Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Integrator
12c (

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obfuscate(String, OdiInstance) - Static method in class oracle.odi.domain.util.ObfuscatedString
use ObfuscatedString.obfuscate(char[], OdiInstance) instead for better security
obfuscate(String) - Static method in class oracle.odi.domain.util.ObfuscatedString
use ObfuscatedString.obfuscate(char[], OdiInstance) instead. This method will be removed from next release.
obfuscate(char[], OdiInstance) - Static method in class oracle.odi.domain.util.ObfuscatedString
Creates an ObfuscatedString instance from the given not obfuscated password as a char array.
obfuscate(char[]) - Static method in class oracle.odi.domain.util.ObfuscatedString
use ObfuscatedString.obfuscate(char[], OdiInstance) instead. This method will be removed from next release.
ObfuscatedString - Class in oracle.odi.domain.util
An obfuscated string.
OBJECT - Static variable in class
Property that accesses a metadata object
OBJECT_ADDED - Static variable in class oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.InterfaceObjectModification.Modification
The object has been added.
OBJECT_REMOVED - Static variable in class oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.InterfaceObjectModification.Modification
The object has been removed.
objectAdded(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in interface oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.IInterfaceActionListener
Responds to the completion of the action of adding an ODI interface child object.
objectAdded(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in class
objectAdded(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in class
objectAdded(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in class
Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when an interface sub-component is added.
objectAdded(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in class
objectAdded(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in class
objectAdded(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in class
Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when an interface sub-component is added.
objectChanged(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in interface oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.IInterfaceActionListener
Responds to the completion of the action of modifying an ODI interface child object.
objectChanged(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in class
objectChanged(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in class
objectChanged(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in class
Marks data set of a source data store as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when that source data store is modified.
objectChanged(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in class
objectChanged(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in class
objectChanged(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in class
Marks data set of a source data store as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when that source data store is modified.
ObjectIdMaxValueReachedException - Exception in oracle.odi.core.repository
Exception thrown when internal sequence reached max value.
ObjectIdMaxValueReachedException(String, long) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.core.repository.ObjectIdMaxValueReachedException
Create exception with default message Messages.ERR_INTERNAL_MAX_SEQUENCE_VALUE.
objectRemoved(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in interface oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.IInterfaceActionListener
Responds to the completion of the action of removing an ODI interface child object.
objectRemoved(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in class
objectRemoved(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in class
objectRemoved(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in class
Marks data set (of a source data store or an executable text holder) as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when a source data store has been removed or when an interface sub-component that has an executable text holder has been removed.
objectRemoved(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in class
objectRemoved(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in class
objectRemoved(IInterfaceSubComponent) - Method in class
Marks data set (of a source data store or an executable text holder) as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when a source data store has been removed or when an interface sub-component that has an executable text holder has been removed.
objectRenamed(IInterfaceSubComponent, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.IInterfaceActionListener
Responds to the completion of the action of renaming an ODI interface child object.
objectRenamed(IInterfaceSubComponent, String, String) - Method in class
objectRenamed(IInterfaceSubComponent, String, String) - Method in class
objectRenamed(IInterfaceSubComponent, String, String) - Method in class
Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when that data set is renamed.
objectRenamed(IInterfaceSubComponent, String, String) - Method in class
objectRenamed(IInterfaceSubComponent, String, String) - Method in class
objectRenamed(IInterfaceSubComponent, String, String) - Method in class
Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when that data set is renamed.
ObjTrace - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. This class represents trace messages of an object in the repository. Currently, this only supports storing trace messages of OdiInterface.
ObjTrace(OdiInterface) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces.ObjTrace
Internal use only Creates a new trace message object for the specified interface.
ObjTrace.TraceSeverity - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. Severity of trace message.
ObjTrace.TraceType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. Types of trace message.
OCTOBER - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.RecurrenceAttributes.MonthOfYear
Enumeration constant indicating the month of October.
ODI - Static variable in class oracle.odi.core.repository.RepositoryResourceFailureException.RepositoryType
ODI - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiTechnology.ExecutionChannel
Execution channel involving an ODI native command.
ODI_11G - Static variable in class oracle.odi.core.repository.RepositoryModeListener.RepositoryMode
ODI_12C - Static variable in class oracle.odi.core.repository.RepositoryModeListener.RepositoryMode
ODI_COLUMN - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.AliasedColumnCrossRef.ColumnType
A real OdiColumn, on a real OdiDataStore in an OdiModel, used as source in an interface
ODI_COMMAND - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.step.StepType
Oracle Data Integrator Command step type.
ODI_CONDITION - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiCondition.ConditionType
Custom condition.
ODI_REFERENCE - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiReference.ReferenceType
A reference based on column equality that exists only in ODI.
ODI_RUNTIME_LIB - Static variable in class oracle.odi.runtime.agent.invocation.IRuntimeEngineInvoker.EngineInitOption
Initialize runtime engine runtime library.
OdiCaseElse - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
This class represents the 'else' clause in a "case-when-else" step of an OdiLoadPlan.
OdiCaseElseInstance - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
This class represents the OdiLoadPlanCaseElse class in the OdiLoadPlanInstance hierarchy
OdiCaseElseInstance() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.OdiCaseElseInstance
OdiCaseWhen - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
This class represents the 'when' clause in a "case-when-else" step of an OdiLoadPlan.
OdiCaseWhen.ComparisonOperator - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
Comparisons possible for the OdiLoadPlanVariable defined on the parent OdiLoadPlanStepCase.
OdiCaseWhenInstance - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
This class represents the OdiCaseWhen class in the OdiLoadPlanInstance hierarchy
OdiCaseWhenInstance() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.OdiCaseWhenInstance
OdiCecLoadPlan - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
OdiCecLoadPlan() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiCecLoadPlan
OdiCecScenario - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario
OdiCecScenario() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.OdiCecScenario
OdiCheckedException - Exception in oracle.odi.exception
Top level ODI SDK's checked exception class to be sub-classed by all specific custom checked exceptions of ODI SDK.
OdiCKM - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Represents the Control Knowledge Module.
OdiCKM(OdiProject, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiCKM
Constructor that sets the parent project and the name of the KM.
OdiCKMLine - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Subclass of ProcedureLine providing CKM specific properties used during code generation.
OdiColumn - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
An OdiColumn represents the data structure of a column part of an OdiDataStore.
OdiColumn(OdiDataStore, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiColumn
Creates a column with the given name, bound to datastore pDatastore.
OdiColumn.FileDescriptor - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
Defines OdiColumn properties that are specific to OdiColumns on FILE technologies.
OdiColumn.FileDescriptor() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiColumn.FileDescriptor
OdiColumn.FileDescriptor(Integer, int, String, String, String, OdiColumn.FileDescriptor.OnErrorOption) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiColumn.FileDescriptor
OdiColumn.FileDescriptor(Integer, int, String, String[], boolean, String, OdiColumn.FileDescriptor.OnErrorOption) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiColumn.FileDescriptor
OdiColumn.FileDescriptor.OnErrorOption - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
Defines the possible action in that can be taken during file loading if when the actual content of the file does not match the column definition.
OdiColumn.ScdType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
Defines the possible Slowly Changing Dimension behaviors related to OdiColumn.
OdiComponent - Class in oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.registration
OdiComponent() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.registration.OdiComponent
OdiCondition - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
An OdiCondition allows to define a data constraint to check on an OdiDataStore.
OdiCondition(OdiDataStore, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiCondition
Creates a condition belonging to pDatastore with the name pName.
OdiCondition.ConditionType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
Defines the type of an OdiCondition.
OdiConfigurationException - Exception in oracle.odi.core.config
Abstract root class for hierarchy of ODI configuration exceptions that are thrown when an invalid configuration data is detected when creating configuration objects, or when creating an OdiInstance.
OdiConnectionNotFoundException - Exception in
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. An exception used when setting up runtime data access or checking expressions. Both data access and expression checking require an active connection, and this exception is thrown if the connection information cannot be found. This means that the information necessary to make the connection is not found, not that the connection failed. For example if no logical or physical schema is defined for the checked object.
OdiConnectionNotFoundException() - Constructor for exception
Create a new OdiConnectionNotFoundException.
OdiContext - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
An ODI Context.
OdiContext(String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiContext
Create a new OdiContext with given code.
OdiContext(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiContext
Create a new OdiContext with given name and code.
OdiContextualAgentMapping - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Agent mapping between a physical agent and a logical agent applying for an ODI context.
OdiContextualAgentMapping(OdiContext, OdiLogicalAgent, OdiPhysicalAgent) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiContextualAgentMapping
OdiContextualAgentMapping.OdiContextualAgentMappingId - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Defines the identifier class for OdiContextualAgentMapping class.
OdiContextualAgentMapping.OdiContextualAgentMappingId(Number, Number) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiContextualAgentMapping.OdiContextualAgentMappingId
OdiContextualSchemaMapping - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Schema mapping between physical schema and logical schema applying for an ODI context.
OdiContextualSchemaMapping(OdiContext, OdiLogicalSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiContextualSchemaMapping
Construct a new OdiContextualSchemaMapping that maps together the given logical and physical schemas for the specified context.
OdiContextualSchemaMapping.OdiContextualSchemaMappingId - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Implements the composite key for OdiContextualSchemaMapping.
OdiContextualSchemaMapping.OdiContextualSchemaMappingId(Number, Number) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiContextualSchemaMapping.OdiContextualSchemaMappingId
OdiCoreConstants - Class in oracle.odi.core.config
OdiCoreConstants() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.core.config.OdiCoreConstants
OdiDataServer - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
An OdiDataServer is a data server that is defined for a technology into the physical topology of ODI.
