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Disaster Recovery Framework Reference for Oracle® Solaris Cluster 4.4

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Updated: August 2018

geoadm (8)


geoadm - enable or disable the Oracle Solaris Cluster disaster recovery framework on the local cluster


/usr/cluster/bin/geoadm [subcommand] -?
/usr/cluster/bin/geoadm -V
/usr/cluster/bin/geoadm show
/usr/cluster/bin/geoadm start
/usr/cluster/bin/geoadm status
/usr/cluster/bin/geoadm stop [-f | -i]


The geoadm command enables or disables the Oracle Solaris Cluster disaster recovery framework (formerly called Geographic Edition) on the local cluster. You can also use this command to check whether the disaster recovery framework is enabled on the cluster.

After installation, the disaster recovery framework must be enabled by running the command geoadm start. This command enables the cluster to participate in partnerships and to host protection groups. The geoadm start command configures the highly available infrastructure that unlocks the disaster recovery framework on the cluster.

The geoadm stop command stops the highly available infrastructure that leaves the disaster recovery framework locked on the cluster. Run the geoadm stop command before you remove product packages.

Note -  The geoadm stop command can successfully disable the disaster recovery framework on a cluster only under one condition. All local states of the protection groups in which the cluster is involved must be Offline or Unknown.

Running the geoadm start or the geoadm stop command on one node of the cluster affects the entire cluster.

To use the geoadm command to enable or disable the disaster recovery framework, you must be assigned the proper rights profile.

If you have root access, you have permissions to perform any operation. If you do not have root access, the following rights apply:

  • Basic Solaris User. You can read information about disaster recovery framework entities by running commands such as geoadm show and geoadm status.

  • Geo Management. You can perform all the read operations that someone with Basic Solaris User authorizations can perform. You can also perform administrative and configuration tasks such as geoadm start and geoadm stop.

For more information, see the rbac(7) man page and Planning Security in Installing and Configuring the Disaster Recovery Framework for Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.4.

The general form of this command is as follows:

geoadm [subcommand] [options] [operands] 

You can omit subcommand only if options specifies the option –?, –o, –V, or –v.

Each option of this command has a long form and a short form. Both forms of each option are given with the description of the option in the OPTIONS section of this man page.

Sub Commands

The following subcommands are supported:


Display whether the disaster recovery framework is enabled on the cluster.


Configure and enable the disaster recovery framework on the cluster.


Display the runtime status of the disaster recovery entities on the local cluster.

The disaster recovery framework must be installed on the local cluster before you can run the status subcommand. You can run the status subcommand whether or not the cluster has been enabled for partnership.

The status subcommand displays the following information:

  • Whether the local cluster is enabled for partnership.

  • Whether the local cluster is involved in a partnership. If the cluster is involved in a partnership, the status subcommand lists all partnership members.

  • Heartbeat status.

  • Protection group status.

  • Site and multigroup status.

  • Status of ongoing transactions.

See the EXTENDED DESCRIPTION section for details about the possible values for each status.


Disable the disaster recovery framework and configuration on the cluster.


Caution  -  All protection groups on the cluster must be in the Offline state to run the stop subcommand successfully.

The stop subcommand removes the cluster state and disaster recovery framework resource groups on the cluster, but the stop subcommand does not remove data replication resource groups.

The disaster recovery framework is enabled and configured again the first time you run the start subcommand after running the stop subcommand.


The following options are supported:


Displays help information. You can specify this option without a subcommand or with a subcommand.

  • If you specify this option without a subcommand, the list of subcommands for this command is displayed.

  • If you specify this option with a subcommand, the usage options for the subcommand are displayed.

The question mark might be interpreted as a special character by some shells. Use quotes (–"?") or an escape character to avoid pattern matching.


Indicates that you want to bypass the command confirmation questions while the disaster recovery framework is being disabled.


Indicates that you want to display the interactive command confirmation questions while the disaster recovery framework is being disabled.


Displays the version of the command.

Do not specify this option with subcommands, operands, or other options. The subcommands, operands, or other options are ignored. The –V option only displays the version of the command. No other operations are performed.

Extended Description

The following sections list the status descriptions.

