Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Integrator
12c (

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FACT_TABLE - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiDataStore.OlapType
A fact table.
FAIL - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiColumn.FileDescriptor.OnErrorOption
The load will fail completely.
FALSE - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.OdiLoadPlanInstanceRun.StepCaseConditionStatus
FATAL - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.root.RootIssue.Level
The message logged is about a fatal condition.
FATAL - Static variable in class oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.IInterfaceIssue.Severity
This level indicates that the interface cannot be saved until this issue is resolved.
FEBRUARY - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.RecurrenceAttributes.MonthOfYear
Enumeration constant indicating the month of February.
fetchBreakpoints() - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiPackageFinder
Return all OdiDesigntimeBreakpoint instances set on OdiPackage.
fetchBreakpoints() - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiUserProcedureFinder
Return all OdiDesigntimeBreakpoint instances set on OdiUserProcedure.
fetchBreakpoints() - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.blueprint.finder.IOdiSessionBlueprintFinder
Returns all available OdiSessionBlueprintBreakpoint instances.
FIFTH - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.RecurrenceAttributes.DayOfWeekRank
Constant indicating the fifth occurrence of the week day in a month.
FileComponent - Class in oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component
Delegate class for the file mapping component.
FileComponent(MapComponent) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.FileComponent
FileComponent(MapComponentOwner, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.FileComponent
Creates a new persistent file component.
FileComponent(MapComponentOwner, IModelObject, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.FileComponent
Creates a new persistent file component.
FileComponent(MapComponentOwner, IModelObject) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.FileComponent
Creates a new persistent file component.
Filter - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. This class represents a filter in an interface.
Filter(DataSet, String, Filter.FilterType, OdiInterface.ExecutionLocation) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces.Filter
Internal use only Builds a filter clause in the parent dataset using the specified SQL expression text, clause type (normal or journalized) and the desired execution location.
FILTER - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces.Filter.FilterType
filter type for a normal filter clause.
Filter.FilterType - Class in oracle.odi.domain.project.interfaces
this class/method belongs to 11g SDK and is deprecated in 12c release. Types of filter for a filter clause.
FilterComponent - Class in oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component
Delegate class for the filter mapping component.
FilterComponent(MapComponentOwner, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.FilterComponent
Constructs a new persistent filter component.
FilterComponent(IMapComponentOwner, IFilter, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.FilterComponent
Constructs a new persistent filter component, bound to a filter model object.
FilterComponent(IMapComponentOwner, ICondition, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.FilterComponent
Constructs a new persistent filter component, bound to a condition model object.
FilterComponent(MapComponentOwner, String, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.FilterComponent
Constructs a new filter component and sets the condition.
filterOnReadPermission(Collection) - Method in class
This methods returns a copy of pCollection in which the objects for which current authenticated user does not have PermissionType.READ permission have been filtered out.
find() - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiMasterRepositoryInfoFinder
Gets the ODI master repository info from master repository itself.
findAll(Class) - Method in interface oracle.odi.core.persistence.IOdiEntityManager
Find all the entity instances of the given class from the ODI instance that manager belongs to.
findAll() - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.finder.IFinder
Find all objects for this finder type.
findAll(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiDataServerFinder
Find all OdiDataServers based on the flag excludeSubClassData
findAll(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiLogicalAgentFinder
Find all OdiLogicalAgents based on the flag excludeSubClassData
findAll(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiPhysicalAgentFinder
Find all OdiPhysicalAgents based on the flag excludeSubClassData
findAllComponents(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.IMapComponentOwner
Finds all component owned by this component owner and any sub-component owners, with the specified name.
findAllGlobals() - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IReusableMappingFinder
findAllGlobals() - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.marker.finder.IOdiMarkerGroupFinder
Find all global marker groups.
findAllGlobals() - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiKMFinder
Find all Global Kms in the repository
findAllGlobals() - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiSequenceFinder
Find all global sequences.
findAllGlobals() - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiSKMFinder
Find all Global SKms in the repository
findAllGlobals() - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiUserFunctionFinder
Find all global user functions.
findAllGlobals() - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiVariableFinder
Find all global variables.
findAllPropertyDefinitions(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project.IGlobalObjectHelper
Finds all property definitions (global or not) with the specified owner class and name.
