Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Integrator
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TABLE - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiDataStore.DataStoreType
A table.
TABLE - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiModel.ReverseObjectType
TABLE - Static variable in class oracle.odi.generation.DDLDiff.ObjectType
Difference is for a Table.
TABLE_ALIAS - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiDataStore.DataStoreType
A table alias.
TABLE_ALIAS - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiModel.ReverseObjectType
Alias Table.
TABLE_COMMENT - Static variable in class oracle.odi.generation.DDLDiff.ObjectType
Difference is for a Table Comment.
TableFunctionComponent - Class in oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component
TableFunctionComponent(MapComponentOwner, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.TableFunctionComponent
Construct a new persistent table function component.
Tag - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario
A tag, made of a name and a version label.
Tag(String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.Tag
Constructs a Tag object with given name and version.
TARGET - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project.IKnowledgeModule.ProcessingType
For processing on target location.
TARGET - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.expression.MapExpression.ExecuteOnLocation
The evaludation must be performed on target location.
TARGET - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalDesign.ExecutionLocationType
TARGET - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation
The expression will be executed on the target.
TARGET_CKM - Static variable in class
Check KM for a target.
TARGET_COLUMN - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.AliasedColumnCrossRef.ColumnType
A source column in a source datastore representing the temporary target datastore of an interface
TARGET_IKM - Static variable in class
Integration KM for a target.
TARGET_STAGING - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalDesign.ExecutionLocationType
TargetColumn - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. A target column is a column of a OdiInterface.TargetDataStore in an OdiInterface.
It contains information about how the column is mapped (indicators, potentially a target SQL mapping text).
When the target datastore has an underlying OdiDataStore, each TargetMapping points to one OdiColumn of this OdiDataStore.
In this case, TargetColumns are persisted according to an IMappingPersistencePolicy for obvious performance reasons (on a target datastore with 500 columns on which only 10 columns are mapped, this can make a difference).
On temporary target datastores, target columns do not reflect an OdiColumn and are systematically persisted.
Note that all setters in this class should not be used directly. To create, modify or delete a target column of an OdiInterface, use IInterfaceActions on an IInteractiveInterfaceHelperWithActions.
TargetColumn(OdiInterface, OdiColumn, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces.TargetColumn
Internal use only Creates a new target column object.
TargetColumn(OdiInterface, OdiDataStore, OdiColumn, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces.TargetColumn
TargetColumn(OdiInterface, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces.TargetColumn
Internal use only Creates a new target column object.
TargetColumn(OdiInterface, String, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces.TargetColumn
Internal use only Creates a new target column object.
targetDataStoreMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema) - Method in interface oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.IInterfaceActionListener
Responds to the completion of the action of changing the physical schema of an ODI interface target data store.
targetDataStoreMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema) - Method in class
targetDataStoreMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema) - Method in class
targetDataStoreMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema) - Method in class
Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the physical schema of an interface target data store has changed and the staging area is same as target.
targetDataStoreMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema) - Method in class
targetDataStoreMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema) - Method in class
targetDataStoreMoved(OdiPhysicalSchema, OdiPhysicalSchema) - Method in class
Marks data set as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the physical schema of an interface target data store has changed and the staging area is same as target.
targetDataStoreReplaced() - Method in interface oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.IInterfaceActionListener
Responds to the completion of the action of replacing an ODI interface target data store.
targetDataStoreReplaced() - Method in class
targetDataStoreReplaced() - Method in class
targetDataStoreReplaced() - Method in class
TargetIsTemporaryException - Exception in oracle.odi.interfaces
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. Thrown to indicate that the target of the interface is temporary.
TargetIsTemporaryException() - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.interfaces.TargetIsTemporaryException
Construct a new TargetIsTemporaryException.
TargetKeyChooserAnyKey - Class in
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. This implementation chooses the first key given in the list of keys on the target datastore.
TargetKeyChooserAnyKey() - Constructor for class
TargetKeyChooserComposer - Class in
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. This implementation composes on other target key choosers and selects the first update key found by the choosers.
TargetKeyChooserComposer(ITargetKeyChooser[]) - Constructor for class
Creates a chooser from other choosers.
To choose the key, all choosers are called in the order in which they appear in the array, and the first non null key is returned.
TargetKeyChooserFixed - Class in
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. The purpose of this target key chooser is to choose the key with a given name on the target datastore.
If the given key name is not found on the datastore's keys, then no update key is selected by this implementation.
TargetKeyChooserFixed(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a target key chooser for this key name.
TargetKeyChooserLazy - Class in
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. A lazy implementation of a target key chooser.
By using this target key chooser, no update key will be automatically selected on the target datastore.
TargetKeyChooserLazy() - Constructor for class
TargetKeyChooserPrimaryKey - Class in
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. This implementation chooses the primary key as update key for the given target datastore.
If no primary key is defined on the target datastore, then no update key will be automatically selected for this datastore.
TargetKeyChooserPrimaryKey() - Constructor for class
TargetMapping - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. This class represents a mapping in an interface.
The mapping is in a dataset and has an execution location.
Created on 20 dec. 07
TargetMapping(DataSet, TargetColumn, String, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces.TargetMapping
Internal use only Builds a TargetMapping for a TargetColumn on a DataSet with a given SQL String expression.
TargetMapping(DataSet, TargetColumn, String, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces.TargetMapping
Internal use only Builds a TargetMapping for a TargetColumn on a DataSet with a given SQL String expression.
TargetMapping(DataSet, TargetColumn, Expression, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces.TargetMapping
Internal use only Builds a TargetMapping for a TargetColumn on a DataSet with a given SQL String expression.
TaskType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
Type safe enum defining the type of a task.
TechnologyName - Class in oracle.odi.setup
Enumeration that defines all the available database technology names for an ODI repository.
TechnologyNameUtils - Class in
Internal helper class to convert between technology internal name (tehcIntName) to @link{TechnologyName} and vice versa.
TechnologyNameUtils() - Constructor for class
TEMPORARY_INDEX_PREFIX_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiTechnology
Max length of temporary index prefix.
TEMPORARY_SCHEMA - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiInterface.DatabaseSchema
The schema used will be the one returned by the OdiPhysicalSchema.getWorkSchemaName().
TemporaryTargetUpdateKey - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. This class represents the target update key for an interface when the target of the interface is a temporary datastore.
TemporaryTargetUpdateKey(List) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces.TemporaryTargetUpdateKey
For internal use only Create a new update key object for a temporary target datastore.
terminatePathAt(MapConnectorPoint) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.MapPathSpecifier
Terminate this path at the specified point.
testDataServer(Number, StartupParams, String) - Method in class oracle.odi.runtime.agent.RuntimeAgent
Tests a data server as defined in the topology.
testDataServer(Number, String) - Method in class oracle.odi.runtime.agent.RuntimeAgent
testDataServer(Number, StartupParams) - Method in class oracle.odi.runtime.agent.RuntimeAgent
testDataServer(Number) - Method in class oracle.odi.runtime.agent.RuntimeAgent
TEXT_ENABLED - Static variable in class oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.InterfaceObjectModification.Modification
The text of the sub-component (which is an IExecutableTextHolder) has been enabled.
textChanged(IExecutableTextHolder, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.IInterfaceActionListener
Responds to the completion of the action of changing the text of an ODI interface child object.
textChanged(IExecutableTextHolder, String, String) - Method in class
textChanged(IExecutableTextHolder, String, String) - Method in class
textChanged(IExecutableTextHolder, String, String) - Method in class
Marks data set of an executable text holder as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the text of the executable text holder has been modified.
textChanged(IExecutableTextHolder, String, String) - Method in class
textChanged(IExecutableTextHolder, String, String) - Method in class
textChanged(IExecutableTextHolder, String, String) - Method in class
Marks data set of an executable text holder as "dirty" (to indicate source set recomputing is required) when the text of the executable text holder has been modified.
textEnabled(IExecutableTextHolder) - Method in interface oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.IInterfaceActionListener
Responds to the completion of the action of enabling the text of an ODI interface child object.
textEnabled(IExecutableTextHolder) - Method in class
textEnabled(IExecutableTextHolder) - Method in class
textEnabled(IExecutableTextHolder) - Method in class
textEnabled(IExecutableTextHolder) - Method in class
textEnabled(IExecutableTextHolder) - Method in class
textEnabled(IExecutableTextHolder) - Method in class
THIRD - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.RecurrenceAttributes.DayOfWeekRank
Constant indicating the third occurrence of the week day in a month.