OdiDataServer(OdiTechnology, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiDataServer
Construct a new OdiDataServer.
OdiDataStore - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
An OdiDataStore represents a two-dimensional tabular data structure, generally a database table structure.
OdiDataStore(AbstractOdiSubModel, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiDataStore
Construct a new OdiDataStore.
OdiDataStore(AbstractOdiSubModel, String, OdiDataStore) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiDataStore
Construct a new datastore.
OdiDataStore(OdiModel, String, OdiDataStore) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiDataStore
Construct a new datastore.
OdiDataStore(OdiModel, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiDataStore
Construct a new OdiDataStore.
OdiDataStore.CdcDescriptor - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
A Change Data Capture descriptor.
OdiDataStore.CdcDescriptor(boolean, int) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiDataStore.CdcDescriptor
Create a CdcDescriptor.
OdiDataStore.DataStoreType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
Defines the type of a datastore.
OdiDataStore.FileDescriptor - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
A FileDescriptor holds the OdiDataStore configuration specific to datastore defined on a FILE OdiTechnology.
OdiDataStore.FileDescriptor(OdiDataStore.FileDescriptor.Format, String, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiDataStore.FileDescriptor
Create a FileDescriptor.
OdiDataStore.FileDescriptor.Format - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
Defines the type of file that the datastore represents.
OdiDataStore.OlapType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
Defines the OLAP type of a datastore.
OdiDataStore.PartitioningPolicy - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
Defines the partitioning policy on the datastore.
OdiDataStoreExpressionContext - Class in oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.contexts
Context that has to be used to get SnpsExpressionTags relative to an OdiDataStore.
OdiDataStoreExpressionContext(OdiDataStore) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.contexts.OdiDataStoreExpressionContext
OdiDataStoreExpressionContext(OdiDataStore, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.contexts.OdiDataStoreExpressionContext
OdiDataType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
An OdiDataType is a domain entity describing a single data type defined for an ODI technology.
OdiDesigntimeBreakpoint - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
OdiDesigntimeBreakpoint is child entity in OdiPackage-> Step->OdiDesigntimeBreakpoint and OdiUserProcedure-> OdiUserProcedureLine->OdiDesigntimeBreakpoint aggregates, represents a breakpoint set on one of OdiPackage steps or one of OdiUserProcedure lines.
OdiDomainException - Exception in oracle.odi.domain
Abstract root exception for odi domain packages.
OdiDomainException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.domain.OdiDomainException
Create a new OdiDomainException.
OdiDomainException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.domain.OdiDomainException
Create a new OdiDomainException.
OdiDomainException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.domain.OdiDomainException
Create a new OdiDomainException.
OdiEnterprisePrincipal - Class in
OdiEnterprisePrincipal() - Constructor for class
OdiEnterprisePrincipal.PrincipalType - Class in
OdiEnterpriseScheduler - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
ODI domain object representing an ODI enterprise scheduler.
OdiEnterpriseScheduler() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiEnterpriseScheduler
OdiEntityChange - Class in oracle.odi.core.persistence
Class used to return identification of refreshed entities:
OdiEntityChange(boolean, IOdiEntity) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.core.persistence.OdiEntityChange
Construct an OdiEntityChange
OdiEntityManagerFactoryUtils - Class in oracle.odi.core.persistence
Helper class that provides utility methods for IOdiEntityManager.
OdiEntityManagerFactoryUtils() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.core.persistence.OdiEntityManagerFactoryUtils
OdiException - Exception in oracle.odi.core.exception
Use OdiCheckedException instead this one. This class can be removed at any time.
OdiException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.core.exception.OdiException
Create a new OdiException.
OdiException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.core.exception.OdiException
Create a new OdiException.
OdiException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.core.exception.OdiException
Create a new OdiException.
OdiFilter - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
An OdiFilter allows to define data filter relative to an OdiDataStore.
OdiFilter(OdiDataStore, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiFilter
Construct a new OdiFilter.
OdiFlexField - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
An ODI Flex Field enabling generic/flexible definition of custom informations for an ODI entity (aka IOdiEntity).
OdiFlexField(Class, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiFlexField
Create a new OdiFlexField.
OdiFlexField.FlexFieldType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Type safe enum for types of OdiFlexField.
OdiFolder - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
An OdiFolder is a workbench entity that ODI users will use to organize their work related to a single OdiProject.
OdiFolder(OdiProject, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiFolder
Constructor who sets the parent project and the name of the folder.
OdiFolder(OdiFolder, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiFolder
Constructor who sets parent folder and the name of the folder.
OdiFolder.ReleaseTag - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
OdiFolder.ReleaseTag(String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiFolder.ReleaseTag
OdiGlobalSubModel - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
AbstractOdiSubModel subclass, to manage global ODI submodels.
OdiHadoopDataServer - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
The OdiHadoopDataServer class contains information to connect to the described hadoop data server and how to manage that connection with properties like "hadoopJobTrackerUri" and "hadoopNameNodeUri".
OdiHadoopDataServer(OdiTechnology, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiHadoopDataServer
Construct a new OdiHadoopDataServer.
OdiIKM - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Represents an Integration Knowledge Module.
OdiIKM(OdiProject, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiIKM
Constructor that sets the parent project and the name of the IKM.
OdiIKMLine - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Subclass of ProcedureLine providing IKM specific properties used during code generation.
OdiIKMLine.TemporaryIndexLocation - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Internal Enum that represents the location where temporary indexes can be created by an OdiIKMLine when executed.
Possible values are:
NONE: do not create any temporary index
ON_SOURCE: create temporary index on source
OdiImportException - Exception in oracle.odi.impexp
Exception thrown when import of objects in ODI repository fails.
OdiImportException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportException
Constructs an OdiImportException object.
OdiImportException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportException
Constructs an OdiImportException object.
OdiImportException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportException
Constructs an OdiImportException object.
OdiImportForbiddenException - Exception in oracle.odi.impexp
Exception thrown when the import is forbidden.
OdiImportForbiddenException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportForbiddenException
Constructs an OdiImportForbiddenException object.
OdiImportForbiddenException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportForbiddenException
Constructs an OdiImportForbiddenException object.
OdiImportForbiddenException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportForbiddenException
Constructs an OdiImportForbiddenException object.
OdiImportGenericException - Exception in oracle.odi.impexp
OdiImportGenericException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportGenericException
Constructs an OdiImportGenericException object.
OdiImportGenericException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportGenericException
Constructs an OdiImportGenericException object.
OdiImportGenericException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportGenericException
Constructs an OdiImportGenericException object.
OdiImportInvalidZipSourceException - Exception in oracle.odi.impexp
OdiImportInvalidZipSourceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportInvalidZipSourceException
Constructs an OdiImportInvalidZipSourceException object.
OdiImportInvalidZipSourceException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportInvalidZipSourceException
Constructs an OdiImportInvalidZipSourceException object.
OdiImportInvalidZipSourceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportInvalidZipSourceException
Constructs an OdiImportInvalidZipSourceException object.
OdiImportNotConsistentSynonymException - Exception in oracle.odi.impexp
Exception thrown when an import object's identifier is not consistent with the identifier of the object in the repository.
OdiImportNotConsistentSynonymException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportNotConsistentSynonymException
Constructs an OdiImportNotConsistentSynonymException object.
OdiImportNotConsistentSynonymException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportNotConsistentSynonymException
Constructs an OdiImportNotConsistentSynonymException object.
OdiImportNotConsistentSynonymException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportNotConsistentSynonymException
Constructs an OdiImportNotConsistentSynonymException object.
OdiImportNotSupportedException - Exception in oracle.odi.impexp
Exception thrown when trying to import an object under an IImportRoot that doesn't support this object's class.
OdiImportNotSupportedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportNotSupportedException
Constructs an OdiImportNotSupportedException object.
OdiImportNotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportNotSupportedException
Constructs an OdiImportNotSupportedException object.
OdiImportNotSupportedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportNotSupportedException
Constructs an OdiImportNotSupportedException object.
OdiImportReplaceException - Exception in oracle.odi.impexp
Exception thrown when an import-replace operation fails.
OdiImportReplaceException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportReplaceException
Constructs an OdiImportReplaceException object.
OdiImportReplaceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportReplaceException
Constructs an OdiImportReplaceException object.
OdiImportReplaceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportReplaceException
Constructs an OdiImportReplaceException object.
OdiImportUserProcedureOverKMException - Exception in oracle.odi.impexp
This exception prevents the user from updating an OdiUserProcedure with an OdiKM when importing.
OdiImportUserProcedureOverKMException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportUserProcedureOverKMException
Constructs an OdiImportUserProcedureOverKMException object.
OdiImportUserProcedureOverKMException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportUserProcedureOverKMException
Constructs an OdiImportUserProcedureOverKMException object.
OdiImportUserProcedureOverKMException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.OdiImportUserProcedureOverKMException
Constructs an OdiImportUserProcedureOverKMException object.
OdiIndexType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
An OdiIndexType is a domain entity describing a single type of SGBDR index for an ODI technology.
OdiIndexType(OdiTechnology, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiIndexType
Create a new OdiIndexType.
OdiInstance - Class in oracle.odi.core
Represents an instance of ODI master / work repositories.
OdiInstance.IOdiInstanceListener - Interface in oracle.odi.core
OdiInstanceConfig - Class in oracle.odi.core.config
Holds all configuration information required by an instance of ODI.
OdiInstanceConfig(MasterRepositoryDbInfo, WorkRepositoryDbInfo, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.core.config.OdiInstanceConfig
Constructs an OdiInstanceConfig with given parameters and the optimistic locking enabled.
OdiInstanceConfig(MasterRepositoryDbInfo, WorkRepositoryDbInfo, int, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.core.config.OdiInstanceConfig
Constructs an OdiInstanceConfig with given parameters.
OdiInstanceConfig(MasterRepositoryDbInfo, WorkRepositoryDbInfo, int) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.core.config.OdiInstanceConfig
Constructs an OdiInstanceConfig with no data source selector and with full persistence support.
OdiInstanceConfig(MasterRepositoryDbInfo, WorkRepositoryDbInfo) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.core.config.OdiInstanceConfig
Constructs an OdiInstanceConfig with no data source selector, with full persistence support and with no specific JDBC data source timeout.
OdiInterface - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. An OdiInterface is the main class that implement target datastore feeding, suppling data from several source datastores.

If an interface is constructed with a reference object, the interface will represented a shortcut to the reference object. When an interface is used as a shortcut, most properties are accessed through the base object. The IOdiShortcutable interface implemented by OdiInterface provides access and control over the shortcut aspects of this object.

This class is not intended to be used directly to create a consistent OdiInterface instance. A consistent OdiInterface is an OdiInterface instance that would be executed as is without any consistency issues regarding mappings, execution locations, etc. Creating a consistent OdiInterface has to be done using 3d party tools or classes that extend IInteractiveInterfaceHelper such as InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.

This class is provided for internal use only, or for ODI consumers that want to read an existing OdiInterface instance. Any direct changes to that class or any of its enclosing members from package oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces are strongly discouraged and without any guarantee. This may lead into unpredictable consistency issues.

StagingArea and TargetDataStore are non-nullable instances.

OdiInterface(OdiFolder, String, OdiInterface, OdiContext) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiInterface
OdiInterface(OdiFolder, String, OdiInterface, OdiContext, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiInterface
Creates a new interface.
OdiInterface(OdiFolder, String, OdiContext) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiInterface
For internal use only Creates a new interface.
OdiInterface(OdiFolder, String, OdiContext, IOdiEntityManager) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiInterface
For internal use only Creates a new interface.
OdiInterface.CheckableFlowConstraint - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. A constraint that can be checkable on the flow and potentially overriden in the interface.
Constraints include OdiKeys, OdiConditions and OdiReferences.
This class enables to manipulate the constraints and how they can be overridden in the interface.
Note that as for all objects inside interfaces, you should use IInteractiveInterfaceHelpers to modify constraints.
OdiInterface.ColumnSorterId - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. Sorter for TargetColumns by id.
OdiInterface.ColumnSorterId() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiInterface.ColumnSorterId
OdiInterface.ColumnSorterPosition - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. Comparator used to sort TargetColumns by position.
OdiInterface.ColumnSorterPosition() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiInterface.ColumnSorterPosition
OdiInterface.DatabaseSchema - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. The database schema on which the temporary target datastore is located.
OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. The execution location for Join, Filter, TargetMapping and TargetColumn expressions.
OdiInterface.StagingArea - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. Represents the staging area of the interface. It references a LKM, which is used to load data from the staging area to the target data server when the staging area is different from the target datastore.
OdiInterface.TargetDataStore - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. Represents the target datastore of the interface, which may be either a temporary datastore or an underlying existing OdiDataStore defined in an OdiModel.
It is located on an OdiLogicalSchema, which is either deduced from the underlying OdiDataStore or either shared with the Staging Area for a temporary datastore.
It contains TargetColumns which are either the mirror of existing OdiColumns from the underlying OdiDataStore, or either temporary target columns. Both are represented by the class TargetColumn.
It has an update key, which is either taken from one of the underlying datastore's OdiReferences, either set using a TemporaryTargetUpdateKey.
It references a CKM, which is used at runtime to check the data that is sent to the target.
It references an IKM, which is used to actually integrate the data from the sources into the target datastore.
OdiInterfaceDataAccessChecker - Class in
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. A class used to do data access checking for the sources and targets of an interface. Various subcomponents of the interface can be specified and data access for those subcomponents will be checked. For example a specific set of source data stores, filters, joins, target columns or target mappings may be specified.
OdiInterfaceDataAccessChecker() - Constructor for class
OdiInterfaceDataAccessHelperFactory - Class in
A factory to create IOdiInterfaceDataAccessHelper instances.
OdiInterfaceDataAccessHelperFactory() - Constructor for class
OdiInterfaceExpressionCheckerFactory - Class in
A factory to create IOdiInterfaceExpressionChecker interface instances.
OdiInterfaceExpressionCheckerFactory() - Constructor for class
OdiInterfaceFatalIssueException - Exception in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.exceptions
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. Thrown when an interface contains fatal issues and cannot be saved.
OdiInterfaceFatalIssueException(IInterfaceIssue) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.exceptions.OdiInterfaceFatalIssueException
Constructs a new OdiInterfaceFatalIssueException.
OdiInterfaceNotReadyForPersistException - Exception in oracle.odi.interfaces.basic
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. Thrown when the interface cannot be saved due to errors.
OdiInterfaceNotReadyForPersistException(MessageHandle, Object[]) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.interfaces.basic.OdiInterfaceNotReadyForPersistException
Construct a new OdiInterfaceNotReadyForPersistException.
OdiInterfaceNotReadyForPersistException - Exception in oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.exceptions
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. Thrown when an interface object contains error and cannot be saved to the repository.
OdiInterfaceNotReadyForPersistException(MessageHandle, Object[]) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.exceptions.OdiInterfaceNotReadyForPersistException
Construct a new OdiInterfaceNotReadyForPersistException.
OdiInterfaceShortcutAdapter - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. Adapter implementing Interface for objects that can consume shortcuts. OdiInterface consumes a shortcutable object as a target table. A shortcutable consumer will maintain both a reference object and a base real object. A shortcut consumer may consume one shortcutable object. A shortcut consumer must resetShortcutable(IShortcutable pShortcut, IShortcutable pBaseObject) shortcutConsumers include: OdiInterfaceStep OdiDatastoreStep OdiUserProcedureStep OdiInterface OdiSourceTable OdiReference
OdiInterfaceShortcutAdapter(OdiInterface, OdiInstance) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiInterfaceShortcutAdapter
OdiInvalidDataTypeConditionException - Exception in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Thrown when the validation of the data type condition fails.
OdiInvalidDataTypeConditionException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiInvalidDataTypeConditionException
OdiJKM - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Represents a journalization knowledge module.
OdiJKM(OdiProject, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiJKM
Constructor that sets the parent project and the name of the KM.
OdiJKMLine - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Subclass of ProcedureLine providing JKM specific properties used during code generation.
OdiJKMLine.RepeatOrder - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Defines if the command should be iterated for all the datastores when processing a CDC-related operation on a group of datastores (model or CDC set).
OdiJobStartupParam - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling
OdiJobStartupParam is the representation of startup parameter for OdiSession or OdiLoadPlanInstance.
OdiKey - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
A key for an OdiDataStore.
OdiKey(OdiDataStore, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiKey
Construct a new OdiKey.
OdiKey.KeyType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
Defines the type of an OdiKey instance.
OdiKM - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Abstract base class that all knowledge modules types subclasses.
OdiKMComparator - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Class implements a Comparator for sorting KM.
OdiKMComparator(OdiTechnology, OdiTechnology) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiKMComparator
Constructs an OdiKMComparator object.
OdiKMException - Exception in
Exception class that can be used by the KM tasks.
OdiKMException(String) - Constructor for exception
Constructor for KM error message.
OdiKMException(String, Object[]) - Constructor for exception
Constructor for KM error message with Message arguments.
OdiKMException(String, String) - Constructor for exception
A KM exception whose message is given by pKey.
OdiKMException(String, String, Object[]) - Constructor for exception
A KM exception whose message is given by pKey and may be parameterized by pMsgArgs.
OdiKMException(Throwable, String, Object[]) - Constructor for exception
Allow the KM exception to have a Causal exception
OdiKMException(Throwable, String, String, Object[]) - Constructor for exception
Allow the KM exception to have a parameterized message, and a Causal exception and an OverrideMessage
OdiLanguageElementImpl - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
OdiLanguageElementImpl class represents ODI language element implemented by some technology, allows overriding language element's properties on per-technology basis.
OdiLanguageElementImpl.OdiLanguageElementImplId - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Implements the composite key for OdiLanguageElementImpl.
OdiLanguageElementImpl.OdiLanguageElementImplId(Number, Number) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiLanguageElementImpl.OdiLanguageElementImplId
OdiLanguageImpl - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
OdiLanguageImpl class represents ODI language implemented by some technology, allows overriding language settings on per-technology basis.
OdiLanguageImpl.OdiLanguageImplId - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Implements the composite key for OdiLanguageImpl.
OdiLanguageImpl.OdiLanguageImplId(Number, Number) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiLanguageImpl.OdiLanguageImplId
OdiLKM - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Represents the Loading Knowledge Module.
OdiLKM(OdiProject, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiLKM
Constructor that sets the parent project and the name of the KM.
OdiLKMLine - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Subclass of ProcedureLine providing LKM specific properties used during code generation.
OdiLoadPlan - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
An OdiLoadPlan is the root entity of the Load Plan aggregate.
OdiLoadPlan(String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlan
Create an OdiLoadPlan instance.
Creates a default root OdiLoadPlanStep.
OdiLoadPlan.SessionLogsBehavior - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
Indicates how logs will be maintained by default for the session of each of the scenarios started by the Load Plan.
OdiLoadPlan.SessionStepLogsBehavior - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
Indicates how logs will be maintained by default for the session steps of each of the scenarios started by the Load Plan.
OdiLoadPlanCaseCondition - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
Abstract class representing the clauses available in a stepCase (Case-when-else).
OdiLoadPlanElement - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
Abstract class representing an object in the OdiLoadPlan hierarchy of steps
OdiLoadPlanException - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
An OdiLoadPlanException represents some action that can be executed when the OdiLoadPlan faces an error.
On each step, the OdiLoadPlan can define an OdiLoadPlanException to be executed in such a case.
The OdiLoadPlan manages a list of OdiLoadPlanException.
OdiLoadPlanInstance - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
The OdiLoadPlanInstance represents the state of an OdiLoadPlan once it's started.
Its main use is to keep an history of a load plan start, in order to be able to restart it in the same state.
OdiLoadPlanInstanceBaseLog - Interface in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
OdiLoadPlanInstanceCaseCondition - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
Abstract class representing the clauses available in a stepCase (Case-when-else).
OdiLoadPlanInstanceCaseCondition() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.OdiLoadPlanInstanceCaseCondition
OdiLoadPlanInstanceElement - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
Abstract class representing an object in the OdiLoadPlanInstance hierarchy of steps
OdiLoadPlanInstanceElement() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.OdiLoadPlanInstanceElement
OdiLoadPlanInstanceException - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
This class represents the OdiLoadPlanException class in the OdiLoadPlanInstance hierarchy
OdiLoadPlanInstanceExceptionLog - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
This class represents the logs for the execution of an exception when the execution of a step of the load plan failed.
OdiLoadPlanInstanceExceptionVariableLog - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
OdiLoadPlanInstanceExceptionVariableLog() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.OdiLoadPlanInstanceExceptionVariableLog
OdiLoadPlanInstanceRun - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
Class representing the attempt to execute an OdiLoadPlanInstance
OdiLoadPlanInstanceRun.OdiLoadPlanInstanceRunId - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
Implements the composite key for OdiContextualSchemaMapping.
OdiLoadPlanInstanceRun.OdiLoadPlanInstanceRunId(Number, Long) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.OdiLoadPlanInstanceRun.OdiLoadPlanInstanceRunId
OdiLoadPlanInstanceRun.Status - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
Execution status
OdiLoadPlanInstanceRun.StepCaseConditionStatus - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
Case step clause Evaluation status
OdiLoadPlanInstanceRunCriteria - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.finder
OdiLoadPlanInstanceRunCriteria() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.finder.OdiLoadPlanInstanceRunCriteria
OdiLoadPlanInstanceSessionLog - Interface in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
OdiLoadPlanInstanceStep - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
This class represents the OdiLoadPlanStep class in the OdiLoadPlanInstance hierarchy
OdiLoadPlanInstanceStep() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.OdiLoadPlanInstanceStep
OdiLoadPlanInstanceStepCase - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
This class represents the OdiLoadPlanStepCase class in the OdiLoadPlanInstance hierarchy
OdiLoadPlanInstanceStepContainer - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
This abstract class represents the steps that serve as container for other steps.
OdiLoadPlanInstanceStepContainer() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.OdiLoadPlanInstanceStepContainer
OdiLoadPlanInstanceStepLog - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
OdiLoadPlanInstanceStepLog() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.OdiLoadPlanInstanceStepLog
OdiLoadPlanInstanceStepParallel - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
This class represents the OdiLoadPlanStepParallel class in the OdiLoadPlanInstance hierarchy
OdiLoadPlanInstanceStepRunScenario - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
This class represents the OdiLoadPlanStepRunScenario class in the OdiLoadPlanInstance hierarchy
OdiLoadPlanInstanceStepSerial - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
This class represents the OdiLoadPlanStepSerial class in the OdiLoadPlanInstance hierarchy
OdiLoadPlanInstanceStepVariable - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
This class represents the OdiLoadPlanStepVariable class in the OdiLoadPlanInstance hierarchy
OdiLoadPlanInstanceVariable - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
This class represents the OdiLoadPlanVariable class in the OdiLoadPlanInstance hierarchy
OdiLoadPlanInstanceVariableLog - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
OdiLoadPlanInstanceVariableLog() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.OdiLoadPlanInstanceVariableLog
OdiLoadPlanSchedule - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
OdiLoadPlanSchedule is an execution schedule attached to the concrete OdiLoadPlan, specified on the object construction.
OdiLoadPlanSchedule(OdiLoadPlan, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanSchedule
Constructs the active schedule of ON_AGENT_STARTUP recurrence type for specified OdiLoadPlan.
OdiLoadPlanSchedule(OdiLoadPlan, String, String, Recurrence) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanSchedule
Constructs the active Schedule with specified recurrence for specified OdiLoadPlan.
OdiLoadPlanStep - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
The OdiLoadPlanStep is an abstract class for the steps of the aggregate OdiLoadPlan.
The implementations are: OdiLoadPlanStepSerial OdiLoadPlanStepParallel OdiLoadPlanStepCase OdiLoadPlanStepRunScenario
OdiLoadPlanStep.ExceptionBehavior - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
Behavior in case the OdiLoadPlanStep execution throws an exception.
OdiLoadPlanStep.RegenerationMode - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
Defines the regeneration modes of a step
OdiLoadPlanStepCase - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
An OdiLoadPlanStepCase is one of the OdiLoadPlanStepCase.
It represents an aggregate "case-when*-else" (* there can be multiple when clauses).
OdiLoadPlanStepContainer - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
This abstract class represents the steps that serve as container for other steps.
OdiLoadPlanStepParallel - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
Concrete class for OdiLoadPlanStep describing the execution of children step in parallel.
OdiLoadPlanStepParallel.RestartType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
Restart behavior of this step when the Load Plan is restarted.
OdiLoadPlanStepRunScenario - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
Concrete class for OdiLoadPlanStep defining the execution of an OdiScenario
OdiLoadPlanStepRunScenario.RestartType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
Restart behavior of this step when the Load Plan is restarted.
OdiLoadPlanStepSerial - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
Concrete class for OdiLoadPlanStep describing the execution of children steps in a given order.
OdiLoadPlanStepSerial.RestartType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
Restart behavior of this step when the Load Plan is restarted.
Values can be:
-From Failure: When restarting the Load Plan and this step is known to be in failure (i.e.
OdiLoadPlanStepVariable - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
This class represents the association between an OdiLoadPlanVariable and an OdiLoadPlanStep.
OdiLoadPlanValidator - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
Validator for OdiLoadPlan.
OdiLoadPlanValidator(IOdiEntityManager) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanValidator
Create new loadplan validator.
OdiLoadPlanVariable - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
The OdiLoadPlanVariable is the inclusion of an OdiVariable in the context of an OdiLoadPlan.
OdiLoadPlanVariableUsedException - Exception in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
Thrown when trying to remove a load plan variable currently used as a test variable in a step case.
OdiLoadPlanVariableUsedException() - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanVariableUsedException
OdiLogicalAgent - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
An ODI logical agent to be used as reference to an OdiPhysicalAgent for a given OdiContext.
OdiLogicalAgent(String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiLogicalAgent
Create a new OdiLogicalAgent.
OdiLogicalExtRtEngine - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
An ODI logical external runtime engine to be used as reference to an OdiPhysicalExtRtEngine for a given OdiContext.
OdiLogicalExtRtEngine(String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiLogicalExtRtEngine
Create a new OdiLogicalExtRtEngine.
OdiLogicalSchema - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
An ODI logical schema.
OdiLogicalSchema(OdiTechnology, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiLogicalSchema
Construct a new OdiLogicalSchema.
OdiLogicalSchema.OggProcessType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
OdiMainPartition - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
Represents a main partition of an OdiDataStore.
OdiMainPartition(OdiDataStore, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiMainPartition
Constructs a new main partition.
OdiMarkerGroup - Class in oracle.odi.domain.marker
Represents design time metadata about a marker group.
OdiMarkerType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.marker
OdiMasterRepositoryInfo - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Metadata about an ODI Master Repository.
OdiModel - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
An OdiModel represents a set of datastores corresponding to data structures contained in a physical schema.
OdiModel(OdiLogicalSchema, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiModel
Constructor that sets the logical schema, name and the code.
OdiModel.ReverseObjectType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
Defines the object type to be reverse engineered.
OdiModel.ReverseType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
Defines the type of reverse engineering.
OdiModelFolder - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
An OdiModelFolder is used to arrange OdiModels.
OdiModelFolder(String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiModelFolder
Creates a "root" model folder.
OdiModelFolder(OdiModelFolder, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiModelFolder
Creates a model folder as a child of the given model folder.
OdiOnConnectConfig - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Holds configuration information related to OnConnect command to be applied to an OdiDataServer's connection when it is obtained.
OdiOnConnectConfig(String, LogLevel, Set, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiOnConnectConfig
Create a new OdiOnConnectConfig
OdiOnDisconnectConfig - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Holds configuration information related to OnDisconnect command to be applied to an OdiDataServer's connection when it is released.
OdiOnDisconnectConfig(String, LogLevel, Set, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiOnDisconnectConfig
Create a new OdiOnDisconnectConfig
OdiOpenTool - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Class encapsulates ODI Open tool information i.e.
OdiOpenTool(String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiOpenTool
Creates new OdiOpenTool instance with className specified.
OdiOriginalObjectNotExistException - Exception in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
Thrown when trying to regenerate a scenario and the original object (package, procedure, etc...) doesn't exist anymore.
OdiOriginalObjectNotExistException() - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiOriginalObjectNotExistException
OdiPackage - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Represents an ODI package.
OdiPackage(OdiFolder, String, OdiPackage) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiPackage
Constructor that sets the parentFolder, the name of the package, and the reference package.
OdiPackage(OdiFolder, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiPackage
Constructor that sets the parentFolder and the name of the package.
OdiPartition - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
An OdiPartition is an abstract class defining database partitioning.
OdiPhysicalAgent - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
An ODI physical agent, holding metadata about a deployed runtime agent.
OdiPhysicalAgent(String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiPhysicalAgent
Construct a new OdiPhysicalAgent with the given name.
OdiPhysicalAgentDataSource - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
OdiPhysicalAgentDataSource allows to override connection settings of an AbstractOdiDataServer with J2EE DataSource settings for an ODI agent deployed into a J2EE server.
OdiPhysicalAgentDataSource(OdiPhysicalAgent, AbstractOdiDataServer) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiPhysicalAgentDataSource
OdiPhysicalAgentDataSource.OdiPhysicalAgentDataSourceId - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Identifier class for OdiPhysicalAgentDataSource.
OdiPhysicalAgentDataSource.OdiPhysicalAgentDataSourceId(Number, Number) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiPhysicalAgentDataSource.OdiPhysicalAgentDataSourceId
OdiPhysicalExtRtEngine - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
An ODI physical external runtime engine, holding metadata about a deployed external runtime engine.
OdiPhysicalExtRtEngine(String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiPhysicalExtRtEngine
Construct a new OdiPhysicalExtRtEngine with the given name.
OdiPhysicalSchema - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
An OdiPhysicalSchema is a physical schema defined for a data server into the physical topology of ODI.
OdiPhysicalSchema(OdiDataServer) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiPhysicalSchema
Construct a new OdiPhysicalSchema and add it to the given OdiDataServer's physical schemas.
OdiPhysicalSchema.OggProcessType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
OdiPhysicalSchema.OggReportCountFrequencyUnit - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Enum encapsulates unit for Oracle Golden Gate physical extract/replicat processes' report count frequency
OdiPigDataServer - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
The OdiPigDataServer class contains information to connect to the described Pig data server and how to manage that connection with properties pigExecType
OdiPigDataServer(OdiTechnology, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiPigDataServer
Construct a new OdiPigDataServer.
OdiPigDataServer.PigExecutionType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Defines the execution types of the pig data server.
OdiPigDataServer.PigSettings - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Holds Pig metadata required to get a connection
OdiPigDataServer.PigSettings(Map, OdiOnConnectConfig, OdiOnDisconnectConfig) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiPigDataServer.PigSettings
Create a new OdiPigDataServer.PigSettings
OdiPrincipal - Class in
OdiProcedure - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Abstract high-level object encompassing ODI User Procedures and ODI Knowledge Modules.
OdiProcedureLine - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
An OdiProcedureLine holds metadata about a task to be executed by ODI Execution Engine.
OdiProcedureLine.LogCounter - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Type safe enum that represents different log counter types defined for a task.
OdiProcedureLine.OdiProcedureLineId - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Deprecated since release with no further replacement. Line id is a Number from now and on.
OdiProcedureLine.OdiProcedureLineId(Number, Number) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiProcedureLine.OdiProcedureLineId
Construct the OdiProcedureLineId using the OdiProcedure id and the line order.
OdiProcedureLineCmd - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
The OdiProcedureLineCmd contains information about the source or target line.
OdiProcedureLineCmd() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiProcedureLineCmd
Create a new OdiProceudreLineCmd setting no attributes.
OdiProcedureLineCmd(OdiProcedureLineCmd.CommitMode, Integer, boolean, OdiProcedureLineCmd.IsolationLevel, OdiContext, OdiTechnology, OdiLogicalSchema, Expression) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiProcedureLineCmd
Create a new OdiProcdureLine setting all attributes to specific values.
OdiProcedureLineCmd(OdiProcedureLineCmd, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiProcedureLineCmd
Copy Constructor for OdiProcdureLineCmd.
OdiProcedureLineCmd(OdiProcedureLineCmd) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiProcedureLineCmd
Copy Constructor for OdiProcdureLineCmd.
OdiProcedureLineCmd.CommitMode - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Commit Mode
OdiProcedureLineCmd.IsolationLevel - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Isolation Level
OdiProfile - Class in
OdiProject - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
An OdiProject is a top level workbench object in ODI.
OdiProject(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiProject
Constructs an OdiProject object.
OdiProjectExpressionContext - Class in oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.contexts
Context that has to be used to get SnpsExpressionTags relative to an OdiProject.
OdiProjectExpressionContext(OdiProject) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.contexts.OdiProjectExpressionContext
OdiProjectExpressionContext(OdiProject, IOdiVariableFinder, IOdiSequenceFinder, IOdiUserFunctionFinder) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.contexts.OdiProjectExpressionContext
OdiReference - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
An OdiReference is a reference between a foreign OdiDataStore and a primary OdiDataStore.
OdiReference(OdiDataStore, OdiDataStore, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiReference
Creates an OdiReference for the given foreign and primary OdiDataStores.
OdiReference.CascadingRule - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
Defines the possible delete and update rule.
OdiReference.ReferenceType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
Defines the possible types of references.
OdiReferenceShortcutAdapter - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
This is a shortcut adapter for the OdiReference.
OdiReferenceShortcutAdapter(OdiReference, OdiInstance) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiReferenceShortcutAdapter
OdiRepositoryServer - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
An OdiRepositoryServer.
OdiRKM - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Represents the Reverse Knowledge Module.
OdiRKM(OdiProject, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiRKM
Constructor that sets the parent project and the name of the KM.
OdiRKMLine - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Subclass of ProcedureLine providing RKM specific properties used during reverse engineering.
OdiRole - Class in
Master repository entity, which is mapped to SNP_USER
OdiRole(String, boolean) - Constructor for class
Base constructor for creating valid entity with minimum information.
OdiRuntimeException - Exception in oracle.odi.core.exception
Use OdiUncheckedException instead this one. This class can be removed at any time.
OdiRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.core.exception.OdiRuntimeException
Create a new OdiRuntimeException.
OdiRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.core.exception.OdiRuntimeException
Create a new OdiRuntimeException.
OdiRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.core.exception.OdiRuntimeException
Create a new OdiRuntimeException.
OdiRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.core.exception.OdiRuntimeException
Create a new OdiRuntimeException.
OdiScenario - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario
An ODI Scenario is designed to put a source component (interface, package, procedure, variable) into production.
OdiScenario.PromptParamType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario
This Enum type indicates which variables will be prompted as scenario startup parameter.
OdiScenarioFolder - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario
OdiScenarioFolder(String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.OdiScenarioFolder
Constructs the top-level OdiScenarioFolder specified by the given name.
OdiScenarioFolder(OdiScenarioFolder, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.OdiScenarioFolder
Constructs the OdiScenarioFolder specified by the given name within the given parent scenario folder.
OdiScenarioGeneratorException - Exception in oracle.odi.generation
Checked exception thrown when the generation of a scenario failed.
OdiScenarioGeneratorException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.generation.OdiScenarioGeneratorException
Construct OdiScenarioGenerator exception with message.
OdiScenarioGeneratorException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.generation.OdiScenarioGeneratorException
Construct OdiScenarioGenerator exception with cause.
OdiScenarioGeneratorException(Throwable, MessageHandle, Object[]) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.generation.OdiScenarioGeneratorException
OdiScenarioGeneratorImpl - Class in
Default IOdiScenarioGenerator implementation.
OdiScenarioGeneratorImpl(OdiInstance) - Constructor for class
Construct an IOdiScenarioGenerator for generating a scenario.
OdiScenarioNotFoundException - Exception in oracle.odi.generation
Raised when one scenario generation process was not able to find a scenario from the given scenario tag.
OdiScenarioNotFoundException(Tag) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.generation.OdiScenarioNotFoundException
OdiScenarioReport - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario
Defines execution report of an OdiScenario.
OdiScenarioSchedule - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario
OdiScenarioSchedule is an execution schedule attached to the concrete OdiScenario, specified on the object construction.
OdiScenarioSchedule(OdiScenario, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.OdiScenarioSchedule
Constructs the active schedule of ON_AGENT_STARTUP recurrence type for specified OdiScenario.
OdiScenarioSchedule(OdiScenario, String, String, Recurrence) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.OdiScenarioSchedule
Constructs the active Schedule with specified recurrence for specified OdiScenario.
OdiScenarioSequence - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario
Defines a sequence inside an OdiScenario.
OdiScenarioSequence(String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.OdiScenarioSequence
OdiScenarioStep - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario
OdiScenarioStep is representation of scenario step.
OdiScenarioStep(int, String, StepType) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.OdiScenarioStep
OdiScenarioTask - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario
OdiScenarioTask is representation of scenario task.
OdiScenarioVariable - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario
Defines a variable inside an OdiScenario and is part of the OdiScenario - OdiScenarioVariable - OdiScenarioSequence - OdiScenarioReport aggregate.
OdiScenarioVariable(String, VariableType) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.OdiScenarioVariable
OdiSchedule - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling
Abstract high-level object encompassing ODI Scenario Schedule and ODI Load Plan Schedule.
OdiSecurityException - Exception in
Abstract superclass for all exceptions thrown in the security package and subpackages.
