2 System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Strategies

This section provides strategies for using the diagnostic tools to troubleshoot your Oracle x86 server.

When to Run the Tools

The following table lists the suggested order of troubleshooting procedures when you have an issue with the server.

Step Troubleshooting Task Link


Gather initial service visit information.

Gather Information for Service

Information to Gather for Troubleshooting


Investigate any power-on problems.

Troubleshoot Power Problems


Perform external visual inspection.

Inspect the External System


Perform internal visual inspection.

Inspect the Internal System


Look at the Oracle ILOM Summary Information page and the Open Problems page in the web interface. Replace any failed components.

View Open Problems on a System (Web)


Run HWdiag commands to test system components.

Using the Oracle ILOM Diag Shell


Run UEFIdiag to execute a quick diagnostic and detect problems on all CPU, memory, disk drives, and I/O devices.

Using UEFI Diagnostics