Partnership Runtime Status

This section describes the types of status that are reported for partnerships, including heartbeat status.

  • Partnership– Displays partnership status for the local cluster only. The partnership status can be one of the following:


    The partner clusters are connected.


    The partnership is successfully created but connection with the partner cluster is not yet established. This status value usually occurs when the partner cluster is not yet configured in the partnership.


    The partner clusters are disconnected.

  • (Partnership) Synchronization – Displays partnership synchronization status for all the clusters in a partnership. The partnership synchronization status can be one of the following:


    The configuration is synchronized between partner clusters.


    The configuration on the partner clusters is different. You must synchronize the partnership again.


    The partner clusters have been configured individually. Therefore, you must remove the configuration on one cluster and copy the configuration of the partner cluster.


    Information is not accessible because the partners are disconnected.

  • (Partnership) ICRM Connection – Displays Intercluster Resource Management (ICRM) Connection status for the cluster management agent that is running on the remote cluster. The ICRM connection status can be one of the following:


    The ICRM module on each of the partner clusters can communicate with each other.


    The ICRM module on the local cluster is unable to communicate with the ICRM module on the remote cluster.

  • (Partnership) Heartbeat – Displays heartbeat status for the local cluster only. The heartbeat status can be one of the following:


    Heartbeat monitoring is enabled, and the partner cluster is responding within timeout and retry periods.


    Heartbeat checks are running ut one of the primary heartbeat plug-ins is degraded or is not running.


    Heartbeat monitoring is running, but the partner cluster is not responding and retries have timed out.


    Heartbeat monitoring is offline.

  • (Partnership) Plug-in – Displays heartbeat plug-in status for the local cluster only. The plug-in status can be one of the following:


    The partner cluster is responding.


    The plug-in is not in use. It is a standby plug-in that is used for retrying if other plug-ins do not respond.


    The partner cluster is not responding.

Protection Group Runtime Status

This section describes the types of status that are reported for a protection group, including data replication and resource group status.

  • Protection group – Displays the overall protection group status for all the clusters in the protection group. The overall protection group status can be one of the following:


    No component of the protection group on either partner cluster is in the Degraded, Error, or Unknown status, and the protection group configuration is the same on both partner clusters. The protection group can be either online or offline.


    Data replication is either not running or is in a partial error state.


    At least one component of the partnership, such as configuration, data replication, or resource groups, is in an error state on at least one partner cluster, or the protection group configuration is different between the partner clusters.


    The status for at least one component of the protection group, such as configuration, data replication, or resource groups, is unknown, or the status of the protection group on the cluster is not accessible.

  • (Protection group) Synchronization – Displays the protection group synchronization status for all the clusters in the protection group. The synchronization status can be one of the following:


    The configuration is synchronized between partner clusters.


    The configuration on the partner clusters is different. You must synchronize the protection group again.


    The protection group has been configured on the partner clusters individually. Therefore, you must remove the configuration on one cluster and copy the configuration of the partner cluster.


    Information is not accessible because the partners are disconnected.

  • (Protection group) Cluster – Displays the local cluster status of the protection group for a single cluster only. The cluster status can be one of the following:


    No component of the protection group is in Degraded, Error, or Unknown status. The protection group can be either online or offline.


    Data replication is either not running or is in a partial error state.


    At least one component of the protection group, such as configuration, data replication, or resource groups, is in an error state.


    Status of the protection group on the cluster is not accessible, or the status for at least one component of the protection group, such as configuration, data replication, or resource groups, is unknown.


    The data replication or resource groups component is not configured in the protection group.

  • (Protection group cluster) Role – Displays what role the cluster has for the protection group. The activation status can be one of the following:


    The cluster is the Primary for this protection group.


    The cluster is the Secondary for this protection group.


    The cluster role state for the protection group is inaccessible.

  • (Protection group cluster) Activation – Displays the activation status of a protection group for a single cluster only. The activation status can be one of the following:


    The protection group is online on the cluster.


    The protection group is offline on the cluster.


    The activation state of the protection group on the cluster is inaccessible.

