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Foundation 1.1.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use BigInteger
java.math Provides classes for performing arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic (BigInteger) and arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic (BigDecimal). Provides classes and interfaces for parsing and managing certificates, certificate revocation lists (CRLs), and certification paths. Provides interfaces for generating RSA (Rivest, Shamir and Adleman AsymmetricCipher algorithm) keys as defined in the RSA Laboratory Technical Note PKCS#1, and DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) keys as defined in NIST's FIPS-186. Provides classes and interfaces for key specifications and algorithm parameter specifications. 

Uses of BigInteger in java.math

Fields in java.math declared as BigInteger
static BigInteger BigInteger.ZERO
          The BigInteger constant zero.
static BigInteger BigInteger.ONE
          The BigInteger constant one.

Methods in java.math that return BigInteger
static BigInteger BigInteger.valueOf(long val)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is equal to that of the specified long.
 BigInteger BigInteger.add(BigInteger val)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this + val).
 BigInteger BigInteger.subtract(BigInteger val)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this - val).
 BigInteger BigInteger.multiply(BigInteger val)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this * val).
 BigInteger BigInteger.divide(BigInteger val)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this / val).
 BigInteger[] BigInteger.divideAndRemainder(BigInteger val)
          Returns an array of two BigIntegers containing (this / val) followed by (this % val).
 BigInteger BigInteger.remainder(BigInteger val)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this % val).
 BigInteger BigInteger.pow(int exponent)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (thisexponent).
 BigInteger BigInteger.gcd(BigInteger val)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is the greatest common divisor of abs(this) and abs(val).
 BigInteger BigInteger.abs()
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is the absolute value of this BigInteger.
 BigInteger BigInteger.negate()
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (-this).
 BigInteger BigInteger.mod(BigInteger m)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this mod m).
 BigInteger BigInteger.modPow(BigInteger exponent, BigInteger m)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (thisexponent mod m).
 BigInteger BigInteger.modInverse(BigInteger m)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this-1 mod m).
 BigInteger BigInteger.shiftLeft(int n)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this << n).
 BigInteger BigInteger.shiftRight(int n)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this >> n).
 BigInteger BigInteger.and(BigInteger val)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this & val).
 BigInteger BigInteger.or(BigInteger val)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this | val).
 BigInteger BigInteger.xor(BigInteger val)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this ^ val).
 BigInteger BigInteger.not()
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (~this).
 BigInteger BigInteger.andNot(BigInteger val)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this & ~val).
 BigInteger BigInteger.setBit(int n)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is equivalent to this BigInteger with the designated bit set.
 BigInteger BigInteger.clearBit(int n)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is equivalent to this BigInteger with the designated bit cleared.
 BigInteger BigInteger.flipBit(int n)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is equivalent to this BigInteger with the designated bit flipped.
 BigInteger BigInteger.min(BigInteger val)
          Returns the minimum of this BigInteger and val.
 BigInteger BigInteger.max(BigInteger val)
          Returns the maximum of this BigInteger and val.
 BigInteger BigDecimal.unscaledValue()
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is the unscaled value of this BigDecimal.
 BigInteger BigDecimal.toBigInteger()
          Converts this BigDecimal to a BigInteger.

Methods in java.math with parameters of type BigInteger
 BigInteger BigInteger.add(BigInteger val)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this + val).
 BigInteger BigInteger.subtract(BigInteger val)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this - val).
 BigInteger BigInteger.multiply(BigInteger val)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this * val).
 BigInteger BigInteger.divide(BigInteger val)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this / val).
 BigInteger[] BigInteger.divideAndRemainder(BigInteger val)
          Returns an array of two BigIntegers containing (this / val) followed by (this % val).
 BigInteger BigInteger.remainder(BigInteger val)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this % val).
 BigInteger BigInteger.gcd(BigInteger val)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is the greatest common divisor of abs(this) and abs(val).
 BigInteger BigInteger.mod(BigInteger m)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this mod m).
 BigInteger BigInteger.modPow(BigInteger exponent, BigInteger m)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (thisexponent mod m).
 BigInteger BigInteger.modInverse(BigInteger m)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this-1 mod m).
 BigInteger BigInteger.and(BigInteger val)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this & val).
 BigInteger BigInteger.or(BigInteger val)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this | val).
 BigInteger BigInteger.xor(BigInteger val)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this ^ val).
 BigInteger BigInteger.andNot(BigInteger val)
          Returns a BigInteger whose value is (this & ~val).
 int BigInteger.compareTo(BigInteger val)
          Compares this BigInteger with the specified BigInteger.
 BigInteger BigInteger.min(BigInteger val)
          Returns the minimum of this BigInteger and val.
 BigInteger BigInteger.max(BigInteger val)
          Returns the maximum of this BigInteger and val.

Constructors in java.math with parameters of type BigInteger
BigDecimal(BigInteger val)
          Translates a BigInteger into a BigDecimal.
BigDecimal(BigInteger unscaledVal, int scale)
          Translates a BigInteger unscaled value and an int scale into a BigDecimal.

Uses of BigInteger in

Methods in that return BigInteger
abstract  BigInteger X509Certificate.getSerialNumber()
          Gets the serialNumber value from the certificate.
abstract  BigInteger X509CRLEntry.getSerialNumber()
          Gets the serial number from this X509CRLEntry, the userCertificate.

