Document Information


Part I Introduction

1.  Overview

2.  Using the Tutorial Examples

Part II The Web Tier

3.  Getting Started with Web Applications

4.  Java Servlet Technology

5.  JavaServer Pages Technology

6.  JavaServer Pages Documents

7.  JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library

8.  Custom Tags in JSP Pages

9.  Scripting in JSP Pages

10.  JavaServer Faces Technology

11.  Using JavaServer Faces Technology in JSP Pages

12.  Developing with JavaServer Faces Technology

13.  Creating Custom UI Components

14.  Configuring JavaServer Faces Applications

15.  Internationalizing and Localizing Web Applications

Part III Web Services

16.  Building Web Services with JAX-WS

17.  Binding between XML Schema and Java Classes

18.  Streaming API for XML

19.  SOAP with Attachments API for Java

Part IV Enterprise Beans

20.  Enterprise Beans

21.  Getting Started with Enterprise Beans

22.  Session Bean Examples

The cart Example

The Business Interface

Session Bean Class

Life-Cycle Callback Methods

Business Methods

The Remove Method

Helper Classes

Building, Packaging, Deploying, and Running the cart Example

Building, Packaging, and Deploying the cart Example Using NetBeans IDE

Running the cart Application Client Using NetBeans IDE

Building, Packaging, and Deploying the cart Example Using Ant

Running the cart Application Client Using Ant

The all Task

Undeploying the cart Example

A Web Service Example: helloservice

The Web Service Endpoint Implementation Class

Stateless Session Bean Implementation Class

Building, Packaging, Deploying, and Testing the helloservice Example

Building, Packaging, and Deploying the helloservice Example Using NetBeans IDE

Building, Packaging, and Deploying the helloservice Example Using Ant

Testing the Service without a Client

Handling Exceptions

23.  A Message-Driven Bean Example

Part V Persistence

24.  Introduction to the Java Persistence API

25.  Persistence in the Web Tier

26.  Persistence in the EJB Tier

27.  The Java Persistence Query Language

Part VI Services

28.  Introduction to Security in the Java EE Platform

29.  Securing Java EE Applications

30.  Securing Web Applications

31.  The Java Message Service API

32.  Java EE Examples Using the JMS API

33.  Transactions

34.  Resource Connections

35.  Connector Architecture

Part VII Case Studies

36.  The Coffee Break Application

37.  The Duke's Bank Application

Part VIII Appendixes

A.  Java Encoding Schemes

B.  About the Authors



Using the Timer Service

Applications that model business work flows often rely on timed notifications. The timer service of the enterprise bean container enables you to schedule timed notifications for all types of enterprise beans except for stateful session beans. You can schedule a timed notification to occur at a specific time, after a duration of time, or at timed intervals. For example, you could set timers to go off at 10:30 AM on May 23, in 30 days, or every 12 hours.

When a timer expires (goes off), the container calls the method annotated @Timeout in the bean’s implementation class. The @Timeout method contains the business logic that handles the timed event.

The Timeout Method

Methods annotated @Timeout in the enterprise bean class must return void and take a javax.ejb.Timer object as the only parameter. They may not throw application exceptions.

public void timeout(Timer timer) {
    System.out.println("TimerBean: timeout occurred");

Creating Timers

To create a timer, the bean invokes one of the createTimer methods of the TimerService interface. (For details on the method signatures, see the javax.ejb.TimerService API documentation.) When the bean invokes createTimer, the timer service begins to count down the timer duration.

The bean described in The timersession Example creates a timer as follows:

Timer timer = timerService.createTimer(intervalDuration,
        "Created new timer");

In the timersession example, createTimer is invoked in a business method, which is called by a client.

Timers are persistent. If the server is shut down (or even crashes), timers are saved and will become active again when the server is restarted. If a timer expires while the server is down, the container will call the @Timeout method when the server is restarted.

The Date and long parameters of the createTimer methods represent time with the resolution of milliseconds. However, because the timer service is not intended for real-time applications, a callback to the @Timeout method might not occur with millisecond precision. The timer service is for business applications, which typically measure time in hours, days, or longer durations.

Canceling and Saving Timers

Timers can be canceled by the following events:

  • When a single-event timer expires, the EJB container calls the @Timeout method and then cancels the timer.

  • When the bean invokes the cancel method of the Timer interface, the container cancels the timer.

If a method is invoked on a canceled timer, the container throws the javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException.

To save a Timer object for future reference, invoke its getHandle method and store the TimerHandle object in a database. (A TimerHandle object is serializable.) To re-instantiate the Timer object, retrieve the handle from the database and invoke getTimer on the handle. A TimerHandle object cannot be passed as an argument of a method defined in a remote or web service interface. In other words, remote clients and web service clients cannot access a bean’s TimerHandle object. Local clients, however, do not have this restriction.

Getting Timer Information

In addition to defining the cancel and getHandle methods, the Timer interface defines methods for obtaining information about timers:

public long getTimeRemaining();
public java.util.Date getNextTimeout();
public getInfo();

The getInfo method returns the object that was the last parameter of the createTimer invocation. For example, in the createTimer code snippet of the preceding section, this information parameter is a String object with the value created timer.