  • (Protection group cluster) Configuration – Displays the configuration status of a protection group for a single cluster only. The configuration status of a protection group can be one of the following:


    The protection group configuration has been validated without errors on the cluster.


    The validation of the protection group configuration resulted in an error. You must validate the protection group again.


    Information is not accessible because the partner clusters are disconnected.

  • (Protection group cluster) Data replication – Displays the status of data replication that has been configured for the protection group on a single cluster. The data replication status of a protection group can be one of the following:


    Data replication is configured, online, and running without errors.


    Data replication is either off or in a partial error state.


    Data replication is not operating because of an error.


    Data replication has not been configured.


    Information is not accessible because the partners are disconnected.


    (Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance data replication only) The data replication status of the protection group could not be mapped. Data replication itself is in a valid state but is in an Error state for the protection group.

  • (Protection group cluster) Resource groups – Displays the status of resource groups that have been configured for the protection group on a single cluster. The resource group status of a protection group can be one of the following:


    All resource groups are online on the primary cluster, and all resource groups are offline or unmanaged on the secondary cluster.


    Not all resource groups are online on the primary cluster, or not all resource groups are offline or unmanaged on the secondary cluster.


    No resource group is protected by this protection group.


    Information is not accessible because the partners are disconnected.

Site Runtime Status

This section describes the types of status that are reported for a site, including multigroup status.

  • (Site cluster) Configuration –Displays configuration status for each cluster in all sites that are associated with the issuing cluster. The configuration status can be one of the following:


    The site configuration is correct.


    The site configuration has an error.


    The site configuration is not checked.

  • (Site cluster) Synchronization – Displays synchronization status for each site cluster. The synchronization status can be one of the following:


    Site configuration information on two compared clusters is different but compatible. This is a transitory status. Eventually, the older of the two configurations is automatically synchronized with the newer configuration, at which time the synchronization status becomes OK. If for some reason the status remains at Different, use the geosite validate subcommand to synchronize the site configurations.


    The site configuration on two compared clusters is different and cannot be automatically resolved. Configuration changes from an issuing controller cluster are not accepted by a cluster while it is in the Error synchronization status with the issuing controller. If configuration information between two clusters do not resolve automatically and the clusters are in the Error status, use the geosite update subcommand to resolve site configuration conflicts between the two clusters.


    Site configuration information matches on the compared clusters.


    Site configuration information cannot be compared because the disaster recovery framework cannot reach a cluster. Configuration changes from an issuing controller cluster are not propagated to a cluster while it is in the Unknown synchronization status. If the cluster is not automatically synchronized, use the geosite validate subcommand to update the cluster with the latest site configuration information.

  • (Site cluster) Heartbeat – Displays heartbeat status for a single site cluster only. The heartbeat status can be one of the following:


    Heartbeat monitoring is enabled, and the partner cluster is responding within timeout and retry periods.


    Heartbeat checks are running but one of the primary heartbeat plug-ins is degraded or is not running.


    Heartbeat monitoring is running, but the partner cluster is not responding and retries have timed out.


    Heartbeat monitoring is offline.

  • (Site cluster) Plug-In – Displays heartbeat plug-in status for a single site cluster only. The heartbeat plug-in status can be one of the following:


    The partner cluster is responding.


    The plug-in is not in use. It is a standby plug-in that is used for retrying if other plug-ins do not respond.


    The partner cluster is not responding.

  • (Multigroup) Configuration – Displays configuration status for all multigroups that are associated with the issuing cluster. The multigroup status can be one of the following:


    The configuration of the multigroup is correct and validated without errors.


    The configuration of the multigroup has errors. Run the geomg validate command on the multigroup to identify the error.


    The configuration is not accessible.

  • (Multigroup) Synchronization – Displays synchronization with cluster status for all multigroups that are associated with the issuing cluster. The synchronization states of a multigroup can be one of the following:


    Multigroup configuration information on two compared clusters is different but compatible. This is a transitory status. Eventually, the older of the two configurations is automatically synchronized with the newer configuration, at which time the synchronization status becomes OK. If for some reason the status remains at Different, use the geomg validate command to synchronize the multigroup configurations.