THIRD_LAST - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.RecurrenceAttributes.DayOfWeekRank
Constant indicating the third-last occurrence of the week day in a month.
THURSDAY - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.RecurrenceAttributes.DayOfWeek
Enumeration constant indicating Thursday.
TIMEOUT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface oracle.odi.core.persistence.transaction.ITransactionDefinition
Use the default timeout of the underlying transaction system, or none if timeouts are not supported.
TimeRange - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling
TimeRange is a value object grouping 2 time values: start time and end time.
TimeRange(RecurrenceAttributes.TimeOfDay, RecurrenceAttributes.TimeOfDay) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.TimeRange
Constructs the TimeRange with specified start time and end time.
TimeUnit - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling
Enumeration representing time unit.
toCalendar() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.ExplicitDate
Obtains the java.util.Calendar instance based on this ExplicitDate's properties.
toExpression() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.ExpressionStringBuilder
Conversion method that takes the current state of this builder and returns it as an Expression instance.
TOK_COMMIT - Static variable in class oracle.odi.core.config.OdiCoreConstants
TOK_JMS - Static variable in class oracle.odi.core.config.OdiCoreConstants
TOK_LOAD - Static variable in class oracle.odi.core.config.OdiCoreConstants
TOK_ROLLBACK - Static variable in class oracle.odi.core.config.OdiCoreConstants
TOK_SYNCHRONIZE - Static variable in class oracle.odi.core.config.OdiCoreConstants
topologyUpgradeFinished(IRepositoryUpgradeCallback.UpgradeStatus, Throwable) - Method in interface oracle.odi.setup.IRepositoryUpgradeCallback
This method will be called when topology is finished (successfully or with errors).
topologyUpgradeFinished(IRepositoryUpgradeCallback.UpgradeStatus, Throwable) - Method in class oracle.odi.setup.RepositoryUpgradeReport
topologyUpgradeStarted() - Method in interface oracle.odi.setup.IRepositoryUpgradeCallback
This method will be called when topology upgrade starts.
topologyUpgradeStarted() - Method in class oracle.odi.setup.RepositoryUpgradeReport
toStartupParameters() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.startup.StartupParametersBuilder
Conversion method that takes the current state of this builder and returns it as a StartupParameters instance.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.adapter.util.IObfuscatedString
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.registration.ResourceLoader.ResourceCandidate
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.expression.MapExpression
Gets an informative String showing all the essential aspects of this expression.
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.MapAttribute
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.MapComponentType
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.MapConnector
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.MapConnectorPoint
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.MapConnectorPointRole
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.MapPathSpecifier
Get a displayable string representation of this path.
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.MapReference
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.DeploymentSpec
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalColumn
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalDesign
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalExpression
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalNode
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.xreference.MapExpressionXRef
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiColumn.ScdType
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiColumn
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.project.ComponentKMLine
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces.ObjTrace
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces.SourceDataStore
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiKM
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.root.RootIssue
Gets a string that neatly displays the issue level and description.
toString(boolean) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.root.RootIssue
Gets a string that neatly displays the issue level and description.
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanElement
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.OdiLoadPlanVariable
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
Readable Dump of the report
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.Tag
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.ExplicitDate
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.Period
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.RecurrenceAttributes.DayOfMonth
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.RecurrenceAttributes.TimeOfDay
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.RecurrenceAttributes.Year
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.TimeRange
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiDataType
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiLogicalSchema.OggProcessType
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiPhysicalSchema.OggProcessType
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiPhysicalSchema.OggReportCountFrequencyUnit
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.util.ObfuscatedString
Returns a String object representing this ObfuscatedString.
