Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-02

Package weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl

Provides interfaces for weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.


Interface Summary
ClientParamsBean This package provides parameters that govern JMS server behavior with regard to a client.
ClientSAFBean The top of the JMS module bean tree.
DefaultDeliveryParamsBean If a client does not specify certain parameters then the values that those parameters will take can be controlled with a default delivery parameters bean.
DefaultPersistentStoreBean This MBean is the parent of the GenericFileStoreMBean and GenericJDBCStoreMBean.
DefaultSAFAgentBean This class represents a Store-and-Forward (SAF) agent.
DeliveryFailureParamsBean These parameters control what should happen to messages when failures occur.
DeliveryParamsOverridesBean Many delivery parameters can be set by the JMS client.
DeploymentPlanBean An XML deployment-planType(@
DestinationBean This bean contains all the attributes of destinations that are common between queues and topics.
DestinationKeyBean Destination Key beans control the sorting criteria of JMS destinations
DistributedDestinationBean Deprecated., since Weighted Distributed Destination has been deprecated and replaced by Uniform Distributed Destination
DistributedDestinationMemberBean Deprecated., since Weighted Distributed Destination has been deprecated and replaced by Uniform Distributed Destination
DistributedQueueBean Deprecated., since Weighted Distributed Destination has been deprecated and replaced by Uniform Distributed Destination
DistributedTopicBean Deprecated., since Weighted Distributed Destination has been deprecated and replaced by Uniform Distributed Destination
FlowControlParamsBean Many clients producing messages can cause the server to fall behind in processing messages.
ForeignConnectionFactoryBean This bean represents a connection factory from a remote JNDI context.
ForeignDestinationBean This bean represents a destination from a remote JNDI context.
ForeignJNDIObjectBean This bean represents a foreign entity (one not part of the local JNDI naming context) advertised through JNDI.
ForeignServerBean This bean represents foreign resources.
GroupParamsBean The group params bean represents items that may be templated based on the sub-deployment of the host DestinationBean.
JDBCConnectionPoolParamsBean Contains the connection pool parameters of a data source.
JDBCDataSourceBean The top of the JDBC data source bean tree.
JDBCDataSourceParamsBean Contains the basic usage parameters of a data source.
JDBCDriverParamsBean Contains the driver parameters of a data source.
JDBCOracleParamsBean Contains the Oracle database-related parameters of a data source.
JDBCPropertiesBean Contains a list of JDBC properties.
JDBCPropertyBean Represents a specific JDBC property.
JDBCXAParamsBean Contains the XA-related parameters of a data source.
JMSBean The top of the JMS module bean tree.
JMSConnectionFactoryBean Connection factories are used to create connections for JMS clients.
LoadBalancingParamsBean The load-balancing parameters allow client to choose how they wish to distribute the work to the configured servers.
MessageLoggingParamsBean These parameters control what should happen to messages logging.
ModuleDescriptorBean An XML module-descriptorType(@
ModuleOverrideBean An XML module-overrideType(@
MulticastParamsBean Topics with certain quality of service allowments can receive a signifigant performance boost by using multicast to receive messages rather than using a connection oriented protocol like TCP.
NamedEntityBean All JMS beans that use a name as a primary key are NamedEntityBeans.
PropertyBean When interfacing with a remote naming context it may be necessary to set key/value properties.
QueueBean Queues are used for asynchronous peer communications.
QuotaBean Quota beans control the allotment of system resources available to destinations.
SAFDestinationBean Store-and-Forward (SAF) destinations are used for asynchronous and disconnected peer communications.
SAFErrorHandlingBean Store-and-Forward (SAF) Error Handling defines the action to be taken when the delivery of a JMS message fails to be forwarded to a remote destination.
SAFImportedDestinationsBean Store-and-Forward (SAF) Imported Destinations is a collection of a SAF queues and topics that reside in a different cluster or server.
SAFLoginContextBean Store-and-Forward (SAF) Login Context specifies the remote URL and user credentials needed to log into and get authenticated and authorized in a remote cluster or server.
SAFQueueBean Store-and-Forward (SAF) queues are used for asynchronous and disconnected peer communications.
SAFRemoteContextBean Store-and-Forward (SAF) Remote Context specifies the SAF Login Context that the SAF Imported Queue or Topic use to connect to the remote Destination.
SAFTopicBean Store-and-Forward (SAF) topics are used for asynchronous and disconnected peer communications.
SecurityParamsBean Some clients may wish to customize the security information associated with them.
TargetableBean All JMS beans that can be targeted extend the targetable bean.
TemplateBean Template beans contain default values for destination attributes.
ThresholdParamsBean Thresholds are a point that must be exceeded in order to produce a given effect.
TopicBean Topics are used for asynchronous peer communications.
TransactionParamsBean The transaction parameters bean controls how transactions are handled.
UniformDistributedDestinationBean A uniform distributed destination is a distributed destination whose members are configured as part of its configuration; since members share the same configuration, they are uniform.
UniformDistributedQueueBean A uniform distributed queue is a distributed queue whose members are configured as part of its configuration; since members share the same configuration, they are uniform.
UniformDistributedTopicBean A uniform distributed topic is a distributed topic whose members are configured as part of its configuration; since members share the same configuration, they are uniform.
VariableAssignmentBean An XML variable-assignmentType(@
VariableBean An XML variableType(@
VariableDefinitionBean An XML variable-definitionType(@
WSATConfigBean This is configuration used by the webservice atomic transactiona subsystem on the server-side (transactional participant) and the client-side (transactional initiator).

Package weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl Description

Provides interfaces for weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.2)

Part Number E27170-02