronization         : OK
            Cluster newyork                : OK
                 Role               : Secondary
                 Activation state   : Activated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : OK
                 Resource groups    : OK
            Cluster paris                : OK
                 Role               : Primary
                 Activation state   : Activated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : OK
                 Resource groups    : OK
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# geomg switchover -s newyork-site newyorkmg
    Are you sure you want to switch over multigroup 'newyorkmg' to site 'newyork-site'? (yes|no) > yes
    Processing operation... The timeout period for this multigroup operation is 7320 seconds...
    Beginning "Switchover" operation on protection group "newyork-zc:gzfszcpg"
    Beginning "Switchover" operation on protection group "newyork:gzfsgcpg"
    "Switchover" operation on protection group "newyork:gzfsgcpg" completed successfully
    "Switchover" operation on protection group "newyork-zc:gzfszcpg" completed successfully
    "Switchover" operation succeeded for the multigroup "newyorkmg".
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# geomg status -v newyorkmg
    Multigroup: newyorkmg
      Description                   : 
      Site name                     : newyork-site
      Creation signature            : newyork Oct 3, 2018 12:34:08 PM PDT
      Last update                   : Oct 3, 2018 12:36:09 PM PDT
      Configuration status          : OK
      Synchronization status with   :
                    newyork-zc                : OK
      Timeout                       : 7320 seconds
      Protection group list         : newyork-zc:gzfszcpg/newyork:gzfsgcpg
      Status of protection group "newyork-zc:gzfszcpg"        :
            Global status           : OK
            Partnership             : paris-zc_newyork-zc
            Synchronization         : OK
            Cluster newyork-zc                : OK
                 Role               : Primary
                 Activation state   : Activated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : None
                 Resource groups    : OK
            Cluster paris-zc         : OK
                 Role               : Secondary
                 Activation state   : Activated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : None
                 Resource groups    : OK
      Status of protection group "newyork:gzfsgcpg"        :
            Global status           : OK
            Partnership             : paris_newyork
            Synchronization         : OK
            Cluster newyork                : OK
                 Role               : Primary
                 Activation state   : Activated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : OK
                 Resource groups    : OK
            Cluster paris                : OK
                 Role               : Secondary
                 Activation state   : Activated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : OK
                 Resource groups    : OK
    root@phys-newyork-1:~# zlogin newyork-zc
    [Connected to zone 'newyork-zc' pts/2]
    Oracle Corporation      SunOS 5.11      st_015.server   February 2018
    You have new mail.
    root@newyork-zc-1:~# ls /global/apache/docs/testdir
    root@newyork-zc-1:~# clrg status apachesip-rg apache-rg
    === Cluster Resource Groups ===
    Group Name        Node Name      Suspended      Status
    ----------        ---------      ---------      ------
    apachesip-rg      newyork-zc-2      No             Online
                      newyork-zc-1      No             Offline
    apache-rg         newyork-zc-2      No             Online
                      newyork-zc-1      No             Online
    root@newyork-zc-1:~# clrs list -g apachesip-rg 
    root@newyork-zc-1:~# clrs list -g apache-rg hasp4apache
    root@newyork-zc-1:~# clrssa create -g apachesip-rg apache-lh
    root@newyork-zc-1:~# clrg set -p rg_dependencies=apachesip-rg apache-rg
    root@newyork-zc-1:~# clrt register apache
    root@newyork-zc-1:~# clrs create -g apache-rg -t apache -p bin_dir=/global/apache/bin \
    -p resource_dependencies_offline_restart=hasp4apache -p \
    resource_dependencies=apache-lh -p scalable=true apache
    Oct  3 14:33:16 phys-newyork-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Service group 'newyork-zc:apache' created
    Oct  3 14:33:16 phys-newyork-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Service object [TCP,, 80] created in group 'newyork-zc:apache'
    Oct  3 14:33:16 phys-newyork-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Load balancer setting distribution on newyork-zc:apache:
    Oct  3 14:33:16 phys-newyork-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Node newyork-zc-1: weight 1
    Oct  3 14:33:16 phys-newyork-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Node newyork-zc-2: weight 1
    Oct  3 14:33:17 phys-newyork-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Scalable service instance [TCP,,80] registered on node newyork-zc-1.
    Oct  3 14:33:17 phys-newyork-1 cl_runtime: NOTICE: Scalable service instance [TCP,,80] registered on node newyork-zc-2.
    root@newyork-zc-1:~# clrs status apache
    === Cluster Resources ===
    Resource Name       Node Name       State       Status Message
    -------------       ---------       -----       --------------
    apache              newyork-zc-2       Online      Online - Completed successfully.
                        newyork-zc-1       Online      Online - Completed successfully.
    root@newyork-zc-1:~# geomg status -v newyorkmg
    Multigroup: newyorkmg
      Description                   : 
      Site name                     : newyork-site
      Creation signature            : newyork Oct 3, 2018 12:34:08 PM PDT
      Last update                   : Oct 3, 2018 12:36:09 PM PDT
      Configuration status          : OK
      Synchronization status with   :
                    newyork                : OK
      Timeout                       : 7320 seconds
      Protection group list         : newyork-zc:gzfszcpg/newyork:gzfsgcpg
      Status of protection group "newyork-zc:gzfszcpg"        :
            Global status           : OK
            Partnership             : paris-zc_newyork-zc
            Synchronization         : OK
            Cluster newyork-zc                : OK
                 Role               : Primary
                 Activation state   : Activated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : None
                 Resource groups    : OK
            Cluster paris-zc         : OK
                 Role               : Secondary
                 Activation state   : Activated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : None
                 Resource groups    : OK
      Status of protection group "newyork:gzfsgcpg"        :
            Global status           : OK
            Partnership             : paris_newyork
            Synchronization         : OK
            Cluster newyork                : OK
                 Role               : Primary
                 Activation state   : Activated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : OK
                 Resource groups    : OK
            Cluster paris                : OK
                 Role               : Secondary
                 Activation state   : Activated
                 Configuration      : OK
                 Data replication   : OK
                 Resource groups    : OK