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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for MySQL Guide

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Updated: October 2019

Verifying the Installation and Configuration of MySQL

This section contains the procedure you need to verify the MySQL installation and configuration.

How to Verify the Installation and Configuration of MySQL

This procedure does not verify that your application is highly available because you have not yet installed your data service.

Note -  Before verifying the installation and configuration of MySQL, ensure that the logical hostname for the MySQL is available. You will need to complete the appropriate registration and configuration procedure in this document according to your zone type.
  1. Start the MySQL Server for this instance.
    # cd MySQL-Base-directory
    # ./bin/mysqld --defaults-file=MySQL-Database-directory/my.cnf \
    --basedir=MySQL-Base-directory \
    --datadir=MySQL-Database-directory \
    --user=mysql --pid-file=MySQL-Database-directory/mysqld.pid &
  2. Connect to the MySQL instance.
    # MySQL-Base-directory/bin/mysql -S /tmp/Logical-host.sock -uroot -p
    Enter password:

    Then enter the root password which is used at Example: Enabling the MySQL Software to Run in the Cluster.

  3. Stop the MySQL server instance.
    # kill -TERM $(cat MySQL-Database-directory/mysqld.pid)