findAllReferences() - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IMapReferenceFinder
findAllReusableMappings(ReusableMapping, ReusableMapping, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.odi.domain.project.MapReferenceShortcutAdapter
findAPNode(IMapComponent) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.DeploymentSpec
findAPNode(IMapComponent) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalDesign
Find an access point (AP) node associated with the specified target logical component.
findAttribute(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.IMapAttributeOwner
Find an attribute owned by this connector point, with the specified name.
findAttribute(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.MapAttribute
findAttribute(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.MapConnectorPoint
findAttributeForColumn(IMapComponent, IColumn) - Static method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.DataStorageDelegate
Finds an attribute in the associated datastore component, that is bound to the specified column.
findByBlueprintNumber(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.finder.IOdiSessionFinder
Returns a list of sessions referring to the same session blueprint.
findByCode(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.marker.finder.IOdiMarkerGroupFinder
Return OdiMarkerGroup matching the specified code present in the specified project.
findByCode(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiModelFinder
Finds a model by the model's code.
findByCode(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiSubModelFinder
Find OdiSubModel by sub model code and parent model code.
findByCode(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiProjectFinder
Return the OdiProject instance defined by this code.
findByCode(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiContextFinder
Find an OdiContext using the given code.
findByCode(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiFlexFieldFinder
Find the flex field matching the given code.
findByCode(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiTechnologyFinder
Find an OdiTechnology with the given internal name.
findByContext(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiContextualAgentMappingFinder
Finds all OdiContextualAgentMappings that are defined within the given context code.
findByContext(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiContextualSchemaMappingFinder
Finds all OdiContextualSchemaMappings that are defined within the given context code.
findByCriteria(OdiLoadPlanInstanceRunCriteria, int) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.finder.IOdiLoadPlanInstanceRunFinder
Retrieve the list of OdiLoadPlanInstanceRun instances matching the criteria
findByCriteria(OdiSessionCriteria, int) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.finder.IOdiSessionFinder
Returns collection of OdiSession instances matching given criteria.
findByDataServer(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiPhysicalAgentDataSourceFinder
Find OdiPhysicalAgentDataSource by data server (name).
findByDataStore(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiPartitionFinder
Find OdiPartition by data store id.
findByDataStore(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiPackageFinder
Get all OdiPackages of this type using OdiDataStore shortcut pDataStoreId as a step.
findByDataStoreShortcut(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiPackageFinder
Get all OdiPackages of this type using OdiDataStore shortcut pDataStoreShortcutId as a step.
findByDefaultTechnologiesPair(String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiKMFinder
Find from design time repository and given ODI Project, an unmodifiable collection of OdiKMs that have the following default source and target technologies.
findByDefaultTechnologiesPair(OdiProject, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiKMFinder
Find from design time repository and given ODI Project, an unmodifiable collection of OdiKMs that have the following default source and target technologies.
findByDefaultTechnologiesPairGlobalOnly(String, String, Boolean) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiKMFinder
Find from design time repository an unmodifiable collection of Global OdiKMs that have the following default source and target technologies.
findByDefaultTechnologiesPairProjectOnly(String, String, String, Boolean) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiKMFinder
Find from design time repository and given ODI Project, an unmodifiable collection of Project OdiKMs that match the following default source and target technologies.
findByDeploySpec(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.finder.IOdiScenarioFinder
Finds from runtime repository all OdiScenarios that were created from given deploy spec.
findByEntityClass(Class) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiFlexFieldFinder
findByEntityClass(Class, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiFlexFieldFinder
findByEntityClass(Class, Collection) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiFlexFieldFinder
Get the collection of OdiFlexFields supporting one of the specified OdiTechnology and that are related to the specified entity type.
findByExecutionChannels(OdiTechnology.ExecutionChannel[]) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiTechnologyFinder
Returns list of OdiTechnology instances which use one of the specified execution channels.
findByFlexFieldValues(OdiFlexField, Object[]) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiDataStoreFinder
Finds datastores whose pFlexField's value set to one of pValues.
findByForeignDataStore(Number[]) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiDataStoreFinder
Finds datastores which are referenced as primary datastores by any of specified datastores
findByGlobalId(Class, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.core.persistence.IOdiEntityManager
This method will not be able to locate new entities that have been persisted unless their transaction is committed, even if the same IOdiEntityManager is used, unless the flush() method is called first.
findByGlobalId(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.finder.IFinder
Global ID is unique across repositories.
findByGuid(String) - Method in interface
Finds OdiEnterprisePrincipal by its GUID
findById(Class, Serializable) - Method in interface oracle.odi.core.persistence.IOdiEntityManager
Find the entity instance of the given class and with the given identifier / primary key from the ODI instance that manager belongs to.
findById(Serializable) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.finder.IFinder
Find finder type object by internal object id.
findByIds(Collection) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.finder.IFinder
Find finder type objects using a collection of internal id's.
findByInterface(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiPackageFinder
Get all OdiPackages of this type using OdiInterface pInterfaceId as a step.
findByInterfaceShortcut(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiPackageFinder
Get all OdiPackages of this type using OdiInterface shortcut InterfaceShortcutID as a step.
findByLoadPlan(OdiLoadPlan) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.finder.IOdiLoadPlanScheduleFinder
Finds for all schedules related to specified OdiLoadPlan.
findByLogicalAgent(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiContextualAgentMappingFinder
Finds all OdiContextualAgentMappings that are defined for the given logical agent name.
findByLogicalAgent(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiContextualAgentMappingFinder
Finds an OdiContextualAgentMapping that is defined for the given context code and logical schema name.
findByLogicalSchema(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiContextualSchemaMappingFinder
Finds all OdiContextualSchemaMappings that are defined for the given logical schema name.
findByLogicalSchema(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiContextualSchemaMappingFinder
Finds an OdiContextualSchemaMapping that is defined for the given context code and logical schema name.
findByLogicalSchemaName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiModelFinder
Find OdiModels with logical schema name.
findByMapping(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiPackageFinder
Get all OdiPackages of this type using Mapping pMappingId as a step.
findByMappingShortcut(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiPackageFinder
Get all OdiPackages of this type using Mapping shortcut pMappingShortcutId as a step.
findByMapRefRefGuid(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IMappingFinder
findByMapRefRefGuid(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IReusableMappingFinder
findByMapRefScGuid(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IMappingFinder
findByMapRefScGuid(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IReusableMappingFinder
findByModel(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiDataStoreFinder
Find OdiDataStores by model code.
findByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IMapComponentTypeFinder
Find MapComponenType object by name.
findByName(IFolder, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IMappingFinder
Find Mapping by name
findByName(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IMappingFinder
Return Mappings matching the specified name present in the project.
findByName(String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IMappingFinder
Return Mappings matching the specified name present in the project and specified folder.
findByName(OdiProject, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IReusableMappingFinder
Find a project ReusableMapping by name
findByName(IFolder, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IReusableMappingFinder
Find a folder ReusableMapping by name
findByName(String, Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiColumnFinder
Find OdiColumn by name and data store id.
findByName(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiConditionFinder
Find OdiCondition by name and model code.
findByName(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiDataStoreFinder
Find OdiDataStore by name and model code.
findByName(String, Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiKeyFinder
Find OdiKey by name and data store id.
findByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiModelFolderFinder
Find OdiModelFolder by name.
findByName(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiModelFolderFinder
Finds OdiModelFolder by name and parent model folder name.
findByName(String, Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiPartitionFinder
Find OdiPartition by name and data store id.
findByName(String, Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiReferenceFinder
Find the OdiReference by name and the primary data store id.
findByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiFolderFinder
Find all OdiFolders named pName.
findByName(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiFolderFinder
Find all OdiFolders named pName belonging to the given Project.
findByName(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiInterfaceFinder
Return OdiInterfaces matching the specified name present in the project.
findByName(String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiInterfaceFinder
Return OdiInterfaces matching the specified name present in the project and specified folder.
findByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiKMFinder
Find the OdiKMs matching the specified name.
findByName(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiKMFinder
Return OdiKMs matching the specified name present in the specified project.
findByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiPackageFinder
Find the OdiPackages matching the specified name.
findByName(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiPackageFinder
Return OdiPackages matching the specified name present in the specified project.
findByName(String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiPackageFinder
Return OdiPackages matching the specified name present in the specified project and folder.
