Viewing existing drug profile configurations

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The Manage Drug Profile Configurations page lists drug profile configurations that you created or that are published to you. If you have the Administer Users permission, the page also lists unpublished configurations created by any users in your login group.

1.         Log into the Empirica Signal application as a user with the permission Administer Drug Profiles.

2.         Click Settings.

The Settings page appears.

3.         From the Configure System section, click Manage Drug Profile Configurations.

The Manage Drug Profile Configurations page appears and provides the following information about each drug profile configuration:




Automatically assigned unique identifier of the configuration.


Name of the configuration.


Description of the configuration.

Created By

Name of the user who created the configuration.


Date and time when the configuration was created.


Date and time when the configuration was last modified.

Modified By

Name of the user who last modified the configuration.

Drug profile configuration options

Row menu options

If you click Row menu for a drug profile configuration that you created, you can also do the following: