Appendix A kollacli Command-Line Reference

kollacli [ subcommand ]
[ --version ] [ -v | --verbose ] [ --log-file file_name ] [ -q | --quiet ]
[ -h | --help ] [ --debug ]

Starts the CLI shell, or runs CLI commands from the operating system prompt.


A kollacli subcommand:




Print a Bash completion function.


Deploy services.


Create a tar file of the configuration files and logs for debugging.

group add

Add a group.

group addhost

Add a host to a group.

group listhosts

List all groups and the hosts in each group.

group listservices

List all groups and the services in each group.

group remove

Remove a group.

group removehost

Remove a host from a group.


Display help on using CLI commands.

host add

Add a host to a deployment.

host check

Check host configuration.

host destroy

Remove services from host.

host list

List hosts and the groups they belong to.

host remove

Remove hosts from a deployment.

host setup

Set up a host.

host stop

Stop the Kolla Docker containers on a host.

password clear

Remove a password name and its value.

password init

Set all empty passwords and SSH keys.

password list

List all password names.

password set

Set a password value.

password setkey

Set the SSH keys for a password.

property clear

Clear a property.

property list

List properties and their associated values.

property set

Set a property.

service addgroup

Add a service to a group.

service list

List all services and their associated subservices.

service listgroups

List all services and the groups they belong to.

service removegroup

Remove a service from a group.


Upgrade a deployment.


Display the CLI version number.

-v, --verbose

Set the verbosity of the output when running a command. Repeat -v, to increase the verbosity, so -vv gives you more than -v, and -vvv gives you more than -vv.


Set the file name to log debug and error output. This is disabled by default. The output is in verbose format. If the log file exists, the results are appended to the existing file content.

-q, --quiet

Suppress all output, except warnings and errors.

-h, --help

Display CLI syntax help.


Display traceback on errors.

kollacli complete

kollacli complete [ --name function_name ] [ --shell bash | none ]

Print a Bash completion function.


The name of the function to generate. The default function name is kollacli.


The shell type to use for the script. Use none for data only. The default is bash.

kollacli deploy

kollacli deploy 
[ --hosts host_list ] [ --serial ] [ --timeout minutes ] 

Deploy services.


A comma-separated list of hosts. The must be no spaces in the host list. The hosts must belong to the compute group and no other group.


Deploy services serially (one host at a time).


Timeout value in minutes. A deployment is stopped automatically if it takes longer than the timeout value.

kollacli dump

kollacli dump

Create a tar file of the configuration files and logs for debugging.

kollacli group add

kollacli group add group_name

Add a group.


The name of the group.

kollacli group addhost

kollacli group addhost group_name host

Add a host to a group.


The name of the group.


The fully qualified domain name or IP address of the host.

kollacli group listhosts

kollacli group listhosts 
[ { -f | --format } csv | html | json | table | value | yaml ]
[ { -c | --column } column_name ] [ --max-width max_width ]
[ --quote all | minimal | none | nonnumeric ]

List all groups and the hosts in each group.

kollacli group listservices

kollacli group listservices 
[ { -f | --format } csv | html | json | table | value | yaml ]
[ { -c | --column } column_name ] [ --max-width max_width ]
[ --quote all | minimal | none | nonnumeric ] 

List all groups and the services in each group.

kollacli group remove

kollacli group remove group_name

Remove a group.


The name of the group.

kollacli group removehost

kollacli group removehost group_name host

Remove a host from a group.


The name of the group.


The fully qualified domain name or IP address of the host.

kollacli help

kollacli help [ command ]

Display help on using CLI commands.


Help on a specific kollacli command.

kollacli host add

kollacli host add host

Add a host to a deployment.


The fully qualified domain name or IP address of the host.

kollacli host check

kollacli host check [ --predeploy ] { host | all } 

Check host configuration.


Perform predeployment check. Only use this option if no services are deployed to the host.

host | all

The fully qualified domain name or IP address of the host, or all for all hosts.

kollacli host destroy

kollacli host destroy [ --stop ] [ --includedata ] [--removeimages] { host | all } 

Remove services from host.


Perform a graceful shutdown (docker stop) of the containers before removing them.


Remove the OpenStack data.


Remove the OpenStack Docker images.

host | all

The fully qualified domain name or IP address of the host, or all for all hosts.

kollacli host list

kollacli host list [ host ]
[ { -f | --format } csv | html | json | table | value | yaml ]
[ { -c | --column } column_name ] [ --max-width max_width ]
[ --quote all | minimal | none | nonnumeric ]

List hosts and the groups they belong to.


The fully qualified domain name or IP address of the host. If no host is provided, all hosts are listed.

kollacli host remove

kollacli host remove [ host | all ]

Remove hosts from a deployment.

host | all

The fully qualified domain name or IP address of the host, or all for all hosts.

kollacli host setup

kollacli host setup { host | { -f | --file } file_name }

Set up a host.


The fully qualified domain name or IP address of the host.

-f --file

Absolute path of a YAML format file that contains the hosts to set up and the credentials to use.

kollacli host stop

kollacli host stop [ host | all ]

Stop the Kolla Docker containers on a host.

host | all

The fully qualified domain name or IP address of the host, or all for all hosts.

kollacli password clear

kollacli password clear password_name

Remove a password name and its value.


The name of the password.

kollacli password init

kollacli password init password_name

Set all empty passwords and SSH keys.

kollacli password list

kollacli password list

List all password names.

kollacli password set

kollacli password set password_name

Set a password value.


The name of the password.

kollacli password setkey

kollacli password setkey password_name private_key_path public_key_path

Set the SSH keys for a password.


The name of the password.


Path to the SSH private key file.


Path to the SSH public key file.

kollacli property clear

kollacli property clear [ --groups group_list  | --hosts host_list ] property_name

Clear a property.


The name of the property.


A comma-separated list of groups.


A comma-separated list of hosts.

kollacli property list

kollacli property list 
[ { -f | --format } csv | html | json | table | value | yaml ]
[ { -c | --column } column_name ] [ --max-width max_width ]
[ --quote all | minimal | none | nonnumeric ]
[ --all ] [ --long ]
[ --groups group_list | --hosts host_list ]

List properties and their associated values.


List all properties and their values, regardless of their length.


List properties, their current values, and their default values, if overridden by a global property.


A comma-separated list of groups.


A comma-separated list of hosts.

kollacli property set

Set a property.

kollacli property set [ --groups group_list | --hosts host_list ] property_name value

The name of the property.


The value to set for the property.


A comma-separated list of groups.


A comma-separated list of hosts.

kollacli service addgroup

kollacli service addgroup service_name group_name

Add a service to a group.


The name of the service.


The name of the group.

kollacli service list

kollacli service list 
[ { -f | --format } csv | html | json | table | value | yaml ]
[ { -c | --column } column_name ] [ --max-width max_width ]
[ --quote all | minimal | none | nonnumeric ]

List all services and their associated subservices.

kollacli service listgroups

kollacli service listgroups 
[ { -f | --format } csv | html | json | table | value | yaml ]
[ { -c | --column } column_name ] [ --max-width max_width ]
[ --quote all | minimal | none | nonnumeric ]

List all services and the groups they belong to.

kollacli service removegroup

kollacli service removegroup service_name group_name

Remove a service from a group.


The name of the service.


The name of the group.

kollacli upgrade

kollacli upgrade [ --services service_list ]

Upgrade a deployment.


A comma-separated list of services.