findByName(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiSequenceFinder
Return OdiSequences matching the specified name present in the specified project.
findByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiSKMFinder
Find the OdiKMs matching the specified name.
findByName(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiSKMFinder
Return OdiKMs matching the specified name present in the specified project.
findByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiUserProcedureFinder
Find the OdiUserProcedures matching the specified name.
findByName(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiUserProcedureFinder
Return OdiUserProcedures matching the specified name present in the specified project.
findByName(String, String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiUserProcedureFinder
Return OdiUserProcedures matching the specified name present in the specified project and folder.
findByName(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiVariableFinder
Return OdiVariable matching the specified name present in the specified project.
findByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.finder.IOdiLoadPlanFinder
Find the load plan defined by this name
findByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.lpi.finder.IOdiLoadPlanInstanceFinder
Find the load plan instance defined by this name
findByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.finder.IOdiScenarioFolderFinder
Finds OdiScenarioFolder instance with the specified name.
findByName(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.sequence.finder.IOdiStandardSequenceValueFinder
Returns the OdiStandardSequence instance with specified name and context's code.
findByName(String) - Method in interface
Finds OdiEnterprisePrincipal by its name
findByName(String) - Method in interface
Finds an OdiUser using the given name.
findByName(String) - Method in interface
findByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiDataServerFinder
Finds an OdiDataServer using the given name.
findByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiEnterpriseSchedulerFinder
Find OdiEnterpriseScheduler by name.
findByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiIndexTypeFinder
Find from ODI instance the OdiIndexType with the given name.
findByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiLogicalAgentFinder
Find OdiLogicalAgent by name.
findByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiLogicalSchemaFinder
Finds an OdiLogicalSchema using given name.
findByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiPhysicalAgentFinder
Find OdiPhysicalAgent by name.
findByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiWorkRepositoryInfoFinder
Gets OdiWorkRepositoryInfo with given ODI Work Repository name from master repository.
findByNameLikeIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IMappingFinder
Return Mappings matching the specified name.
findByNames(String[], String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiSequenceFinder
Returns all sequences matching one of the names, within the project scope.
findByNames(String[]) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiSequenceFinder
Returns all sequences matching one of the names, within projects and global scopes.
findByNames(String[], String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiVariableFinder
Returns all variables matching one of the names, within the project scope.
findByNames(String[]) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiVariableFinder
Returns all variables matching one of the names, within projects and global scopes.
findByPhysicalAgent(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiContextualAgentMappingFinder
Finds all OdiContextualAgentMappings that are defined for the given physical agent ID.
findByPhysicalAgent(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiPhysicalAgentDataSourceFinder
Find OdiPhysicalAgentDataSource by physical agent's id.
findByPhysicalAgent(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiPhysicalAgentDataSourceFinder
Find OdiPhysicalAgentDataSource by physical agent's name.
findByPhysicalAgent(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiPhysicalAgentDataSourceFinder
Find OdiPhysicalAgentDataSource by agent's name and data server's name.
findByPhysicalSchema(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiContextualSchemaMappingFinder
Finds all OdiContextualSchemaMappings that are defined for the given physical schema id.
findByPrimaryDataStore(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiReferenceFinder
Find all references that refer to the primary data store.
findByPrimaryDataStoreShortcut(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiReferenceFinder
Find all references that refer to the primary data store shortcut.
findByProject(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IMappingFinder
Return Mappings matching the project and specified folder.
findByProject(String, Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IMappingFinder
Return Mappings matching the project and specified folder.
findByProject(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IReusableMappingFinder
findByProject(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IReusableMappingFinder
Find a collection of ReusableMappings by project name
findByProject(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.marker.finder.IOdiMarkerGroupFinder
Find all marker groups in this project.
findByProject(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiFolderFinder
Find all OdiFolders belonging to the given ProjectCode.
findByProject(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiInterfaceFinder
Return OdiInterfaces matching the project and specified folder.
findByProject(String, Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiInterfaceFinder
Return OdiInterfaces matching the project and specified folder.
findByProject(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiKMFinder
Get all OdiKMs of this type in the given project.
findByProject(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiPackageFinder
Get all OdiPackages of this type in the given Project.
