Document Information
Part I Introduction
1. Overview
2. Using the Tutorial Examples
Part II The Web Tier
3. Getting Started with Web Applications
4. Java Servlet Technology
5. JavaServer Pages Technology
6. JavaServer Pages Documents
7. JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library
8. Custom Tags in JSP Pages
9. Scripting in JSP Pages
10. JavaServer Faces Technology
11. Using JavaServer Faces Technology in JSP Pages
12. Developing with JavaServer Faces Technology
13. Creating Custom UI Components
14. Configuring JavaServer Faces Applications
15. Internationalizing and Localizing Web Applications
Part III Web Services
16. Building Web Services with JAX-WS
17. Binding between XML Schema and Java Classes
18. Streaming API for XML
19. SOAP with Attachments API for Java
Part IV Enterprise Beans
20. Enterprise Beans
21. Getting Started with Enterprise Beans
22. Session Bean Examples
23. A Message-Driven Bean Example
Part V Persistence
24. Introduction to the Java Persistence API
25. Persistence in the Web Tier
26. Persistence in the EJB Tier
27. The Java Persistence Query Language
Part VI Services
28. Introduction to Security in the Java EE Platform
29. Securing Java EE Applications
30. Securing Web Applications
31. The Java Message Service API
32. Java EE Examples Using the JMS API
33. Transactions
34. Resource Connections
35. Connector Architecture
Part VII Case Studies
36. The Coffee Break Application
37. The Duke's Bank Application
Part VIII Appendixes
A. Java Encoding Schemes
B. About the Authors
IndexNumbers and Symbols
- @DeclareRoles annotation
- Declaring Security Role Names Referenced from Enterprise Bean Code
- Declaring Security Roles Using Annotations
- Defining Security Roles
- Defining Security Roles
- Using Enterprise Bean Security Annotations
- Declaring Security Roles
- Declaring Security Roles
- @DenyAll annotation
- Specifying Method Permissions
- Using Enterprise Bean Security Annotations
- @EmbeddedId annotation, Primary Keys in Entities
- @Entity annotation, Requirements for Entity Classes
- @Id annotation, Primary Keys in Entities
- @IdClass annotation, Primary Keys in Entities
- @Local annotation
- Deciding on Remote or Local Access
- The Business Interface
- @ManyToMany annotation
- Multiplicity in Entity Relationships
- Bidirectional Relationships
- @ManyToOne annotation, Multiplicity in Entity Relationships
- @MessageDriven annotation, Coding the Message-Driven Bean:
- @NamedQuery annotation, Creating Queries
- @OneToMany annotation
- Multiplicity in Entity Relationships
- Bidirectional Relationships
- Cascade Deletes and Relationships
- @OneToOne annotation
- Multiplicity in Entity Relationships
- Bidirectional Relationships
- Cascade Deletes and Relationships
- @PermitAll annotation
- Specifying Method Permissions
- Using Enterprise Bean Security Annotations
- @PersistenceContext annotation, Container-Managed Entity Managers
- @PersistenceUnit annotation, Application-Managed Entity Managers
- @PostActivate annotation
- Session Bean Class
- Life-Cycle Callback Methods
- @PostConstruct annotation, The Life Cycles of Enterprise Beans
- @PostConstruct annotation
- Session Bean Class
- Life-Cycle Callback Methods
- @PostConstruct method, session beans using JMS, Coding the Publisher Session Bean
- @PreDestroy annotation, The Life Cycles of Enterprise Beans
- @PreDestroy annotation
- Session Bean Class
- Life-Cycle Callback Methods
- @PreDestroy method, session beans using JMS, Coding the Publisher Session Bean
- @PrePassivate annotation
- Session Bean Class
- Life-Cycle Callback Methods
- @Remote annotation
- Deciding on Remote or Local Access
- The Business Interface
- @Remove annotation, The Life Cycle of a Stateful Session Bean
- @Remove annotation
- Session Bean Class
- The Remove Method
- @Resource annotation
- Resources and JNDI Naming
- Resource Injection
- JMS resources
- The simplemessage Application Client
- JMS Connection Factories
- JMS Destinations
- @RolesAllowed annotation
- Defining Security Roles
- Defining Security Roles
- Specifying Method Permissions
- Using Enterprise Bean Security Annotations
- @RunAs annotation
- Propagating Security Identity
- Using Enterprise Bean Security Annotations
- @Stateful annotation, Session Bean Class
- @Timeout annotation, Using the Timer Service
- @Timeout method, Canceling and Saving Timers
- @Transient annotation, Persistent Properties
- @WebMethod annotation, Business Methods
- @XmlAccessorOrder annotation
- Java-to-Schema
- XmlAccessorOrder Example
- defined on class, Using the @XmlAccessorOrder Annotation to Define Schema Element Ordering
- defined on package, Using the @XmlAccessorOrder Annotation to Define Schema Element Ordering
- @XmlAnyAttribute annotation, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlAnyElement annotation, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlAttachmentRef annotation, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlAttribute annotation
- Java-to-Schema
- XmlAttribute Field Example
- defining property or field as XML attribute, XmlAttribute Field Example
- where to set annotation, XmlAttribute Field Example
- @XmlElement annotation, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlElementDecl annotation, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlElementRef annotation, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlElementRefs annotation, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlElements annotation, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlElementWrapper annotation, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlEnum annotation, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlEnumValue annotation, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlID annotation, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlIDREF annotation, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlInlineBinaryData annotation, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation
- Java-to-Schema
- XmlAdapter Field Example
- associating XmlAdapter implementation with Target type, XmlAdapter Field Example
- @XmlJavaTypeAdapters annotation, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlList annotation, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlMimeType annotation, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlMixed annotation, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlRootElement annotation
- Java-to-Schema
- Java-to-Schema
- XmlRootElement Example
- @XmlSchema annotation
- Java-to-Schema
- XmlSchemaType Class Example
- @XmlSchemaType annotation, Java-to-Schema
- customizing mapping of property/field to XML built-in type, XmlSchemaType Class Example
- @XmlSchemaTypes annotation, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlTransient annotation, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlType annotation
- Java-to-Schema
- Java-to-Schema
- Using the @XmlType Annotation to Define Schema Element Ordering
- mapping class or enum type to XML Schema type, XmlType Example
- @XmlType.propOrder annotation, XmlAccessorOrder Example
- defined on class, Schema Content Ordering in the Example
- @XmlValue annotation, Java-to-Schema
- abstract schemas
- defined, Query Language Terminology
- types, Query Language Terminology
- access control, Characteristics of Application Security
- acknowledge method, Controlling Message Acknowledgment
- acknowledging messages., See message acknowledgment
- action events
- Event and Listener Model
- Navigation Model
- Rendering a Hyperlink with the commandLink Tag
- Implementing an Event Listener
- ActionEvent class, Implementing an Event Listener
- ActionListener registration, Registering an Action Listener on a Component
- and UICommand component, Using Command Components for Performing Actions and Navigation
- handling events of custom UI components, Handling Events for Custom Components
ActionEvent method, Implementing Action Listeners
- actionListener attribute, Referencing a Backing Bean Method
- and backing bean methods, Referencing a Backing Bean Method
- and JSP pages, Understanding the JSP Page
- and UICommand component, Using Command Components for Performing Actions and Navigation
- handling events of custom UI components, Handling Events for Custom Components
- referencing methods that handle action events, Referencing a Method That Handles an Action Event
ActionListener class
- Registering an Action Listener on a Component
- Implementing an Event Listener
- invoke application phase, Invoke Application Phase
ActionListener implementation, Implementing Action Listeners
- actionListener tag
- Using the Core Tags
- Registering an Action Listener on a Component
- When to Use a Custom Component
- processAction(ActionEvent) method, Implementing Action Listeners
- referencing methods that handle action events
- Referencing a Method That Handles an Action Event
- Writing a Method to Handle an Action Event
- writing a backing-bean method to handle action events, Writing a Method to Handle an Action Event
- action method, Navigation Model
- addChildElement method, Adding Content to the Body
- addTextNode method, Adding Content to the Body
- Admin Console, Tools
- starting, Starting the Admin Console
- administered objects, JMS, JMS Administered Objects
- See also connection factories, destinations
- definition, JMS API Architecture
- annotations
- @DeclareRoles
- Declaring Security Role Names Referenced from Enterprise Bean Code
- Declaring Security Roles Using Annotations
- Defining Security Roles
- Defining Security Roles
- Declaring Security Roles
- Declaring Security Roles
- @DenyAll, Specifying Method Permissions
- @PermitAll, Specifying Method Permissions
- @RolesAllowed
- Defining Security Roles
- Defining Security Roles
- Specifying Method Permissions
- @RunAs, Propagating Security Identity
- @XmlAccessorOrder
- Java-to-Schema
- XmlAccessorOrder Example
- @XmlAnyAttribute, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlAnyElement, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlAttachmentRef, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlAttribute
- Java-to-Schema
- XmlAttribute Field Example
- @XmlElement, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlElementDecl, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlElementRef, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlElementRefs, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlElements, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlElementWrapper, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlEnum, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlEnumValue, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlID, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlIDREF, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlInlineBinaryData, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlJavaTypeAdapter
- Java-to-Schema
