Check if a Fault is Closed in the Health Log

Confirm you fixed an issue by verifying that the fault record has been closed in the health log.

The fault record should update after you attempt a fix or restart the library.
  1. Select Service in the left menu. Select the Health Log tab
  2. Locate the row for the fault and note the value of the Type field:
    • If the record is still Open, you have not yet isolated the problem. Note the next Suspect Component and repeat Use the Health Table to Diagnose the Issue above.

    • If the record is Closed, but the library status is still Degraded, check for remaining faults in the health table and repeat Use the Health Table to Diagnose the Issue above.

    • If you Closed all fault records and still cannot get the library into Operational condition, go to Get Parts and Technical Support, check for relevant knowledge articles, and, if you cannot find a resolution, open a service request. Include fault codes and details of the actions that you have taken.