findByProject(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiPackageFinder
Get all OdiPackages of this type in the given Project and folder.
findByProject(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiSequenceFinder
Find all sequences in this project.
findByProject(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiSKMFinder
Get all OdiKMs of this type in the given project.
findByProject(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiUserFunctionFinder
Find all user functions for this project.
findByProject(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiUserProcedureFinder
Get all OdiUserProcedures of this type in the given project.
findByProject(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiUserProcedureFinder
Get all OdiUserProcedures of this type in the given project and folder.
findByProject(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiVariableFinder
Find all variables in this project
findByQualifiedName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiVariableFinder
Find global or project variable by its QualifiedName .
findByReleaseTagValue(String, String, Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IMappingFinder
findByReleaseTagValue(String, String, Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IReusableMappingFinder
findByReleaseTagValue(String, Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiDataStoreFinder
For internal use only.
findByReleaseTagValue(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiModelFinder
Find OdiModels with release tag
findByReleaseTagValue(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiFolderFinder
Find OdiFolder with release tag and project
findByReleaseTagValue(String, String, Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiInterfaceFinder
For internal use only.
findByReleaseTagValue(String, String, Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiUserProcedureFinder
For internal use only.
findByReusableMappingAsSource(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IMappingFinder
Finds from design time repository all Mappings that are using given ReusableMapping as source.
findByReusableMappingShortcutAsSource(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IMappingFinder
findByScenario(OdiScenario) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.finder.IOdiScenarioScheduleFinder
Finds for all schedules related to specified OdiScenario.
findByScenarioId(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.blueprint.finder.IOdiSessionBlueprintFinder
Get all session blueprints pointing to the same scenario.
findByScenarioUsed(Tag) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.loadplan.finder.IOdiLoadPlanFinder
Retrieve the list of load plan executing the scenario
findBySessionId(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.finder.IOdiSessionFinder
Returns the OdiSession instance for the specified session id value.
findByShortcutReference(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IMappingFinder
For internal use only.
findByShortcutReference(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IReusableMappingFinder
For internal use only.
findByShortcutReference(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiDataStoreFinder
For internal use only.
findByShortcutReference(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiInterfaceFinder
For internal use only.
findByShortcutReference(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiPackageFinder
For internal use only.
findByShortcutReference(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiUserProcedureFinder
For internal use only.
findBySourceDataStore(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IMappingFinder
Finds from design time repository all Mappings that are using given OdiDataStore as source data store.
findBySourceDataStore(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IReusableMappingFinder
Finds from design time repository all ReusableMappings that are using given OdiDataStore as source data store.
findBySourceDataStore(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiInterfaceFinder
Finds from design time repository all OdiInterfaces that are using given OdiDataStore as source data store.
findBySourceDataStoreShortcut(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IMappingFinder
findBySourceDataStoreShortcut(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IReusableMappingFinder
findBySourceDataStoreShortcut(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiInterfaceFinder
Finds from design time repository all OdiInterfaces that are using given OdiDataStore shortcut as source data store.
findBySourceInterface(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiInterfaceFinder
Finds from design time repository all OdiInterfaces that are using given OdiInterface as a source interface.
findBySourceInterface(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.finder.IOdiScenarioFinder
Finds from runtime repository all OdiScenarios that were created from given interface.
findBySourceInterfaceShortcut(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiInterfaceFinder
Finds from design time repository all OdiInterfaces that are using given odi interface shortcut as a source data store.
findBySourceMapping(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.finder.IOdiScenarioFinder
Finds from runtime repository all OdiScenarios that were created from given mapping.
findBySourcePackage(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.finder.IOdiScenarioFinder
Finds from runtime repository all OdiScenarios that were created from given package.
findBySourceUserProcedure(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.finder.IOdiScenarioFinder
Finds from runtime repository all OdiScenarios that were created from given user procedure.
findBySourceVariable(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.finder.IOdiScenarioFinder
Finds from runtime repository all OdiScenarios that were created from given variable.
findBySubClassName(Class) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiDataServerFinder
Find all OdiDataServers by subclass name.
findBySubClassName(Class) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiLogicalAgentFinder
Find all OdiLogicalAgents by subclass name.
findBySubClassName(Class) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiPhysicalAgentFinder
Find all OdiPhysicalAgents by subclass name.
