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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for MySQL Guide

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Updated: October 2019

How to Add an HA for MySQL Resource as a Scalable or Multiple-Master Service

Before You Begin

Ensure that you installed the data service packages during your initial Oracle Solaris Cluster installation. If you did not install the HA for MySQL packages as part of your initial Oracle Solaris Cluster installation, go to Installing the HA for MySQL Package.

Note -  Perform the following steps, including stopping the MySQL server on every node that hosts the MySQL server.
  1. On the cluster node that hosts MySQL, become an administrator that provides solaris.cluster.admin RBAC authorization.
  2. Start the MySQL Server instance manually.
    # cd MySQL-Base-directory
    # ./bin/mysqld --defaults-file=MySQL-Database-directry/my.cnf \
    --basedir=MySQL-Base-directory \
    --datadir=MySQL-Database-directory --user=mysql \
    --pid-file=MySQL-Database-directory/mysqld.pid &
  3. Configure the administrator password for the administrative user.
    # MySQL-Database-directory/bin/mysqladmin \
    -S /tmp/Logicalhost.sock -uroot password 'admin-password'
  4. Add the administrative user for locally accessing a MySQL instance with a MySQL-logical-host-ip-name.

    Add an administrative user for every global-cluster node that runs this MySQL instance.

    Note -  If the node name and the hostname for the physical interface are different, use the hostname for the physical interface.

    The following is an example for a MySQL instance.

    # mysql -S /tmp/clusterix2.sock -uroot -padmin-password
    mysql> use mysql;
    mysql> GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'root'@'clusterix2' IDENTIFIED BY 'rootpasswd';
    mysql> UPDATE user SET Grant_priv='Y' WHERE User='root' AND Host='clusterix2';
    mysql> exit;

    The following is an example for a MySQL 5.x instance.

    # mysql -S /tmp/clusterix2.sock -uroot -padmin-password
    mysql> use mysql;
    mysql> GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'root'@'clusterix2' IDENTIFIED BY 'rootpasswd';
    mysql> UPDATE user SET Grant_priv='Y' WHERE User='root' AND Host='clusterix2';
    mysql> exit;

    The following is an example for a MySQL 8.x instance.

    # mysql -S /tmp/clusterix2.sock -uroot -padmin-password
    mysql> use mysql;
    mysql> CREAT USER 'root'@'clusterix2' IDENTIFIED BY 'rootpasswd';
    mysql> GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'root'@'clusterix2' IDENTIFIED BY 'rootpasswd';
    mysql> UPDATE user SET Grant_priv='Y' WHERE User='root' AND Host='clusterix2';
    mysql> exit;

    Note -  If you experience any problems here, refer to the MySQL administration documentation.
  5. Copy the MySQL configuration files to your home directory.
    # cp /opt/SUNWscmys/util/mysql_config /home-dir
  6. Create a fault-monitor user and a test database for the MySQL instance.
    # cd home-dir
  7. Edit the mysql_config file and follow the comments within that file.
    #The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
    # Common Development and Distribution License (the License).
    # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    #You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/CDDL.txt
    # or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
    # See the License for the specific language governing permissions
    # and limitations under the License.
    #When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
    # file and include the License file at usr/src/CDDL.txt.
    # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
    # fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced with your own identifying
    # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
    #Copyright 2012 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    # Use is subject to license terms.
    #ident "@(#)ds_template.sgm 1.41 12/10/12"
    # This file will be sourced in by mysql_register and the parameters
    # listed below will be used.
    # Where is MySQL installed (BASEDIR)
    # MySQL admin-user for localhost (Default is root)
    # Password for MySQL admin user
    # Configured logicalhost. For scalable or multiple-master resources leave it empty.
    # Specify a username for a faultmonitor user
    # Pick a password for that faultmonitor user
    # Socket name for mysqld ( Should be /tmp/logical-host.sock )
    # Specify the physical hostname for the physical NIC that this logicalhostname
    # belongs to for every node in the cluster this resource group can be located on.
    # If you use the mysql_geocontrol features to implement the MySQL replication as
    # the replication protocol in Oracle Solaris Cluster geographic edition, specify all
    # physical nodes of all clusters. Specify at least all the nodes on both sites
    # where the MySQL databases can be hosted.
    # IE: The logicalhost lh1 belongs to hme1 for physical-node phys-1 and
    # hme3 for physical-node phys-2. The hostname for hme1 is phys-1-hme0 and
    # for hme3 on phys-2 it is phys-2-hme3.
    # IE: MYSQL_NIC_HOSTNAME="phys-1-hme0 phys-2-hme3"
    # IE: If two clusters are tied together by the mysql_geocontrol features, assuming the
    # MySQL database on cluster one belongs to cl1-phys1-hme0 and cl1-phys2-hme3, the
    # MySQL database on cluster two belongs to cl2-phys1-hme2 and cl2-phys2-hme4. Then the
    # MYSQL_NIC_HOSTNAME variable needs to be set to:
    # MYSQL_NIC_HOSTNAME="cl1-phys1-hme0 cl1-phys2-hme3 cl2-phys1-hme2 cl2-phys2-
    # Where are your databases installed, (location of my.cnf)
    # Is MySQL Cluster installed?
    # Any entry here triggers the ndb engine check preparation. If no MySQL cluster should be
    # checked, leave it empty.