    The multigroup configuration on two compared clusters is different and cannot be automatically resolved. Configuration changes from an issuing controller cluster are not accepted by a cluster while it is in the Error synchronization status with the issuing controller. If configuration information between two clusters do not resolve automatically and the clusters are in the Error status, use the geomg update command to resolve multigroup configuration conflicts between the two clusters.


    Multigroup configuration information matches on the compared clusters.


    Multigroup configuration information cannot be compared because the disaster recovery framework cannot reach a cluster. Configuration changes from an issuing controller cluster are not propagated to a cluster while it is in the Unknown synchronization status. If the cluster is not automatically synchronized after the disaster recovery framework is started on that cluster, use the geomg validate command to update the cluster with the latest multigroup configuration information.

Exit Status

The following exit values are returned:


The command completed successfully.


An error has occurred.


Example 1 Enabling the Disaster Recovery Framework

The following geoadm command enables the disaster recovery framework control module on the local cluster.

# geoadm start
Example 2 Disabling the Disaster Recovery Framework

The following geoadm command removes the disaster recovery framework resource groups that were created when you enabled the disaster recovery framework.

# geoadm stop
Example 3 Checking the Status of the Disaster Recovery Framework

The following geoadm command displays whether the disaster recovery framework is enabled on the local cluster and, if enable, the nodes on which the framework is active.

# geoadm show
Oracle Solaris Cluster disaster recovery framework is active on: 
node phys-paris-2, cluster cluster-paris

Command execution successful
Example 4 Monitoring the Runtime Status of the Disaster Recovery Framework

The following geoadm command displays the runtime status of the local disaster recovery framework enabled cluster.

# geoadm status

   Cluster:  cluster-paris

   Partnership "paris-newyork-ps": OK
        Partner clusters        : cluster-newyork
        Synchronization         : OK
        ICRM Connection         : OK

        Heartbeat "paris-to-newyork" monitoring "cluster-newyork": OK
             Plug-in "ping_plugin"      : Inactive
             Plug-in "tcp_udp_plugin"   : OK

   Protection group "tcpg"       : OK
        Partnership             : paris-newyork-ps
        Synchronization         : OK

        Cluster cluster-paris   : OK
             Role               : Primary
             Activation state   : Deactivated
             Configuration      : OK
             Data replication   : None
             Resource groups    : None

        Cluster cluster-newyork : OK
             Role               : Secondary
             Activation state   : Deactivated
             Configuration      : OK
             Data replication   : None
             Resource groups    : None

   Protection group "testpg"    : OK
        Partnership             : paris-newyork-ps
        Synchronization         : OK

        Cluster cluster-paris   : OK
             Role               : Primary
             Activation state   : Deactivated
             Configuration      : OK
             Data replication   : None
             Resource groups    : None

        Cluster cluster-newyork : OK
             Role               : Secondary
             Activation state   : Deactivated
             Configuration      : OK
             Data replication   : None
             Resource groups    : None

   Site : site1

        Controller "cluster-paris"      
             Configuration       : OK

        Controller "cluster-madrid"     
             Configuration       : OK
             Synchronization     : OK

             Heartbeat "paris-to-madrid~site1~cluster-madrid" monitoring "cluster-madrid": OK
                  Plug-in "tcp_udp_plugin"   : OK

        Member "cluster-london"        
             Configuration       : OK
             Synchronization     : OK

             Heartbeat "paris-to-london~site1~cluster-london" monitoring "cluster-london": OK
                  Plug-in "tcp_udp_plugin"   : OK

   Multigroup "mg2"     :
        Site            : site1
        Configuration   : OK
        Synchronization with cluster cluster-madrid      : OK
        Synchronization with cluster cluster-london     : OK

   Multigroup "mg1"     :
        Site            : site1
        Configuration   : OK
        Synchronization with cluster cluster-madrid      : OK
        Synchronization with cluster cluster-london     : OK

Pending operations:

Protection group "tcpg" operation: Start

Pending multigroup operations:

Multigroup "mg1" operation: Start


See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes.

Interface Stability

See Also

rbac(7), geohb(8), geomg(8), geopg(8), geops(8), geosite(8)