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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle Real Application Clusters Guide

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Updated: February 2019

How to Create an Oracle Grid Infrastructure Resource for Interoperation With Oracle Solaris Cluster

For Support for Oracle RAC without Oracle ASM, perform this procedure to manually create an Oracle Grid Infrastructure resource that proxies the Oracle Solaris Cluster SUNW.ScalDeviceGroup, SUNW.scalable_acfs_proxy, or SUNW.ScalMountPoint resource.

This Oracle Grid Infrastructure resource ensures that the corresponding Oracle database is not started until the Oracle Grid Infrastructure resource is online. The resource comes online only if the corresponding SUNW.ScalDeviceGroup, SUNW.scalable_acfs_proxy, or SUNW.ScalMountPoint resource is online. And the SUNW.ScalDeviceGroup, SUNW.scalable_acfs_proxy, or SUNW.ScalMountPoint resource only comes online if the actual volume-manager disk set or disk group or the mount point is online.

  1. Assume the root role on one node of the cluster.
  2. Create the Oracle Grid Infrastructure sun.storage_proxy.type resource type.
    # Grid_home/bin/crsctl \
    add type sun.storage_proxy.type \
    -basetype local_resource \
  3. Create the Oracle Solaris Cluster sun.resource resource of type sun.storage_proxy.type.

    The Oracle Grid Infrastructure resource name uses the form sun.sc-resource, where sc-resource is the name of the SUNW.ScalDeviceGroup, SUNW.scalable_acfs_proxy, or SUNW.ScalMountPoint resource.

    # Grid_home/bin/crsctl add resource sun.sc-resource \
    -type sun.storage_proxy.type \
    -attr "ACTION_SCRIPT='/opt/SUNWscor/dsconfig/bin/scproxy_crs_action' \
    CARDINALITY='number-nodes' SCRIPT_TIMEOUT='20' PLACEMENT='restricted' \

    The number of nodes in the cluster membership


    The space-separated list of nodes in the cluster membership

  4. Determine the DBA group of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation.
    # Grid_home/bin/osdbagrp
  5. Set the primary group of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure storage proxy resource to the group determined in Step 4.
    # Grid_home/bin/crsctl setperm resource sun.sc-resource -g "griddba-group"
  6. Determine the DBA group of the Oracle Database software installation.
    # oracle_home/bin/osdbagrp
  7. Set the group permissions of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure storage proxy resource to the group determined in Step 6.

    Omit this step if the Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation DBA group griddba-group, determined in Step 4, and the Oracle Database installation DBA group dba-group, determined in Step 6, are the same DBA group.

    # Grid_home/bin/crsctl setperm resource sun.sc-resource -u "group:dba-group:r-x"
  8. Bring online the Oracle Grid Infrastructure storage proxy resource.
    # Grid_home/bin/crsctl start resource sun.sc-resource

See Also

If you need to remove an Oracle Grid Infrastructure resource, perform procedures in Removing an Oracle Grid Infrastructure Resource.