findByTag(Tag) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.finder.IOdiScenarioFinder
Finds from the runtime repository OdiScenario specified by pScenerioTag.
findByTargetDataStore(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IMappingFinder
Finds from design time repository all Mappings that are using given OdiDataStore as target data store.
findByTargetDataStore(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IReusableMappingFinder
Finds from design time repository all ReusableMappings that are using given OdiDataStore as target data store.
findByTargetDataStore(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiInterfaceFinder
Finds from design time repository all OdiInterfaces that are using given OdiDataStore as target data store.
findByTargetDataStoreShortcut(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IMappingFinder
findByTargetDataStoreShortcut(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IReusableMappingFinder
findByTargetDataStoreShortcut(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiInterfaceFinder
Finds from design time repository all OdiInterfaces that are using given datastore shortcut as target data store.
findByTechnology(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiDataTypeFinder
Find from ODI instance the OdiDataType for the given OdiTechnology and data type code.
findByUniqueId(String) - Method in interface
Finds OdiEnterprisePrincipal by its unique name (unique name or GUID)
findByUniqueName(String) - Method in interface
Finds OdiEnterprisePrincipal by its unique name
findByUserProcedure(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiPackageFinder
Get all OdiPackages of this type using OdiUserProcedure shortcut pUserProcedureId as a step.
findByUserProcedureShortcut(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiPackageFinder
Get all OdiPackages of this type using OdiUserProcedure shortcut pUserProcedureShortcutId as a step.
findChildSessions(OdiSession) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.finder.IOdiSessionFinder
Returns collection of OdiSession instances which are children for the session.
findComponent(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.IMapComponentOwner
Finds a component owned by this component owner, with the specified name.
findComponent(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.IMapRootContainer
Find a component in this graph with the specified name.
findComponentBoundTo(IModelObject) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.IMapComponentOwner
Find a component that is bound to the specified model object, and directly owned by this component owner.
findComponentKM(IProcedureUser, IKnowledgeModule.ProcessingType, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project.IGlobalObjectHelper
Finds a KM by integration type.
findComponentOfType(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.IMapComponentOwner
Find the named component of the specified type, within the component owner.
findComponentsBoundTo(IModelObject) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.IMapComponentOwner
Find all components that are bound to the specified model object, and directly owned by this component owner.
findComponentsForDatastore(IDataStore) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.DataStorageDelegate
Finds the interface components that are bound to the specified ODI model datastore.
findComponentType(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.MapComponentRegistry
Get the registered type for the specified name.
findComponentTypeByGlobalId(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.MapComponentRegistry
Get the registered type for the specified name.
findConnectedDebugSessions(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.finder.IOdiSessionFinder
Returns the list of sessions debug client with the id specified is connected at the moment.
findConnector(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.IMapComponentOwner
Find a named connector with the specified name.
findConnectorPoint(String, MapConnectorPoint.Direction) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.IMapComponent
Find the connector point with the specified name and direction.
findConnectorPointWithRole(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.JoinComponent
Finds the connector point for the specified input role.
findDataTypeByGlobalId(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.MappingGenericTechnology
Finds data type using its global id.
findDebuggableSessions() - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.session.finder.IOdiSessionFinder
Returns the list of sessions available for debug connection, list ordered by session id in descending order.
findDefaultContext() - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiContextFinder
Find the OdiContext marked as default.
findDefaultKM(IProcedureUser, IKnowledgeModule.KMType, IKnowledgeModule.ProcessingType) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project.IGlobalObjectHelper
Finds a default KM by integration type.
findDeploymentSpec(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.Mapping
Use findPhysicalDesign
findDerivedJoins(JoinComponent) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.Dataset
Gets derived joins of a join in this Dataset.
findDownstreamPathTo(MapPhysicalNode) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalNode
Find a node path from this node to the specified target node, traversing the physical graph.
findEntityMissingReferences(Class, Serializable, boolean) - Method in class
findEntityMissingReferences(Class, String, boolean) - Method in class
findExecutionUnit(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.DeploymentSpec
findExecutionUnit(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalDesign
Finds an execution unit with the specified name in this physical design.
