Constraining field values by work team

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When you add a field to a topic workflow configuration, it appears by default in the user interface as a value-entry field and accepts any alphanumeric value that a user enters. A more structured alternative is to add a multi-selection list field, which allows users to select one or more values but not to remove any previously saved value(s). You can further limit the values that users can select for a multi-selection field by specifying the values that the members of a work team are able to select; that is, to constrain the field's valid values based on work team. This feature can reduce the possibility of user error when entering data and prevent the loss of information collected over time.

Note: If your organization uses more than one topic workflow configuration, any custom fields for the work team context must be defined identically in each topic workflow configuration.

Note: One of the following steps requires a Superuser to set a site option setting. Other steps require the Manage Topic Workflow Configurations user permission and the Manage Administer permission.

Add the field to a topic workflow configuration

1.         Click Settings.

The Settings page appears.

2.         In the Configure System section, click Manage Topic Workflow Configurations.

The Manage Topic Workflow Configurations page appears.

3.         Click the row menu (Row menu) for a field, and click Manage Fields

The Manage Fields page appears.

4.         Click Add Field.

The Add Field page appears.

5.         In the Column Name field, enter a column name.

6.         In the Display name field, type a name to display in the user interface.

7.         From the Format drop-down list, select either string or integer as the format.

8.         For a string field, in the Length field, specify a maximum field length.

9.         In the Type section, check Append-only or Multiple Values.

10.      In the Type section, check Constrained values based on work team.

11.      In the Context section, select the field context. You must check at least one of these options. The field can be used to collect information for a topic, action, attachment, or work team.

12.      In the Context section, check Work Team.

13.      To use the field as a filter, check Display as filter field. See Identifying a field as a filter field.

14.      Click Save.

The Manage Fields page appears. The added field is at the bottom of the table.

Define the values

1.         On the Manage Fields page, click Row menu for the field, and then click Define Values.

The Define Valid Field Values page appears.

2.         Click Add Value.

3.         On the Add Value page supply a value for users to select.

4.         Click Save.

5.         Repeat steps 2 - 4 to add all possible values for the field. Alternatively, you can store all field values in a .csv (comma-separated value) file and then upload it. See Uploading a table of valid values.

6.         Click Back.

By default, the new field will be editable for a topic or action that is in any workflow state or for every type of document-style attachment. You can make this field required (users must select at least one value before saving), hidden, or visible in certain states or for certain attachment types. See Managing topic field accessibility by state, Managing action field accessibility by state, or Managing attachment field accessibility by type.

Set site options

A superuser performs the following:

1.         Click Settings.

The Settings page appears.

2.         In the Administer System section, click Set Site Options.

The Site Options page appears.

3.         From the Topic workflow configuration for work team custom fields drop-down list, select the topic workflow configuration that has the constrained value field.

Custom work team fields appear when you add and edit work teams only after your topic workflow configuration has been published and this site option has been set.

4.         Click Save.

5.         Click Settings.

The Settings page appears.

6.         In the Manage Users section, click Edit Work Teams.

The Edit Work Teams page appears.

7.         Click Row menu for a work team, and then click Edit.

The Edit Work Team page appears. Your new field appears as a multi-selection list field.

8.         To specify values for members of this work team to select for this field in the user interface, next to the multi-selection list field, click Select Available Values.

9.         To define the values to present to each set of users, repeat this step for each work team.  

10.      Log out, then log back in.

11.      To test your new field, click the Topics tab and then add or edit a topic, action, or attachment. The values available for selection in this field reflect your membership in one or more work teams.