Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-02

Interface DefaultPersistentStoreBean

All Superinterfaces:

public interface DefaultPersistentStoreBean
extends SettableBean

This MBean is the parent of the GenericFileStoreMBean and GenericJDBCStoreMBean. It is not intended for deployment.

Method Summary
 String getDirectoryPath()
          Gets the value of the directory path where this store should be found
 String getNotes()
          Optional information that you can include to describe this named JMS descriptor bean.
 String getSynchronousWritePolicy()
          Sets the value of the SynchronousWritePolicy attribute.
 void setDirectoryPath(String directoryPath)
          Sets the value of the directory path where this store should be found
 void setNotes(String notes)
          Sets the notes attribute of the named JMS descriptor bean
 void setSynchronousWritePolicy(String policy)
          Sets the value of the SynchronousWritePolicy attribute.
Methods inherited from interface weblogic.descriptor.SettableBean
isSet, unSet

Method Detail


String getNotes()

Optional information that you can include to describe this named JMS descriptor bean.

JMS module saves this note in the JMS descriptor file as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.


If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

The notes value
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


void setNotes(String notes)

Sets the notes attribute of the named JMS descriptor bean

notes - The new notes value


String getDirectoryPath()

Gets the value of the directory path where this store should be found

Default Value:


void setDirectoryPath(String directoryPath)

Sets the value of the directory path where this store should be found

directoryPath - A path to a directory where the store files should be located
Default Value:


String getSynchronousWritePolicy()

Sets the value of the SynchronousWritePolicy attribute.

Default Value:
Valid Values:


void setSynchronousWritePolicy(String policy)

Sets the value of the SynchronousWritePolicy attribute.

policy - The new synchronousWritePolicy value
Default Value:
Valid Values:

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-02