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.Expression
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.xrefs.expression.ExpressionStringBuilder
Returns the string representation of the expression of this builder.
toString() - Method in class oracle.odi.setup.RepositoryUpgradeReport
totalNonContainerTasks() - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.common.IStepTask
totalNonContainerTasks() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.OdiScenarioTask
totalNonContainerTasks() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.blueprint.OdiSessionBlueprintTask
TRACE - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces.ObjTrace.TraceSeverity
Indicating an informational trace message.
TRACKING_MODE - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.ExecutionMode
Execution mode allowing variable and sequence value tracking.
TransactionCallbackWithoutResult - Class in
Simple convenience class for ITransactionCallback implementation.
TransactionCallbackWithoutResult() - Constructor for class
TransactionChannel - Class in oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session
Type safe enum defining transaction channels available through ODI.
TransactionException - Exception in oracle.odi.core.persistence.transaction
Superclass for all transaction exceptions.
TransactionManagerSpringAdapter - Class in
Implementation of ITransactionManager interface that delegates to a Spring transaction manager.
TransactionManagerSpringAdapter(PlatformTransactionManager, IOdiEntityManagerFactory) - Constructor for class
TransactionSystemException - Exception in oracle.odi.core.persistence.transaction
Exception thrown when a general transaction system error is encountered, like on commit or rollback.
TransactionSystemException(MessageHandle, Object[]) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.core.persistence.transaction.TransactionSystemException
Base constructor with custom error message.
TransactionSystemException(Throwable, MessageHandle, Object[]) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.core.persistence.transaction.TransactionSystemException
Base constructor with custom error message.
TransactionTemplate - Class in
Template class that simplifies programmatic transaction demarcation and transaction exception handling against an ITransactionManager.
TransactionTemplate(ITransactionManager) - Constructor for class
Construct a new TransactionTemplate using the given transaction manager.
TransactionTemplate(ITransactionManager, ITransactionDefinition) - Constructor for class
Construct a new TransactionTemplate using the given transaction manager.
TransactionUsageException - Exception in oracle.odi.core.persistence.transaction
Exception, which shows inappropriate usage of a ODI transaction API.
TransactionUsageException(MessageHandle, Object[]) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.core.persistence.transaction.TransactionUsageException
Base constructor with custom error message.
TransactionUsageException(Throwable, MessageHandle, Object[]) - Constructor for exception oracle.odi.core.persistence.transaction.TransactionUsageException
Base constructor with custom error message.
translateExceptionIfPossible(RuntimeException) - Method in class oracle.odi.core.repository.RepositoryAccessExceptionTranslator
Translate the given runtime exception thrown by a persistence framework to a corresponding exception from ODI RepositoryAccessException hierarchy, if possible.
translateSQLException(SQLException) - Method in class oracle.odi.core.repository.RepositoryAccessExceptionTranslator
Translate native exception in ODI Repository specific.
TRANSPARENT_SOURCE - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project.IKnowledgeModule.LKMType
Indicating the LKM can access source attributes as if local.
TRANSPARENT_TARGET - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project.IKnowledgeModule.LKMType
Indicating the LKM can access target attributes as if local.
TRT_OBJECT_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.odi.impexp.smartie.ISmartImportService
TRUE - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.OdiLoadPlanInstanceRun.StepCaseConditionStatus
TUESDAY - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.RecurrenceAttributes.DayOfWeek
Enumeration constant indicating Tuesday.
TWO - Static variable in class
Set index type for attached source number 2.
TypeConversion - Class in oracle.odi.domain.topology
Domain entity representing conversion from one source OdiDataType to one target OdiDataType, each of them related to a distinct OdiTechnology.
TypeConversion(OdiDataType, OdiTechnology, OdiDataType) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.TypeConversion
TypeConversion(OdiDataType, OdiDataType) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.topology.TypeConversion
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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Integrator
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