7.2 Installing OpenStack CLI Clients Manually

If you do not want to use docker-ostk, you can install the Python OpenStack CLI clients manually on a host.

To install and run the Python OpenStack CLI clients requires Python 2, version 2.7 or later. Python 3 is not currently supported by the OpenStack CLI clients. To check which version of Python you have installed, use:

# python --version
Python 2.7.5

You can install the packages needed to install the Python OpenStack CLI clients, either by using the Oracle OpenStack Extras Repository (Oracle Linux 7 only) or by using Software Collections (Oracle Linux 6 and 7). Use Software Collections if the host does not meet the Python 2 requirements.

Install OpenStack CLI Clients Using the Oracle OpenStack Repositories

This method for installing the OpenStack CLI clients is only for Oracle Linux 7 hosts.

  1. Enable the required ULN channels or Yum repositories.

    If you are installing the OpenStack CLI clients on an OpenStack target node, the required channels or repositories are enabled when you prepared the system, as described in Section 3.5, “Preparing Oracle Linux Nodes”.

    If the system is registered with Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN), ensure the system is subscribed to the following channels:

    • ol7_x86_64_latest - Oracle Linux 7 Latest (x86_64)

    • ol7_x86_64_openstack_extras - Extra development packages for Oracle OpenStack 3.0 on Oracle Linux 7 (x86_64)

    If you are using Oracle Linux Yum Server:

    1. Download the latest Oracle Linux Release 7 Yum Server repository file.

      # curl -L -o /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol7.repo \
    2. Edit the /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol7.repo file and enable the following repositories by setting enabled=1 in the following sections:

      • [ol7_latest]

      • [ol7_openstack_extras]

  2. Install the packages to enable you to install the OpenStack CLI client packages.

    # yum install gcc python-devel python-pip
  3. Install the OpenStack CLI client using pip.

    # pip install python-openstackclient

    The OpenStack client is a common command-line client that enables you to run commands for various OpenStack project APIs using a single command and it is intended to replace the individual OpenStack project clients.

    If the OpenStack client does not provide a command that you need, you can install the client for an individual OpenStack project:

    # pip install python-projectclient

    The available OpenStack project clients are:

    • ceilometer

    • cinder

    • glance

    • heat

    • ironic

    • magnum

    • murano

    • neutron

    • nova

    • swift

    For example:

    # pip install python-novaclient

    Do not install the keystone client, it does not support version 3 of the Keystone API. Use the OpenStack Client instead.

Install OpenStack CLI Clients Using Software Collections

This method for installing the OpenStack CLI clients can be used with Oracle Linux 6 and 7.

  1. Enable the required ULN channels or Yum repositories.

    If the system is registered with Unbreakable Linux Network (ULN), ensure the system is subscribed to the following channels:

    • For Oracle Linux 7, the ol7_x86_64_latest, ol7_x86_64_optional_latest and ol7_x86_64_SoftwareCollections channels.

    • For Oracle Linux 6, the ol6_x86_64_latest and ol6_x86_64_SoftwareCollections channels.

    If you are using Oracle Linux Yum Server:

    1. Download the latest Oracle Linux Yum Server repository file.

      For Oracle Linux 7:

      # curl -L -o /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol7.repo \

      For Oracle Linux 6:

      # curl -L -o /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol6.repo \
    2. Edit the yum repository file and enable the following repositories by setting enabled=1 in the following sections:

      For Oracle Linux 7:

      • [ol7_latest]

      • [ol7_optional_latest]

      • [ol7_software_collections]

      For Oracle Linux 6:

      • [ol6_latest]

      • [ol6_software_collections]

  2. Install the gcc package and the python27 software collection.

    # yum install gcc python27
  3. Start a bash shell with the python27 software collection enabled.

    # scl enable python27 bash
  4. Install the OpenStack CLI client using pip.

    # pip install python-openstackclient

    The OpenStack client is a common command-line client that enables you to run commands for various OpenStack project APIs using a single command and it is intended to replace the individual OpenStack project clients.

    If the OpenStack client does not provide a command that you need, you can install the client for an individual OpenStack project:

    # pip install python-projectclient

    The available OpenStack project clients are:

    • ceilometer

    • cinder

    • glance

    • heat

    • ironic

    • magnum

    • murano

    • neutron

    • nova

    • swift

    For example:

    # pip install python-novaclient

    Do not install the keystone client, it does not support version 3 of the Keystone API. Use the OpenStack Client instead.

Using OpenStack CLI Clients

Before you use OpenStack CLI clients, you usually need to set OpenStack environment variables to enable you to authenticate to Keystone. See Section 7.3, “Setting Environment Variables for OpenStack CLI Clients” for details.

If you are used Software Collections to install the OpenStack CLI clients, you need to start a bash shell with the python27 software collection enabled before using a client:

# scl enable python27 bash

To use an OpenStack client, use the syntax:

$ openstack_client openstack_client_argument  [ -h | --help ]

An OpenStack CLI client, for example, openstack or nova.


The argument for the OpenStack CLI client command, for example, list.

-h, --help

Display syntax help.

For example:

$ nova list

For information about using OpenStack CLI clients, see http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/cli.html.

Upgrading an OpenStack CLI Client

To upgrade a client, include the --upgrade option to the pip install command:

# pip install --upgrade python-projectclient

Removing an OpenStack CLI CLient

To remove a client, use the pip uninstall command:

# pip uninstall python-projectclient