OdiSequence - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Represents design time metadata about a sequence.
OdiSequence(OdiProject, String, Integer) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiSequence
Construct a new OdiSequence.
OdiSequence.SequenceType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Type of a sequence.
OdiSequenceCrossRef - Class in oracle.odi.domain.xrefs
A cross reference, referencing an OdiSequence.
OdiSequenceCrossRef(int, String, OdiSequence, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.OdiSequenceCrossRef
Create a new OdiSequenceCrossRef.
OdiSequenceCrossRef(int, String, OdiSequence) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.OdiSequenceCrossRef
Create a new OdiSequenceCrossRef.
OdiSession - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
An OdiSession is an execution (of a scenario, an interface, a package or a procedure, ...) undertaken by an execution agent.
OdiSession(String, ExecutionMode, Status, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.OdiSession
OdiSessionBlueprint - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.blueprint
OdiSessionBlueprint is SDK representation of Session Blueprint which is the copy of one particular snapshot/revision of a OdiScenario (or created directly from design time objects).
OdiSessionBlueprint(Number, Number, Tag) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.blueprint.OdiSessionBlueprint
OdiSessionBlueprint() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.blueprint.OdiSessionBlueprint
OdiSessionBlueprintBreakpoint - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.blueprint
OdiSessionBlueprintSequence - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.blueprint
OdiSessionBlueprintSequence is the part of blueprint of ODI Session, representing ODI Sequence used in OdiScenario.
OdiSessionBlueprintSequence(String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.blueprint.OdiSessionBlueprintSequence
OdiSessionBlueprintStep - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.blueprint
OdiSessionBlueprintStep is the part of blueprint of ODI Session, representing Step of OdiScenario.
OdiSessionBlueprintStep(int, String, StepType) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.blueprint.OdiSessionBlueprintStep
OdiSessionBlueprintTask - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.blueprint
OdiSessionBlueprintTask is the part of blueprint of ODI Session, representing Task of OdiScenario.
OdiSessionBlueprintVariable - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.blueprint
OdiSessionBlueprintVariable is the part of blueprint of ODI Session, representing ODI Variable used in OdiScenario.
OdiSessionBlueprintVariable(String, VariableType) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.blueprint.OdiSessionBlueprintVariable
OdiSessionCriteria - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.finder
Class represents search criteria for searching OdiSession instances.
OdiSessionCriteria() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.finder.OdiSessionCriteria
OdiSessionCustomStep - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
OdiSessionCustomStep represents the step which is related to only one specific OdiSession.
OdiSessionCustomTask - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
OdiSessionCustomTask represents the task which is related to only one specific OdiSession.
OdiSessionCustomVariable - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
OdiSessionCustomVariable represents the variable which is related to only one specific OdiSession.
OdiSessionCustomVariable(OdiSessionBlueprintVariable) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.OdiSessionCustomVariable
Constructs new OdiSessionCustomVariable overriding the specified OdiSessionBlueprintVariable.
OdiSessionFolder - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
An OdiSessionFolder is used to group OdiSession using predefined Keywords.
OdiSessionFolder(String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.OdiSessionFolder
Constructs a new OdiSessionFolder, specified by name.
OdiSessionParameter - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
Representation of session auxiliary parameter.
OdiSessionSequence - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
without direct replacement. Sequences are not editable on session level. Consider using of OdiSessionBlueprintSequence instead.
OdiSessionSequence(Number, OdiSessionBlueprintSequence) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.OdiSessionSequence
OdiSessionStep - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
consider using OdiSessionBlueprintStep instead. This API has never been released, so it should be deleted very soon, before 12.1.
OdiSessionStep(OdiSession, Number, String, StepType) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.OdiSessionStep
OdiSessionStepLog - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
Execution log of an OdiSession's step.
OdiSessionStepLog(OdiSession, OdiSessionBlueprintStep) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.OdiSessionStepLog
OdiSessionTask - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
consider using OdiSessionBlueprintTask instead. This API has never been released, so it should be deleted very soon, before 12.1.
OdiSessionTask(OdiSessionStep, int, TaskType) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.OdiSessionTask
OdiSessionTask(OdiSessionStep, String, int, TaskType, OdiProcedureLineCmd, OdiProcedureLineCmd, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.OdiSessionTask
OdiSessionTaskLog - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
Execution log of an OdiSession's task.
OdiSessionTaskLog(OdiSessionStepLog, OdiSessionBlueprintTask) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.OdiSessionTaskLog
OdiSessionTaskLog.CommitMode - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
Type safe enum that represents commit mode applied to a task when executed.
OdiSessionTaskLog.IsolationLevel - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
Type safe enum that represents DB isolation level applied to a task when executed.
OdiSessionTaskLog.LogCounter - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
Type safe enum that represents different log counter types defined for a task.
OdiSessionTaskLog.ValueTrackingMode - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
Type safe enum that represents OdiSessionVariable and OdiSessionSequence value tracking mode.
OdiSessionVariable - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
without direct replacement. Consider using of OdiSessionBlueprintVariable and OdiSessionCustomVariable instead.
OdiShortcutServiceException - Exception in oracle.odi.domain.shortcuts
Checked exception thrown when materialize a shortcutable object.
OdiShortcutServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.domain.shortcuts.OdiShortcutServiceException
Construct OdiShortcutServiceException exception with message and cause.
OdiShortcutServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.domain.shortcuts.OdiShortcutServiceException
Construct OdiShortcutServiceException exception with message.
OdiShortcutServiceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.domain.shortcuts.OdiShortcutServiceException
Construct OdiShortcutServiceException exception with cause.
OdiShortcutServiceImpl - Class in
Default IOdiShortcutService implementation.
OdiShortcutServiceImpl(OdiInstance) - Constructor for class
OdiSKM - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Represents the Service Knowledge Module.
OdiSKM(OdiProject, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiSKM
Constructor that sets the parent project and the name of the KM
OdiSmartImportException - Exception in oracle.odi.impexp.smartie
Exception thrown when doing smart import of objects into ODI repository fails.
OdiSmartImportException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.smartie.OdiSmartImportException
Constructs an OdiSmartImportException object.
OdiSmartImportException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.smartie.OdiSmartImportException
Constructs an OdiSmartImportException object.
OdiSmartImportException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.impexp.smartie.OdiSmartImportException
Constructs an OdiSmartImportException object.
OdiStandardSequenceValue - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.sequence
OdiStandardSequenceValue class represents current value of ODI sequences of SequenceType.STANDARD type.
OdiStandardSequenceValue() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.sequence.OdiStandardSequenceValue
OdiStepReport - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario
Defines execution report of an OdiScenario's step.
OdiSubModel - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
A sub model is a group of functionally homogeneous datastores within a model.
OdiSubModel(OdiModel, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiSubModel
Creates a sub model with a parent model, a name and a code.
OdiSubModel(OdiSubModel, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiSubModel
Creates a sub model with a parent sub model, a name and a code.
OdiSubModel.DistributionRule - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
Defines data store distribution rule that apply to an OdiSubModel.
OdiSubPartition - Class in oracle.odi.domain.model
Subclasses OdiPartition, and is a child of a OdiMainPartition instance.
OdiSubPartition(OdiMainPartition, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiSubPartition
Construct a new OdiSubPartition.
OdiTechnology - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
A technology that is defined within the physical topology provided by ODI.
OdiTechnology.ExecutionChannel - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Type safe enum representing the execution channel applying to an OdiTechnology.
OdiTechnology.OuterJoinNotationLocation - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Typesafe enum that defines the location to place the outer join notation for non-ANSI joins.
OdiTechnology.PartitionCapability - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Typesafe enum that allow to define Partition capability for an OdiTechnology.
OdiTechnology.SqlJoinCapability - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Type safe enum representing the Join capability for a technology supporting the SQL dialect.
OdiTechnologyAlreadyImplementedException - Exception in oracle.odi.domain.project
OdiTechnologyAlreadyImplementedException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiTechnologyAlreadyImplementedException
OdiTechnologyAlreadyImplementedException(OdiUserFunction, OdiTechnology) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiTechnologyAlreadyImplementedException
OdiTrackedSequenceValue - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
Domain object used to register values (initial and final) took by an OdiSessionBlueprintSequence during the execution of an OdiSessionTask.
OdiTrackedVariableValue - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
Domain object used to register a value took by an OdiSessionBlueprintVariable during the execution of an OdiSessionStep.
OdiUncheckedException - Exception in oracle.odi.exception
Top level ODI SDK's unchecked exception to be sub-classed by all specific custom unchecked exceptions of ODI SDK.
OdiUser - Class in
The OdiUser class contains informations about a user including password and supervisor.
OdiUserCreationServiceImpl - Class in
Reference implementation of IOdiUserCreationService
OdiUserCreationServiceImpl(OdiInstance) - Constructor for class
OdiUserFunction - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Represents design time metadata about a customized function that can be used in expressions of other objects such as OdiInterface, OdiUserProcedure.
OdiUserFunction(String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiUserFunction
Constructs a new global (i.e.
OdiUserFunction(OdiProject, String, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiUserFunction
Constructs a new OdiUserFunction with the given name, group name and functional string owned by the given OdiProject.
OdiUserFunctionCrossRef - Class in oracle.odi.domain.xrefs
A cross reference, referencing an OdiUserFunction.
OdiUserFunctionCrossRef(int, String, OdiUserFunction, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.OdiUserFunctionCrossRef
OdiUserFunctionCrossRef(int, String, OdiUserFunction, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.OdiUserFunctionCrossRef
OdiUserFunctionImpl - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Represents metadata of an actual OdiUserFunction implementation for one or several OdiTechnology.
