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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle Real Application Clusters Guide

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Updated: February 2019

How to Configure the Logical Hostname Resources or Virtual IP Addresses for Support for Oracle RAC Software in a Zone Cluster

To support Oracle Grid Infrastructure virtual IP resources in Support for Oracle RAC configurations in zone clusters, you should configure the failover-capable hostnames or IP addresses used by those resources in a given zone cluster using the clzonecluster command.

Perform the following steps to configure the virtual IP addresses in a zone cluster configuration for Support for Oracle RAC.

  1. Assume the root role on the global cluster node that hosts the zone cluster.
  2. Configure the virtual IP addresses using the clzonecluster command.
    # clzonecluster configure zcname
    clzonecluster:zcname>add net
    clzonecluster:zcname:net>set address=racnode1-vip
    clzonecluster:zcname>add net
    clzonecluster:zcname:net>set address=racnode2-vip
  3. If the SCAN hostname resolves to multiple IP addresses, configure a separate global network resource for each IP address that the SCAN hostname resolves to.
    # clzonecluster configure zcname
    clzonecluster:zcname>add net
    clzonecluster:zcname:net>set address=SCAN-address1
    clzonecluster:zcname>add net
    clzonecluster:zcname:net>set address=SCAN-address2
    clzonecluster:zcname>add net
    clzonecluster:zcname:net>set address=SCAN-address3

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Go to Installing the Support for Oracle RAC Package.