Chapter 6 Updating to a New Release of Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux

This chapter describes how you update to a new release of Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux.

You can only update from Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux Release 2.1. To update from an earlier release, you must first update your environment to Release 2.1 before updating to Release 3.0.


When you update, do not make any configuration changes before you update, such as enabling new services. Perform the update first, and then apply your configuration changes using the steps described in Section 5.2, “Making Configuration Changes After Deployment”.

The update is performed in two stages:

  1. Update the packages and environment on the target nodes, see Section 6.1, “Updating Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux Packages”.

  2. Update the Docker containers on the target nodes, see Section 6.2, “Updating Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux Containers”.

The update is complete only when you have finished both stages.