    The following is an example for a MySQL instance.

    MYSQL_NIC_HOSTNAME="clusterix1 clusterix2"

    If you want to monitor the ndb tables of a MySQL cluster, set NDB_CHECK to yes.

    If you are about to prepare the database servers for a scalable or multiple-master configuration, set MYSQL_SOCK=hostname.sock.

  8. After editing mysql_config, run the mysql_register script.
    # /opt/SUNWscmys/util/mysql_register -f home-dir/mysql_config
  9. Stop the MySQL Server instance manually.
    # kill -TERM $(cat MySQL-Database-directory/mysqld.pid)
  10. After finishing the previous steps on every node in the cluster, continue in the global cluster unless you configure the MySQL server resource in a zone cluster.
  11. Create and register MySQL as a scalable or multiple-master data service.
    1. Assume the root role on one node.
    2. Encrypt the password of the fault-monitoring database use.
      # clpstring create -t resource -b MySQL-resource MySQL-resource
    3. Register the MySQL resource.

      Note -  If you register a multiple-master resource, omit the Mysql_host, Scalable, and Port_list properties.

      To monitor the ndb tables, set the Mysql_cluster property to true.

      # clresource create -d -g MySQL-failover-resource-group \
      -t ORCL.mysql \
      -p Mysql_basedir=MySQL-Base-directory \
      -p Mysql_datadir=MySQL-database-directory \
      -p Mysql_user=MySQL-OS-user \
      -p Mysql_host=MySQL-scalable-address \
      -p Mysql_fmuser=MySQL-database-fault-monitoring-user \
      -p Mysql_logdir=MySQL-database-log-directory \
      -p Scalable=true \
      -p Port_list=mysql_port/tcp \
      -p Resource_dependencies=MySQL-logical-host-resource \
      -p Resource_dependencies_offline_restart=MySQL-storage-resource \
  12. Switch the resource group to a managed online state.
    # clresourcegroup online -eM MySQL-Scalable-resource-group
Example 3  Creating a Scalable HA for MySQL Resource

The following example encrypts a password for the MySQL-resource resource, then creates and registers the scalable resource in the mysql-rg resource group.

# clpstring create -t resource -b MySQL-resource MySQL-resource

# clresource create -d -g mysql-rg \
-t ORCL.mysql \
-p Mysql_basedir=/usr/local/mysql \
-p Mysql_datadir=/global/mysql-data \
-p Mysql_user=mysql \
-p Mysql_host=hahostix1 \
-p Mysql_fmuser=fmuser \
-p Mysql_logdir=/global/mysql-data/logs \
-p Scalable=true \
-p Port_list=3306/tcp \
-p Resource_dependencies=hahostix1 \
-p Resource_dependencies_offline_restart=mysql-has-res \