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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle Real Application Clusters Guide

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Updated: February 2019

Creating a Global Device Group for the Support for Oracle RAC Database

If you are using a volume manager for Oracle Database files, the volume manager requires a global device group for the Support for Oracle RAC database to use.

How to Create a Multi-Owner Disk Set in Solaris Volume Manager for Sun Cluster for the Oracle RAC Database

Note -  Perform this task only if you are using Solaris Volume Manager for Sun Cluster.

If you are using Solaris Volume Manager for Sun Cluster, Solaris Volume Manager requires a multi-owner disk set for the Support for Oracle RAC database, the StorageTek QFS shared file system, or Oracle ASM to use. For information about Solaris Volume Manager for Sun Cluster multi–owner disk sets, see Multi-Owner Disk Set Concepts in Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide.

Before You Begin

Note the following points.

  • Ensure that the required Support for Oracle RAC software packages are installed on each node. For more information, see Installing the Support for Oracle RAC Package.

  • Ensure that the multiple-owner volume-manager framework resource group is created and is online. For more information, see Registering and Configuring the Multiple-Owner Volume-Manager Framework Resource Group.


    Caution  -  Do not attempt to manually create the /var/run/nodelist file. Doing so can put the cluster at risk of a cluster-wide panic.

  • Unless you are using the StorageTek QFS shared file system, do not create any file systems in the multi-owner disk set. In configurations without the StorageTek QFS shared file system, only the raw data file uses this disk set.

  • Disk devices that you add to the multi-owner disk set must be directly attached to all the cluster nodes.

  1. Create a multi-owner disk set.

    Use the metaset(1M) command for this purpose.

    # metaset -s setname -M -a -h nodelist
    -s setname

    Specifies the name of the disk set that you are creating.


    Specifies that the disk set that you are creating is a multi-owner disk set.


    Specifies that the nodes that the –h option specifies are to be added to the disk set.

    -h nodelist

    Specifies a space-separated list of nodes that are to be added to the disk set. The Support for Support for Oracle RAC software packages must be installed on each node in the list.

  2. Add global devices to the disk set that you created in Step 1.
    # metaset -s setname -a devicelist
    -s setname

    Specifies that you are modifying the disk set that you created in Step 1.


    Specifies that the devices that devicelist specifies are to be added to the disk set.


    Specifies a space-separated list of full device ID path names for the global devices that are to be added to the disk set. To enable consistent access to each device from any node in the cluster, ensure that each device ID path name is of the form /dev/did/dsk/dN, where N is the device number.

  3. For the disk set that you created in Step 1, create the volumes that the Support for Oracle RAC database or StorageTek QFS shared file system will use.

    Tip  -  If you are creating many volumes for Oracle data files, you can simplify this step by using soft partitions. However, if you are using the StorageTek QFS shared file system and the I/O load on your system is heavy, use separate partitions for data and metadata. Otherwise, the performance of your system might be impaired. For information about soft partitions, see Chapter 12, Soft Partitions (Overview) in Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide and Chapter 13, Soft Partitions (Tasks) in Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide.

    Create each volume by concatenating slices on global devices that you added in Step 2. Use the metainit(1M) command for this purpose.

    # metainit -s setname volume-abbrev numstripes width slicelist
    -s setname

    Specifies that you are creating a volume for the disk set that you created in Step 1.


    Specifies the abbreviated name of the volume that you are creating. An abbreviated volume name has the format dV, where V is the volume number.


    Specifies the number of stripes in the volume.


    Specifies the number of slices in each stripe. If you set width to greater than 1, the slices are striped.


    Specifies a space-separated list of slices that the volume contains. Each slice must reside on a global device that you added in Step 2.

  4. Verify that each node is correctly added to the multi-owner disk set.

    Use the metaset command for this purpose.

    # metaset -s setname
    -s setname

    Specifies that you are verifying the disk set that you created in Step 1.

    This command displays a table that contains the following information for each node that is correctly added to the disk set:

    • The Host column contains the node name.

    • The Owner column contains the text multi-owner.

    • The Member column contains the text Yes.

  5. Verify that the multi-owner disk set is correctly configured.
    # cldevicegroup show setname

    Specifies that configuration information only for the disk set that you created in Step 1 is displayed.

    This command displays the device group information for the disk set. For a multi-owner disk set, the device group type is Multi-owner_SVM.

  6. Verify the online status of the multi-owner disk set.
    # cldevicegroup status setname

    This command displays the status of the multi-owner disk set on each node in the multi-owner disk set.

  7. (Configurations without the StorageTek QFS shared file system only) On each node that can own the disk set, change the ownership of each volume that you created in Step 3.

    If you are using the StorageTek QFS shared file system, omit this step.

    Note -  For a zone cluster, perform this step in the zone cluster.

    Change the volume ownership as follows:

    • Owner: the DBA user

    • Group: the DBA group

    The DBA user and the DBA group are created as explained in How to Create the DBA Group and the DBA User Accounts.