findExecutionUnitGroup(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.DeploymentSpec
findExecutionUnitGroup(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalDesign
Return an execution unit group with the specified name, or null if not found.
findGlobalByCode(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.marker.finder.IOdiMarkerGroupFinder
Find a global marker group by code.
findGlobalByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IReusableMappingFinder
Find a global ReusableMapping by name
findGlobalByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiKMFinder
Return Global OdiKms matching the specified name
findGlobalByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiSequenceFinder
Find a global sequence by name.
findGlobalByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiSKMFinder
Return Global OdiSKms matching the specified name
findGlobalByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiVariableFinder
Find a global variable by name.
findGlobalPersistentObjects(Class, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project.IGlobalObjectHelper
Finds global persistent objects with the specified key.
findInputAttribute(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.IMapComponent
Convenience method to find an input attribute with the specified name.
findJoinForSources(List) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.Dataset
Gets the first join in the join connect order that references all of the specified sources.
findKM(IKnowledgeModule.KMType, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project.IGlobalObjectHelper
Finds a global KM by type and name.
findLanguageElementImpl(ILanguageElement) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.adapter.topology.ITechnology
Finds a language element implementation for the specified language element, for this technology.
findLanguageElementImpl(ILanguageElement) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.MappingGenericTechnology
Finds the implementation of a language element in this technology.
findLanguageElementImpl(ILanguageElement) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.topology.OdiTechnology
findLatestByName(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.finder.IOdiScenarioFinder
Finds from the runtime repository the latest version of OdiScenario specified by pScenarioName
findLatestByName(String, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.finder.IOdiScenarioFinder
Finds the latest version of OdiScenario with specified name.
findLatestBySourceInterface(Number, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.finder.IOdiScenarioFinder
Finds the latest version of OdiScenario that was created from specified interface.
findLatestBySourceMapping(Number, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.finder.IOdiScenarioFinder
Finds the latest version of OdiScenario that was created from specified mapping.
findLatestBySourcePackage(Number, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.finder.IOdiScenarioFinder
Finds the latest version of OdiScenario that was created from specified package.
findLatestBySourceUserProcedure(Number, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.finder.IOdiScenarioFinder
Finds the latest version of OdiScenario that was created from specified user procedure.
findLatestBySourceVariable(Number, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scenario.finder.IOdiScenarioFinder
Finds the latest version of OdiScenario that was created from specified variable.
findLine(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.project.ComponentKM
Find the first KM line contained by this KM, whose name contains the specified text.
findLocation(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.DeploymentSpec
findLocation(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalDesign
Find a location adapter object with the specified name, if any.
findLookupForSources(List) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.Dataset
Gets a lookup component in the dataset that uses the first source as a driver and the second source as a lookup table.
findMapComponentsByType(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project.IGlobalObjectHelper
Finds all map components that are associated with the specified component type.
findMapping(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project.IFolder
Finds a mapping owned by this folder, given a mapping name.
findMapping(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiFolder
findMatchingCheckKMs(IProcedureUser) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project.IGlobalObjectHelper
Returns a list of all check KMs that can be assigned to the specified procedure owner object.
findMatchingKMs(IProcedureUser, IKnowledgeModule.ProcessingType) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project.IGlobalObjectHelper
Returns a list of all KMs that can be assigned to the specified procedure owner object.
findMissingReferences(Class, Serializable, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.odi.missingref.IMissingRefService
Query the missing references for the given entity type and identifier.
findMissingReferences(Class, Serializable, boolean) - Method in class
Query the missing references for the given entity type and identifier.
findMissingReferences(Class, String, boolean) - Method in class
Query the missing references for the given entity type and identifier.
findNode(String, MapPhysicalNode) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.DeploymentSpec
findNode(IMapComponent) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.DeploymentSpec
findNode(IMapComponent, Stack) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.DeploymentSpec
findNode(MapConnectorPoint) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.DeploymentSpec
findNode(MapConnectorPoint, Stack) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.DeploymentSpec
findNode(IMapComponent) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalDesign
Get the physical node that corresponds to the specified logical component If there are multiple nodes for the logical component, an exception is thrown.
findNode(IMapComponent, Stack) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalDesign
Get the physical node that corresponds to the specified logical component.