OdiUserProcedure - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Represents the ODI user procedures.
OdiUserProcedure(OdiFolder, String, OdiUserProcedure) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiUserProcedure
Constructor that sets the parentFolder, the name of the user procedure, and the reference user procedure.
OdiUserProcedure(OdiFolder, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiUserProcedure
Constructor that sets the parent OdiFolder and the name of this OdiUserProcedure instance.
OdiUserProcedureLine - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Subclass of ProcedureLine providing User Procedure specific properties.
OdiVariable - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Represents design time metadata about a variable.
OdiVariable(String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiVariable
Construct a new global (i.e.
OdiVariable(OdiProject, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiVariable
Construct a new OdiVariable with the given name owned by the given OdiProject.
OdiVariable.Action - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
As of ODI replaced by OdiVariable.ValuePersistence.
OdiVariable.DataType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Defines the data type of an OdiVariable.
OdiVariable.ValuePersistence - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project
Enumeration representing the different persistence mode of a variable value.
OdiVariableChangedDatatypeException - Exception in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
Thrown when trying to remove a load plan variable currently used as a test variable in a step case.
OdiVariableChangedDatatypeException() - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiVariableChangedDatatypeException
OdiVariableCrossRef - Class in oracle.odi.domain.xrefs
A cross reference, referencing an OdiVariable.
OdiVariableCrossRef(int, String, OdiVariable, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.OdiVariableCrossRef
Create a new OdiVariableCrossRef.
OdiVariableCrossRef(int, String, OdiVariable) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.OdiVariableCrossRef
Create a new OdiVariableCrossRef.
OdiVariableNotExistException - Exception in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
Thrown when trying to regenerate an OdiLoadPlanVariable and the original OdiVariable doesn't exist anymore.
OdiVariableNotExistException() - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiVariableNotExistException
OdiVariableTextGeneratorDwgImpl - Class in
Default IOdiVariableTextGenerator implementation.
OdiVariableTextGeneratorDwgImpl(OdiInstance) - Constructor for class
Construct an OdiVariableTextGeneratorDwgImpl object.
OdiVariableTextGeneratorDwgImplFactory - Class in
Factory class extending the OdiVariableTextGeneratorFactory.
OdiVariableTextGeneratorDwgImplFactory() - Constructor for class
OdiVariableTextGeneratorException - Exception in oracle.odi.generation
Checked exception thrown when the generation of variable text failed.
OdiVariableTextGeneratorException(MessageHandle, Object[]) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.generation.OdiVariableTextGeneratorException
OdiVariableTextGeneratorException(Throwable, MessageHandle, Object[]) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.generation.OdiVariableTextGeneratorException
OdiVariableTextGeneratorFactory - Class in oracle.odi.generation
Factory that has to be used to obtain an instance of the IOdiVariableTextGenerator interface.
OdiVariableTextGeneratorFactory() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.generation.OdiVariableTextGeneratorFactory
OdiVariableValue - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.variable
An OdiVariableValue is used to store a value taken by a variable during execution when defined as oracle.odi.domain.runtime.variable.Action.HISTORIZE or oracle.odi.domain.runtime.variable.Action.LATEST_VALUE.
OdiVariableValue() - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.variable.OdiVariableValue
OdiVariableValue.OdiVariableValueId - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.variable
Identifier class forOdiVariableValue.
OdiVariableValueHistory - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.variable
The value history of a OdiVariable.
OdiVariableValueHistory(Collection) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.variable.OdiVariableValueHistory
Creates OdiVariableValueHistory instance from the list of variable's values.
OdiWorkRepositoryInfo - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Metadata about an ODI Work Repository.
OdiWorkRepositoryInfo.WorkRepType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Type of an ODI Work Repository.
OK - Static variable in class
The expression is correct.
ON_AGENT_STARTUP - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.RecurrenceAttributes.Frequency
Indicates repetition on every run-time agent startup.
ON_CONNECT - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.TaskType
Command on connect.
ON_CONNECT - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.step.StepType
On connect step.
ON_DISCONNECT - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.TaskType
Command on disconnect.
ON_DISCONNECT - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.step.StepType
On disconnect step.
ON_SOURCE - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.project.ComponentKMLine.TemporaryIndexLocation
Create temporary index on source.
ON_SOURCE - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiIKMLine.TemporaryIndexLocation
Create temporary index on source.
ON_TARGET - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.project.ComponentKMLine.TemporaryIndexLocation
Create temporary index on target.
ON_TARGET - Static variable in class
Represents an indicator that, if set to true, specifies that the target schema will be used for staging.
ON_USER_DATABASE_SCHEMA - Static variable in class
Represents an indicator that, if set to true, specifies that the temporary target datastore will reside on the main user database schema specified in the physical schema for the target datastore.
ONE - Static variable in class
Set index type for attached source number 1.
onSave() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.DeploymentSpec
OOZIE_ODI_SESSION - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.SessionType
Session representing Oozie.
ORACLE - Static variable in class oracle.odi.setup.TechnologyName
Enum value representing the Oracle Database technology.
oracle.odi.core - package oracle.odi.core
Provides the OdiInstance class that is the entry point to Oracle Data Integrator core infrastructure.
oracle.odi.core.config - package oracle.odi.core.config
Provides classes for Oracle Data Integrator core infrastructure configuration, including exception hierarchy related to configuration issues.
oracle.odi.core.exception - package oracle.odi.core.exception
Provides root exception types for Oracle Data Integrator.
oracle.odi.core.persistence - package oracle.odi.core.persistence
Provides Oracle Data Integrator core infrastructure persistence management API.
oracle.odi.core.persistence.transaction - package oracle.odi.core.persistence.transaction
Provides Oracle Data Integrator core infrastructure transaction management API. - package
Support classes for oracle.odi.core.persistence.transaction package.
oracle.odi.core.repository - package oracle.odi.core.repository
Provides repository abstraction for Oracle Data Integrator core infrastructure. - package
This package (and its sub packages) implements the security layer for ODI SDK including login authentication, password management and privileges check.
oracle.odi.domain - package oracle.odi.domain
Root package of Oracle Data Integrator domain concerns, providing commons classes required by sub-packages.
oracle.odi.domain.adapter - package oracle.odi.domain.adapter
This package contains base interface classes for domain objects in Oracle Data Integrator.
oracle.odi.domain.adapter.flexfields - package oracle.odi.domain.adapter.flexfields
This package contains base interface classes for flexfield related objects in Oracle Data Integrator.
oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project - package oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project
This package contains base interface classes for project related domain objects in Oracle Data Integrator. - package
This package contains base interface classes for mapping property objects in Oracle Data Integrator.
oracle.odi.domain.adapter.relational - package oracle.odi.domain.adapter.relational
This package contains base interface classes for data model domain objects in Oracle Data Integrator.
oracle.odi.domain.adapter.topology - package oracle.odi.domain.adapter.topology
This package contains base interface classes for topology domain objects in Oracle Data Integrator.
oracle.odi.domain.adapter.util - package oracle.odi.domain.adapter.util
This package contains base interface classes for utility objects in Oracle Data Integrator.
oracle.odi.domain.finder - package oracle.odi.domain.finder
Provides foundation of finder concerns.
oracle.odi.domain.flexfields - package oracle.odi.domain.flexfields
Provides class related to FlexFields override concerns.
oracle.odi.domain.impexp - package oracle.odi.domain.impexp
Provides foundation for exportable and importable objects.
oracle.odi.domain.mapping - package oracle.odi.domain.mapping
This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator Mapping implementation.
oracle.odi.domain.mapping.autocreator - package oracle.odi.domain.mapping.autocreator
This package contains the implementation classes for Generate IN/OUT Mapping feature.
oracle.odi.domain.mapping.compatibility - package oracle.odi.domain.mapping.compatibility
oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component - package oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component
This package contains the component implementation in Oracle Data Integrator Mapping.
oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.registration - package oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.registration
oracle.odi.domain.mapping.exception - package oracle.odi.domain.mapping.exception
Provides exception classes for Oracle Data Integrator Mapping.
oracle.odi.domain.mapping.expression - package oracle.odi.domain.mapping.expression
Provides the expression class in Oracle Data Integrator Mapping.
oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder - package oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder
oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical - package oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical
This package contains the implementation for defining the physical aspects of Oracle Data Integrator Mapping. - package
This package contains the property classes in Oracle Data Integrator Mapping.
oracle.odi.domain.mapping.xreference - package oracle.odi.domain.mapping.xreference
Provides expression cross reference class for Oracle Data Integrator Mapping.
oracle.odi.domain.marker - package oracle.odi.domain.marker
This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator Marker implementation.
oracle.odi.domain.marker.finder - package oracle.odi.domain.marker.finder
This package contains Oracle Data Integrator Finder interfaces for marker and its related objects.
oracle.odi.domain.model - package oracle.odi.domain.model
This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator Data Model domain implementation.
oracle.odi.domain.model.finder - package oracle.odi.domain.model.finder
This package contains Oracle Data Integrator Finder interfaces for domain model objects.
oracle.odi.domain.project - package oracle.odi.domain.project
This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator Project implementation.
oracle.odi.domain.project.finder - package oracle.odi.domain.project.finder
This package contains Oracle Data Integrator Finder interfaces for domain project objects.
oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces - package oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces
This package contains Oracle Data Integrator Interface implementation.
oracle.odi.domain.relational - package oracle.odi.domain.relational
Provides classes related to relational structures.
oracle.odi.domain.root - package oracle.odi.domain.root
This package contains the root classes for Oracle Data Integrator Mapping.
