Fault and Library Log Methods

Fault and library log methods retrieve information about faults, logs, and system reports.


Generates a test event to verify the event sends properly to notification destinations.

See also test().

Used by STA and ACSLS.

Inputs Outputs Roles Errors






Returns a list of device event objects where event type is FAULT, limited by count.

The library sorts faults chronologically, from newest to oldest. You can optional use firstTimestamp to specify the starting timestamp of the faults retrieved. If you specify firstTimestamp, this method returns faults before this time. To retrieve a long list of faults, use multiple calls with the time from the last fault for the newest parameter on the next call.

Used by WWOPs.

Inputs Outputs Roles Errors

int count,

XMLGregorianCalendar firstTimeStamp

List of FaultDto




Returns a list of log entries, limited by count.

You can optional use firstLine to specify the starting line number the log entries retrieved. To retrieve a long list of entries, use multiple calls with the next line number from the last log entry for the firstLine parameter on the next call.

Use the filter string to select only matching entries from the log. Initially, filtering is limited to specifying a single value for a specific parameter. The method only returns entries containing that value.

Used by STA.

Inputs Outputs Roles Errors

sting filter (optional),

int firstLine,

int count

List of logs as string




Returns a list of system report objects, limited by count.

The library sorts system reports chronologically, from newest to oldest. You can optional use firstTimestamp to specify the starting timestamp of the reports retrieved. To retrieve a long list of reports, use multiple calls with the time from the last system report for the newest parameter on the next call.

Used by STA and WWOPs.

Inputs Outputs Roles Errors

int count,

XMLGregorianCalendar firstTimeStamp

List of SystemReportDto