    Ensure that you change ownership only of volumes that the Support for Oracle RAC database will use.

    # chown user-name:group-name volume-list

    Specifies the user name of the DBA user. This user is normally named oracle.


    Specifies the name of the DBA group. This group is normally named dba.


    Specifies a space-separated list of the logical names of the volumes that you created for the disk set. The format of these names depends on the type of device where the volume resides, as follows:

    • For block devices: /dev/md/setname/dsk/dV

    • For raw devices: /dev/md/setname/rdsk/dV

    The replaceable items in these names are as follows:


    Specifies the name of the multi-owner disk set that you created in Step 1.


    Specifies the volume number of a volume that you created in Step 3.

    Ensure that this list specifies each volume that you created in Step 3.

  8. (Configurations without the StorageTek QFS shared file system only) Grant read access and write access to the owner of each volume whose ownership you changed in Step 7.

    If you are using the StorageTek QFS shared file system, omit this step.

    Note -  For a zone cluster, perform this step in the zone cluster.

    Grant access to the volume on each node that can own the disk set. Ensure that you change access permissions only of volumes that the Support for Oracle RAC database will use.

    # chmod u+rw volume-list

    Specifies a space-separated list of the logical names of the volumes to whose owners you are granting read access and write access. Ensure that this list contains the volumes that you specified in Step 7.

  9. If you are using Oracle ASM, specify the raw devices that you are using for the Oracle ASM disk group.

    To specify the devices, modify the ASM_DISKSTRING Oracle ASM instance-initialization parameter.

    For example, to use the /dev/md/setname/rdsk/d path for the Oracle ASM disk group, add the value /dev/md/*/rdsk/d* to the ASM_DISKSTRING parameter. If you are modifying this parameter by editing the Oracle initialization parameter file, edit the parameter as follows:

    ASM_DISKSTRING = '/dev/md/*/rdsk/d*'

    For more information, see your Oracle Database documentation.

Example 3  Creating a Multi-Owner Disk Set in Solaris Volume Manager for Sun Cluster

This example shows the sequence of operations that is required to create a multi-owner disk set in Solaris Volume Manager for Sun Cluster for a four-node cluster.

The disk set is to be used with the StorageTek QFS shared file system. This example does not show the creation of the StorageTek QFS shared file system on the devices that are added to the disk set.

  1. To create the multi-owner disk set, the following command is run:

    # metaset -s oradg -M -a -h  pclus1 pclus2 pclus3 pclus4

    The multi-owner disk set is named oradg. The nodes pclus1, pclus2, pclus3, and pclus4 are added to this disk set.

  2. To add global devices to the disk set, the following command is run:

    # metaset -s oradg -a  /dev/did/dsk/d8  /dev/did/dsk/d9 /dev/did/dsk/d15 \

      The preceding command adds the following global devices to the disk set:

    • /dev/did/dsk/d8

    • /dev/did/dsk/d9

    • /dev/did/dsk/d15

    • /dev/did/dsk/d16

  3. To create volumes for the disk set, the following commands are run:

    # metainit -s oradg d10 1 1 /dev/did/dsk/d9s0
    # metainit -s oradg d11 1 1 /dev/did/dsk/d16s0
    # metainit -s oradg d20 1 1 /dev/did/dsk/d8s0
    # metainit -s oradg d21 1 1 /dev/did/dsk/d15s0

    Each volume is created by a one-on-one concatenation of a slice as shown in the following table. The slices are not striped.

  4. To verify that each node is correctly added to the multi-owner disk set, the following command is run:

    # metaset -s oradg
    Multi-owner Set name = oradg, Set number = 1, Master = pclus2
    Host                Owner          Member
    pclus1             multi-owner   Yes
    pclus2             multi-owner   Yes
    pclus3             multi-owner   Yes
    pclus4             multi-owner   Yes
    Drive Dbase
    d8    Yes
    d9    Yes
    d15   Yes
    d16   Yes  
  5. To verify that the multi-owner disk set is correctly configured, the following command is run:

    # cldevicegroup show oradg
    === Device Groups ===
    Device Group Name:                              oradg
    Type:                                            Multi-owner_SVM
    failback:                                        false
    Node List:                                       pclus1, pclus2, pclus3, pclus4
    preferenced:                                     false
    numsecondaries:                                  0
    diskset name:                                    oradg
  6. To verify the online status of the multi-owner disk set, the following command is run:

    # cldevicegroup status oradg
    === Cluster Device Groups ===
    --- Device Group Status ---
    Device Group Name     Primary     Secondary     Status
    -----------------     -------     ---------     ------
    --- Multi-owner Device Group Status ---
    Device Group Name           Node Name           Status
    -----------------           ---------           ------
    oradg                       pclus1              Online
                                pclus2              Online
                                pclus3              Online
                                pclus4              Online

Next Steps

Go to Registering and Configuring Storage Resources for Oracle Database Files.