To retrieve all of a bean’s active timers, call the getTimers method of the TimerService interface. The getTimers method returns a collection of Timer objects.

Transactions and Timers

An enterprise bean usually creates a timer within a transaction. If this transaction is rolled back, the timer creation is also rolled back. Similarly, if a bean cancels a timer within a transaction that gets rolled back, the timer cancellation is rolled back. In this case, the timer’s duration is reset as if the cancellation had never occurred.

In beans that use container-managed transactions, the @Timeout method usually has the Required or RequiresNew transaction attribute to preserve transaction integrity. With these attributes, the EJB container begins the new transaction before calling the @Timeout method. If the transaction is rolled back, the container will call the @Timeout method at least one more time.

The timersession Example

The source code for this example is in the tut-install/javaeetutorial5/examples/ejb/timersession/timersession-ejb/src/java/ directory.

TimerSessionBean is a stateless session bean that shows how to set a timer. In the source code listing of TimerSessionBean that follows, note the createTimer and @Timeout methods. Because it’s a business method, createTimer is defined in the bean’s remote business interface (TimerSession) and can be invoked by the client. In this example, the client invokes createTimer with an interval duration of 30,000 milliseconds. The createTimer method creates a new timer by invoking the createTimer method of TimerService. A TimerService instance is injected by the container when the bean is created. Now that the timer is set, the EJB container will invoke the timeout method of TimerSessionBean when the timer expires, in about 30 seconds. Here’s the source code for the TimerSessionBean class:

package com.sun.tutorial.javaee.ejb;

import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.ejb.Timeout;
import javax.ejb.Timer;
import javax.ejb.TimerService;
public class TimerSessionBean implements TimerSession {
    TimerService timerService;

private static final Logger logger = Logger

    public void createTimer(long intervalDuration) {
        Timer timer = timerService.createTimer(intervalDuration,
                "Created new timer");

    public void timeout(Timer timer) {"Timeout occurred");

Note - Application Server has a default minimum timeout value of 7000 milliseconds, or 7 seconds. If you need to set the timeout value lower than 7000 milliseconds, change the value of the minimum-delivery-interval-in-millis element in domain-dir/config/domain.xml. Due to virtual machine constraints, the lowest practical value for minimum-delivery-interval-in-millis is around 10 milliseconds.

Building, Packaging, Deploying, and Running the timersession Example

You can build, package, deploy, and run the timersession example using either NetBeans IDE or Ant.

Building, Packaging, Deploying, and Running the timersession Example Using NetBeans IDE

Follow these instructions to build, package, and deploy the timersession example to your Application Server instance using NetBeans IDE.

  1. In NetBeans IDE, select File→Open Project.

  2. In the Open Project dialog, navigate to tut-install/javaeetutorial5/examples/ejb/.

  3. Select the timersession folder.

  4. Select the Open as Main Project and Open Required Projects check boxes.

  5. Click Open Project.

  6. Select Run→Run Main Project.

This builds and packages the application into timersession.ear, located in tut-install/javaeetutorial5/examples/ejb/timersession/dist/, deploys this EAR file to your Application Server instance, and then runs the application client.

You will see the output from the application client in the Output tab:

Creating a timer with an interval duration of 3000 ms.
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 16 seconds)

The output from the timer is sent to the server.log file located in the domain-dir/server/logs/ directory. To view this file:

  1. Click the Services tab.

  2. Right-click your Application Server instance and select View Server Log.

Look for the following line at the bottom of server.log:

Timeout occurred
Building, Packaging, and Deploying the timersession Example Using Ant

Follow these instructions to build, package, and deploy the timersession example to your Application Server instance using Ant.

  1. In a terminal window, go to the tut-install/javaeetutorial5/examples/ejb/timersession/ directory.

  2. To build TimerSessionBean, type the following command:

    ant build

    This runs the default task, which compiles the source files and packages the application into an EAR file located at tut-install/examples/ejb/timersession/dist/timersession.ear.

  3. To deploy the application, type the following command:

    ant deploy
Running the timersession Application Client Using Ant

To run the application client, perform the following steps.

  1. In a terminal window, go to the tut-install/javaeetutorial5/examples/ejb/timersession/ directory.

  2. Type the following command:

    ant run

    This task first retrieves the client JAR, timersessionClient.jar to the dist directory, and then runs the client. This is the equivalent of running:

    appclient -client TimerSessionAppClient.jar
  3. In the terminal window, the client displays these lines:

    Creating a timer with an interval duration of 30000 ms.

The output from the timer is sent to the server.log file located in the domain-dir/server/logs/ directory.

View the output in the Admin Console:

  1. Open the Admin Console by opening the following URL in a web browser:

  2. Enter the admin username and password to log in to the Admin Console.

  3. Click Application Server in the navigation pane.

  4. Click View Log Files.

  5. At the top of the page, you’ll see this line in the Message column:

    Timeout occurred

Alternatively, you can look at the log file directly. After about 30 seconds, open server.log in a text editor and you will see the following lines:

TimerSessionBean: Timeout occurred