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.common - package oracle.odi.domain.runtime.common
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.errortable - package oracle.odi.domain.runtime.errortable - package
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan - package oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.finder - package oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.finder
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi - package oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.finder - package oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.finder
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.purge - package oracle.odi.domain.runtime.purge - package
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario - package oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario
This package contains classes for managing Oracle Data Integrator Scenarios and related objects.
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.finder - package oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.finder
This package contains classes for searching Oracle Data Integrator scenarios.
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling - package oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.sequence - package oracle.odi.domain.runtime.sequence
This package contains classes for managing Oracle Data Integrator Sequences and their values.
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.sequence.finder - package oracle.odi.domain.runtime.sequence.finder
This package contains classes for searching Oracle Data Integrator runtime sequences.
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session - package oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
This package contains classes for managing Oracle Data Integrator Sessions and related objects.
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.blueprint - package oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.blueprint
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.blueprint.finder - package oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.blueprint.finder
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.finder - package oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.finder
This package contains classes for searching Oracle Data Integrator sessions.
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.startup - package oracle.odi.domain.runtime.startup
Provides classes for handling Oracle Data Integrator sessions startup parameters.
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.step - package oracle.odi.domain.runtime.step
This package contains enumeration StepType for managing types of OdiSessionStepLog.
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.variable - package oracle.odi.domain.runtime.variable
This package contains classes for needed to create and work with Oracle Data Integrator variables and their values.
oracle.odi.domain.runtime.variable.finder - package oracle.odi.domain.runtime.variable.finder
This package contains classes for searching Oracle Data Integrator runtime variables and their values. - package
This package contains user implementation. - package
This package contains Finder implementation to look for user objects.
oracle.odi.domain.shortcuts - package oracle.odi.domain.shortcuts
This package contains interfaces and classes for shortcuts. - package
This package contains the implementation of the shortcut service.
oracle.odi.domain.topology - package oracle.odi.domain.topology
This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator Topology domain model implementation.
oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder - package oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder
This package contains classes for searching Oracle Data Integrator topology entities.
oracle.odi.domain.util - package oracle.odi.domain.util
Oracle Data Integrator domain utility package.
oracle.odi.domain.validation - package oracle.odi.domain.validation
oracle.odi.domain.xrefs - package oracle.odi.domain.xrefs
Provides cross reference class hierarchy.
oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression - package oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression
Provides classes to manage expressions.
oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.contexts - package oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.contexts
Defines contexts (aka scope) for expression parsing.
oracle.odi.exception - package oracle.odi.exception
This package contains checked and unchecked exceptions that serve as a basis for all other exceptions in ODI SDK API.
oracle.odi.generation - package oracle.odi.generation
This package contains the generation services for Oracle Data Integrator. - package
This package contains the generation services for Oracle Data Integrator.
oracle.odi.impexp - package oracle.odi.impexp
This package contains the export and import services for Oracle Data Integrator.
oracle.odi.impexp.resource - package oracle.odi.impexp.resource
Provides classes to manage export and import resources such as folders, XML files, and zip files.
oracle.odi.impexp.smartie - package oracle.odi.impexp.smartie
This package contains the smart export and import services for Oracle Data Integrator.
oracle.odi.impexp.smartie.impl - package oracle.odi.impexp.smartie.impl
This package contains the implementation classes of smart export and import services for Oracle Data Integrator. - package
Provides classes to allow for running the different types of OracleDI exports and imports.
oracle.odi.interfaces - package oracle.odi.interfaces
This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator Interface implementation.
oracle.odi.interfaces.basic - package oracle.odi.interfaces.basic
Provides a simple helper to create basic ODI interfaces from scratch. - package
This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator interface data and expression checking utility interface. - package
This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator interface data and expression checking utility interface implementation classes.
oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive - package oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive
Provides interfaces for interactive handling of Oracle Data Integrator interfaces.
oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.exceptions - package oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.exceptions
This package contains the exception classes thrown during interactive handling of interface objects in Oracle Data Integrator. - package
This package and its sub-packages provide the implementations for interactive handling of Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. - package
This package contains the implementations for creating action listeners when working with InteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions. - package
This package contains the Oracle Data Integrator interface action implementation classes. - package
This package contains the implementations for computing the default alias of objects when working with Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. - package
This package contains the implementations to import join and filter clauses when adding new source datastores in Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. - package
This package contains the implementations representing the execution areas in Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. - package
Provides interfaces for managing Oracle Data Integrator interface issues. - package
Contains classes which handles the auto-fixing of Oracle Data Integrator interface sub-component issues. - package
Contains classes which supports the checking of interface issue severity levels. - package
This package contains the implementations of the various types of KM holder when working with Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. - package
This package contains the implementations on retaining existing knowledge module options when a different knowledge module is used in Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. - package
This package contains the implementations for auto mapping handling when working with Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. - package
This package contains the implementations, when working with Oracle Data Integrator interfaces, for choosing one of the target mapping expression across multiple datasets if the execution location of the target expression is changed to target. - package
This package contains the implementations, when working with Oracle Data Integrator interfaces, for defining the matching policy to reuse mappings when the target datastore of an interface is changed. - package
This package contains the implementations to determine whether a target mapping is persisted or not when working with Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. - package
This package contains the representation of cross references to various types of objects, including source datastore and source column, in Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. - package
This package contains the implementations, when working with Oracle Data Integrator interfaces, on removing cross references during a deletion of a source datastore. - package
This package contains the implementations to retrieve different set of cross references associated with a text holder in an Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. - package
Contains classes which handles the computation of source sets of an Oracle Data Integrator interface. - package
Contains classes which handles the Oracle Data Integrator interface source set creation. - package
This package contains the implementations for finding an update key for the target datastores when working with Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. - package
This package contains the implementations of text holder for various types of objects, such as joins, filters, target columns and target mappings, in Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. - package
This package provides the implementation for expression contexts of data sets and target expressions in Oracle Data Integrator interfaces. - package
oracle.odi.languages - package oracle.odi.languages
Provides the interface to obtain a language to build or parse expressions with. - package
Classes supporting the oracle.odi.languages package.
oracle.odi.missingref - package oracle.odi.missingref
Provides classes to manage missing references which may occur when doing versioning or import/export operations. - package
Provides classes to support the management of missing references which may occur when doing versioning or import/export operations.
oracle.odi.owb - package oracle.odi.owb
oracle.odi.runtime.agent - package oracle.odi.runtime.agent
This package contains classes for invoking executions on local Oracle Data Integrator agents.
oracle.odi.runtime.agent.invocation - package oracle.odi.runtime.agent.invocation
This package contains classes for invoking executions on local or remote Oracle Data Integrator agents.
oracle.odi.setup - package oracle.odi.setup
Provides classes for ODI master and work repository related operations.
oracle.odi.setup.restricted - package oracle.odi.setup.restricted
Provides some utility classes related to repository setup. - package
Provides implementation classes of the repository setup services.
ORACLE_ODI_HOME_ENV - Static variable in class oracle.odi.core.config.OdiCoreConstants
ORACLE_ODI_HOME_PROP - Static variable in class oracle.odi.core.config.OdiCoreConstants
ORDERED - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiTechnology.SqlJoinCapability
Ordered joins are supported.
ORDERED_JOIN - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces.Join.JoinType
join type of an ordered join.
ORDERED_NOT_ORDERED - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiTechnology.SqlJoinCapability
Either ordered or not ordered joins are supported.
ORDERED_SUBSELECT - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiTechnology.SqlJoinCapability
Ordered joins with nested subselect for multiple joins are supported.
ORDERED_SUBSELECT_NOT_ORDERED - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiTechnology.SqlJoinCapability
Either ordered joins with nested subselect for multiple joins or not ordered joins are supported.
OS - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiTechnology.ExecutionChannel
Execution channel involving an OS command.
OS_COMMAND - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.step.StepType
Operating System Command step type.
OUTPUT - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.MapConnectorPoint.Direction
OutputConnectorPoint - Class in oracle.odi.domain.mapping
OutputConnectorPoint represents a mapping connector point for the output of a component.
OutputSignature - Class in oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component
OutputSignature is a mapping component used in processing the output of a reusable mapping.
OutputSignature(MapComponentOwner, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.OutputSignature
Constructs a new persistent output signature component.
OVERWRITE_EXISTING_SCENARIOS - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanStep.RegenerationMode
All scenarios used in this step and and in the children steps will be regenerated and overwrite the current scenario.
OVERWRITE_ON_CHANGE - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiColumn.ScdType
If the column's value changes, the current record version is updated, and the column overwritten.
OWB_ODI_SESSION - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.SessionType
Session representing OWB job.
OWB_STEP - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.step.StepType
An OWB Step
OWB_TASK - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.TaskType
A task retrieved from OWB
OwbAccessException - Exception in oracle.odi.owb
Unchecked exception for wrapping OWB Runtime Repository exceptions in ODI SDK.
OwbAccessException(MessageHandle, Object[]) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.owb.OwbAccessException
Base constructor with custom error message.
OwbAccessException(Throwable, MessageHandle, Object[]) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.owb.OwbAccessException
Base constructor for creating OwbAccessException wrapping the cause and with custom error message.
ownerIsReusableMapping(IMapComponent) - Static method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.ReusableMappingComponent
Checks whether the specified component is owned by a reusable mapping.
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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Integrator
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