7.1 Installing and Using docker-ostk

The docker-ostk utility is designed to be used on a master node, but it can be used on any Oracle Linux 6 or 7 host. Because docker-ostk runs the OpenStack command-line clients in a Docker container, the Docker Engine must be installed on the host. For details of the required Yum repositories and Docker configuration, see:

To install the docker-ostk utility:

# yum install openstack-kolla-utils

In order to run Docker containers, the user that runs the docker-ostk utility must be a member of the docker group. To add an existing user to the docker group:

# usermod -aG docker username

The user must log out and in again for the group setting to take effect.


Any member of the docker group has full (root) access to all Docker containers on a host. If you add an unprivileged user to the docker group, you should consider the elevation in security granted with this access. Do not run the docker-ostk utility as the root user.

Using docker-ostk

When you use docker-ostk utility, it pulls (downloads) the ol-openstack-kolla-toolbox Docker image from a Docker registry.

If you use docker-ostk on a master node, the Docker registry defined by the docker_registry property is used. By default, this property is set to the Oracle Container Registry, see Section 4.3, “Setting up the Docker Registry”.

If you use docker-ostk on a host that is not a master node, or you want to use a different registry than the one defined by by the docker_registry property, you must set the OPENSTACK_UTILS_IMAGE environment variable with the full location of the Docker image using the form:


For example, to use the image in the Oracle Container Registry:

$ export \

If you are using the Oracle Container Registry, you might need to sign in at https://container-registry.oracle.com and accept the Oracle Standard Terms and Restrictions for the Oracle software images before using the docker-ostk utility for the first time. After you accept the terms, you also need to register your login credentials for the Oracle Container Registry with Docker so that you can pull (download) images:

$ docker login -u user-name container-registry-stage.oracle.com
Login Succeeded

Before you use OpenStack CLI clients, you usually need to set OpenStack environment variables to enable you to authenticate to Keystone. See Section 7.3, “Setting Environment Variables for OpenStack CLI Clients” for details. When you use the docker-ostk utility, it creates a temporary file in the current working directory containing your OpenStack environment variables. The temporary file is used to pass the environment variables to the Docker container and is deleted when you stop using the docker-ostk utility. You must have write permission for the current working directory in order to create the temporary file.

To use the docker-ostk utility, use the syntax:

$ docker-ostk openstack_client openstack_client_argument  [ -h | --help ]

An OpenStack CLI client, for example, openstack or nova.


The argument for the OpenStack CLI client command, for example, list.

-h, --help

Display syntax help.

For example:

$ docker-ostk nova list

To access files on a local file system from a container, the docker-ostk utility bind-mounts the current working directory on the host into the Docker container at /data. To use local files, you must have read permission for the current working directory and the files used in the command. For example, to create a Glance image using the cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img file in the current working directory:

$ docker-ostk glance image-create --name cirros --is-public True --disk-format qcow2 \
   --container-format bare --file cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img

For information about OpenStack CLI clients, see http://docs.openstack.org/cli-reference/index.html.