Renaming a Project (BUI)

You can rename a project with file retention if the project is empty and has an unexpired grace period. If retention is set on an empty project and the grace period is met or not set, you cannot rename the project until the expiration period has been met. A non-empty project cannot be renamed until all retained filesystems within the project have an expired retention value. For more information, see File Retention Management.


Changing a project name will disrupt active client I/O operations.
  1. Disconnect any active clients connected to the project.
  2. From the Shares menu, select Projects.
  3. Click on the project name in the Projects list.
  4. Enter the new name for the project.

    The name must be 1 to 64 characters in length. The name cannot begin with a period (.) and cannot include spaces. Allowable characters are alphanumeric characters and special characters _ - . :

  5. Press Return.
  6. Click OK to confirm.

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Project Properties