Accessing Properties for Objects

Administrative users can access the properties of any object or folder to perform tasks such as view system information or change access levels. Users can access and modify the properties of the objects that they create or own. For example, you might want to change the Brand Revenue analysis to be read-only so that other users cannot change it.

To access properties:

  1. In the global header, click Catalog.

  2. In the Catalog page, search for the object to which you want to access properties. For more information, see Searching the Catalog.

  3. In the Folders pane, select an object or folder.

  4. Below the document, click More and then Properties, or click Properties in the Tasks pane.

  5. Review or change the settings in the Properties dialog. For example, specify that the object is read-only. If you want to own the object, then see Taking Ownership of Objects.

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  6. Click OK.