Viewing a nested confidence interval graph

1.         Click the Data Mining Runs tab.

The Data Mining Runs page appears.

2.         Click the row menu (Row menu) for the run, and then click View Results.


Click the Data Mining Results tab.

The Select Criteria page appears.

3.         From the Run name drop-down list, select the three-dimensional MGPS run. (Your user preference, Default Run, determines which run, if any, is selected by default.) You can also click Browse next to the Run name field to find and select a run.

4.         Type at least one drug or event.

5.         Click Choose Graph.

The Choose Graph page appears.

6.         Select a nested confidence interval graph.

7.         On the Nested Confidence Interval Graph page, specify restrictions, which will be applied in addition to any restrictions that you specified on the Select Criteria page. These restrictions apply to combinations of 3 dimensions in the graph.



N at least

Display only combinations with an observed count (N) of at least the specified number.

At most ____ combinations

Display no more than the specified number of combinations. You can display graphs for up to 200 combinations. If combinations are excluded because of this limit, a message appears below the graph.


Available only if you selected All on the Select Criteria page. The available subsets are all those selected during run creation.

8.         Specify the following display options:

Display Option


Order by

The application sorts the combinations by the value of the score that you select. For example, if you select INTSS, the 3D combination with the highest INTSS value appears first.

Axis Type

Select either Linear or Log (logarithmic). When you use a logarithmic axis, the confidence intervals for the lower-level combinations appear more clearly.

Highlight confidence intervals where INTSS >

Enter the INTSS value above which confidence interval bars are highlighted.

Show N at end of confidence interval

Check to display the value of N at the end of each bar.

Use gray-scale instead of colors

Check to use shades of gray instead of colors in the graph.

9.         Click Display.

The nested confidence interval graph appears.

10.      You can point to a bar of the graph to display statistics for the combination represented by the bar. Long drug or event terms may end in an ellipsis in the label on the graph itself; in this case, you can point to the bar to see the full terms.

11.      Click a bar in the graph to display a menu. If you are displaying multiple graphs on the same page, do not click any graph until all the graphs appear.

A.        To display the cases underlying the bar, click View Cases to drill down to a list of cases for the bar.

B.        To create a case series from the cases comprising the bar, click Create Case Series.

C.        To transfer to a different case series, click Case Series.

D.        To download the cases from the bar, click Download Cases.

E.        To download case details of the bar, click Download Case Details.

F.        To run a report about the bar, click Reports.

G.        To save the graph as an attachment to a topic, click Save to Topic. (This option is available if Links is checked and the topics feature has been set up.) The graph is attached in a PDF file.

See Working with results graphs for information about links below the graph.


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