Methods in with parameters of type BigInteger
abstract  X509CRLEntry X509CRL.getRevokedCertificate(BigInteger serialNumber)
          Gets the CRL entry, if any, with the given certificate serialNumber.

Uses of BigInteger in

Methods in that return BigInteger
 BigInteger RSAPublicKey.getPublicExponent()
          Returns the public exponent.
 BigInteger RSAPrivateKey.getPrivateExponent()
          Returns the private exponent.
 BigInteger RSAPrivateCrtKey.getPublicExponent()
          Returns the public exponent.
 BigInteger RSAPrivateCrtKey.getPrimeP()
          Returns the primeP.
 BigInteger RSAPrivateCrtKey.getPrimeQ()
          Returns the primeQ.
 BigInteger RSAPrivateCrtKey.getPrimeExponentP()
          Returns the primeExponentP.
 BigInteger RSAPrivateCrtKey.getPrimeExponentQ()
          Returns the primeExponentQ.
 BigInteger RSAPrivateCrtKey.getCrtCoefficient()
          Returns the crtCoefficient.
 BigInteger RSAKey.getModulus()
          Returns the modulus.
 BigInteger DSAPublicKey.getY()
          Returns the value of the public key, y.
 BigInteger DSAPrivateKey.getX()
          Returns the value of the private key, x.
 BigInteger DSAParams.getP()
          Returns the prime, p.
 BigInteger DSAParams.getQ()
          Returns the subprime, q.
 BigInteger DSAParams.getG()
          Returns the base, g.

Uses of BigInteger in

Fields in declared as BigInteger
static BigInteger RSAKeyGenParameterSpec.F0
          The public-exponent value F0 = 3.
static BigInteger RSAKeyGenParameterSpec.F4
          The public exponent-value F4 = 65537.

Methods in that return BigInteger
 BigInteger RSAPublicKeySpec.getModulus()
          Returns the modulus.
 BigInteger RSAPublicKeySpec.getPublicExponent()
          Returns the public exponent.
 BigInteger RSAPrivateKeySpec.getModulus()
          Returns the modulus.
 BigInteger RSAPrivateKeySpec.getPrivateExponent()
          Returns the private exponent.
 BigInteger RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec.getPublicExponent()
          Returns the public exponent.
 BigInteger RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec.getPrimeP()
          Returns the primeP.
 BigInteger RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec.getPrimeQ()
          Returns the primeQ.
 BigInteger RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec.getPrimeExponentP()
          Returns the primeExponentP.
 BigInteger RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec.getPrimeExponentQ()
          Returns the primeExponentQ.
 BigInteger RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec.getCrtCoefficient()
          Returns the crtCoefficient.
 BigInteger RSAKeyGenParameterSpec.getPublicExponent()
          Returns the public-exponent value.
 BigInteger DSAPublicKeySpec.getY()
          Returns the public key y.
 BigInteger DSAPublicKeySpec.getP()
          Returns the prime p.
 BigInteger DSAPublicKeySpec.getQ()
          Returns the sub-prime q.
 BigInteger DSAPublicKeySpec.getG()
          Returns the base g.
 BigInteger DSAPrivateKeySpec.getX()
          Returns the private key x.
 BigInteger DSAPrivateKeySpec.getP()
          Returns the prime p.
 BigInteger DSAPrivateKeySpec.getQ()
          Returns the sub-prime q.
 BigInteger DSAPrivateKeySpec.getG()
          Returns the base g.
 BigInteger DSAParameterSpec.getP()
          Returns the prime p.
 BigInteger DSAParameterSpec.getQ()
          Returns the sub-prime q.
 BigInteger DSAParameterSpec.getG()
          Returns the base g.

Constructors in with parameters of type BigInteger
RSAPublicKeySpec(BigInteger modulus, BigInteger publicExponent)
          Creates a new RSAPublicKeySpec.
RSAPrivateKeySpec(BigInteger modulus, BigInteger privateExponent)
          Creates a new RSAPrivateKeySpec.
RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec(BigInteger modulus, BigInteger publicExponent, BigInteger privateExponent, BigInteger primeP, BigInteger primeQ, BigInteger primeExponentP, BigInteger primeExponentQ, BigInteger crtCoefficient)
          Creates a new RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec given the modulus, publicExponent, privateExponent, primeP, primeQ, primeExponentP, primeExponentQ, and crtCoefficient as defined in PKCS#1.
RSAKeyGenParameterSpec(int keysize, BigInteger publicExponent)
          Constructs a new RSAParameterSpec object from the given keysize and public-exponent value.
DSAPublicKeySpec(BigInteger y, BigInteger p, BigInteger q, BigInteger g)
          Creates a new DSAPublicKeySpec with the specified parameter values.
DSAPrivateKeySpec(BigInteger x, BigInteger p, BigInteger q, BigInteger g)
          Creates a new DSAPrivateKeySpec with the specified parameter values.
DSAParameterSpec(BigInteger p, BigInteger q, BigInteger g)
          Creates a new DSAParameterSpec with the specified parameter values.

Foundation 1.1.2

Copyright © 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to License Terms. Your use of this web site or any of its content or software indicates your agreement to be bound by these License Terms.

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