Chapter 7 Using OpenStack CLIs

To use the OpenStack command-line tools, such as openstack or nova, the OpenStack Python CLI client packages must be installed on a host. You have two choices for installing OpenStack CLI clients:

  • Install the docker-ostk utility, which runs the prepackaged OpenStack CLI clients in a Docker container.

  • Install the OpenStack CLI client packages manually.

The docker-ostk utility is included in the openstack-kolla-utils package. The ol-openstack-kolla-toolbox Docker image contains all the OpenStack Python CLI client packages and their dependencies. The image is included with Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux Docker images and is available in the Oracle Container Registry. The docker-ostk utility provides a convenient way for running the ol-openstack-kolla-toolbox image in a Docker container and running the prepackaged OpenStack CLI clients in that container. The docker-ostk utility is designed to be used on a master node, but it can be used on any Oracle Linux 6 or 7 host.

If you do not want to use the docker-ostk utility, you can manually install and use the OpenStack Python CLI client packages instead.