- XmlAdapter Field Example
- @XmlJavaTypeAdapters, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlList, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlMimeType, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlMixed, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlRootElement
- Java-to-Schema
- Java-to-Schema
- XmlRootElement Example
- @XmlSchema
- Java-to-Schema
- XmlSchemaType Class Example
- @XmlSchemaType
- Java-to-Schema
- XmlSchemaType Class Example
- @XmlSchemaTypes, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlTransient, Java-to-Schema
- @XmlType
- Java-to-Schema
- Java-to-Schema
- Using the @XmlType Annotation to Define Schema Element Ordering
- XmlType Example
- @XmlType.propOrder, XmlAccessorOrder Example
- @XmlValue, Java-to-Schema
- deployment descriptors
- Declaring Security Roles Using Deployment Descriptor Elements
- Declaring Security Requirements Using Annotations
- enterprise bean security
- Using Enterprise Bean Security Annotations
- Overview of Web Application Security
- security
- Using Annotations
- Securing Java EE Applications
- Securing Web Applications
- web applications, Securing Web Applications
- anonymous role, Accessing Unprotected Enterprise Beans
- Ant tool, Apache Ant
- building examples, Building the Examples on the Command-Line Using Ant
- appclient tool, Tools
- applet containers, Container Types
- applets
- Applets
- Web Components
- application client containers, Container Types
- application clients
- Application Clients
- Creating the converter Application Client
- Duke’s Bank
- Application Client
- BankAdmin Class
- classes, The Classes and Their Relationships
- running, Running the Duke's Bank Application Client Using Ant
- ConverterClient Source Code
- The simplemessage Application Client
- JAR files, Creating the converter Application Client
- securing, Securing Application Clients
- Application Server
- adding users to, Adding Users to the Application Server
- creating data sources, Creating a Data Source in the Application Server
- creating mail sessions, Creating a Mail Session
- downloading
- Sun Java System Application Server 9.1
- Sun Java System Application Server 9.1
- enabling debugging, Using a Debugger
- installation tips
- Sun Java System Application Server 9.1
- Sun Java System Application Server 9.1
- securing, Securing the Application Server
- server logs, Using the Server Log
- SSL connectors, Installing and Configuring SSL Support
- starting, Starting and Stopping the Application Server
- stopping, Starting and Stopping the Application Server
- tools, Tools
- applications, security, Application-Layer Security
- asadmin tool, Tools
- asant tool, Tools
- asynchronous message consumption, Message Consumption
- See also message-driven beans
- JMS client example, A Simple Example of Asynchronous Message Consumption
- AttachmentPart class
- SAAJ and DOM
- Adding Attachments
- creating objects, Creating an AttachmentPart Object and Adding Content
- headers, Creating an AttachmentPart Object and Adding Content
- attachments, What Is in a Message?
- adding, Adding Attachments
- SAAJ example, Attachments Example
- attributes
- SOAP envelope, Adding Content to the Body
- SOAP header, Header Attributes
- XML elements, Adding Attributes
- attributes referencing backing bean methods, Referencing a Backing Bean Method
- action attribute, Referencing a Backing Bean Method
- and backing bean methods, Referencing a Backing Bean Method
- and commandButton tag, Adding a Button
- and navigation, Referencing a Method That Performs Navigation
- invoke application phase, Invoke Application Phase
actionListener attribute
- Referencing a Backing Bean Method
- Referencing a Backing Bean Method
- Referencing a Method That Handles an Action Event
- validator attribute
- Referencing a Backing Bean Method
- Referencing a Backing Bean Method
- Referencing a Method That Performs Validation
- valueChangeListener attribute
- Referencing a Backing Bean Method
- Referencing a Backing Bean Method
- Referencing a Method That Handles a Value-change Event
- audit modules, pluggable, Securing the Application Server
- auditing, Characteristics of Application Security
- auth-constraint element, Setting Up Security Roles
- authentication
- Characteristics of Application Security
- Working with Realms, Users, Groups, and Roles
- Establishing a Secure Connection Using SSL
- Installing and Configuring SSL Support
- Outbound Contracts
- basic, HTTP Basic Authentication
- example, Example: Basic Authentication with JAX-WS
client, Enabling Mutual Authentication over SSL
- entities, Examples: Securing Web Applications
- form-based
- example, Example: Using Form-Based Authentication with a JSP Page
mutual, Enabling Mutual Authentication over SSL
- web resources
- Duke’s Bank, Protecting the Web Client Resources
- form-based, Form-Based Authentication
- HTTP basic
- HTTP Basic Authentication
- Example: Using Form-Based Authentication with a JSP Page
- SSL protection
- Specifying a Security Constraint
- Specifying the Security Constraint
- authorization
- Characteristics of Application Security
- Working with Realms, Users, Groups, and Roles
- Outbound Contracts
- authorization constraint, Setting Up Security Roles
- authorization providers, pluggable, Securing the Application Server
- AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE mode, Controlling Message Acknowledgment
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