findNode(MapConnectorPoint) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalDesign
Get the physical node that corresponds to the specified logical connector point If there are multiple nodes for the logical connector point, an exception is thrown.
findNode(MapConnectorPoint, Stack) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalDesign
Get the physical node that corresponds to the specified logical connector point.
findNodeByName(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.DeploymentSpec
findNodeByName(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalDesign
Find a node with the specified physical node name.
findNodeByPartialName(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.DeploymentSpec
findNodeByPartialName(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalDesign
Find a node whose name starts with the specified physical node name.
findNodes(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.DeploymentSpec
findNodes(String, Stack) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.DeploymentSpec
findNodes(IMapComponent, Stack) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.DeploymentSpec
findNodes(MapConnectorPoint, Stack) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.DeploymentSpec
findNodes(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalDesign
Find a list of physical nodes corresponding to the specified logical component name, or null if not found.
findNodes(String, Stack) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalDesign
Find a list of physical nodes corresponding to the specified logical component name and RMC stack, or null if not found.
findNodes(IMapComponent, Stack) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalDesign
Get the list of nodes corresponding to the specified logical component, or null if there are no nodes corresponding to the component.
findNodes(MapConnectorPoint, Stack) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalDesign
Get the list of nodes corresponding to the specified logical connector point, or null if there are no nodes corresponding to the connector point.
findNodeWithStageTableName(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.DeploymentSpec
findNodeWithTarget(IMapComponent, MapPhysicalNode) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.DeploymentSpec
findOutputAttribute(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.IMapComponent
Convenience method to get an output attribute with the specified name.
findPhysicalColumn(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalNode
Applicable only to access point (AP) nodes.
findPhysicalColumn(MapAttribute, MapPathSpecifier) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalNode
Applicable only to access point (AP) nodes.
findPhysicalDesign(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.Mapping
Return a physical design whose name matches the specified name, or null if not found.
findPhysicalExpression(MapExpression) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalNode
Find the physical expression corresponding to the specified logical expression.
findPhysicalExpression(MapAttribute) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalNode
Find a physical expression corresponding to the specified attribute's expression.
findPhysicalExpressions(MapAttribute) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalNode
Find a list of physical expressions corresponding to the specified attribute's expressions.
findProperties(Object, IPropertyDefinition) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project.IGlobalObjectHelper
Finds all properties that were created by the specified property definition.
findPropertyDefinition(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project.IGlobalObjectHelper
Finds a global property definition with the specified owner class and name.
findPropertyDefinition(String, String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.IPropertyDefinitionOwner
Finds the property definition with the specified name, or null if not found.
findPropertyDefinition(String, String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.MapComponentType
findPropertyDefinition(String, String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.MapConnectorPointRole
findPropertyDefinition(String, String) - Method in class
findReferencingMappings(AdapterBase) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.ReusableMapping
Return a list of all mappings that use this reusable map in a reusable mapping component, including nested usages.
findReusableMapping(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project.IFolder
Finds a reusable mapping in this folder, given a mapping name.
findReusableMapping(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiFolder
findRMLogicalSchema(ReusableMapping, ReusableMapping, boolean) - Static method in class oracle.odi.domain.project.MapReferenceShortcutAdapter
findScenario(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.DeploymentSpec
findScenario(String, String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.DeploymentSpec
findScenario(String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalDesign
Find the scenario with the specified name if any.
findScenario(String, String) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalDesign
Find the scenario with the specified name and version if any.
findSourceNode() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalColumn
Find the source node for this column.
findSourcePhysicalExpression() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalExpression
Find the source physical expression corresponding to this pushed physical expression.
findSubComponentOwner(String) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.mapping.IMapComponentOwner
Find the sub-component owner with the specified name.
findTargetColumnUsed(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiInterfaceFinder
Finds all interfaces that have cross-references to this target column.
findTargetPhysicalExpression() - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.physical.MapPhysicalExpression
Find the target physical expression that was pushed to another node from this expression.
findTaskByName(IExecutableStep, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.common.ExecutableHelper
Find the first task in the specified executable step whose name contains the specified string expression.
findTaskByName(List, String, int, int) - Static method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.common.ExecutableHelper
findTaskByName(IExecutableStep, String) - Static method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.common.ExecutableHelper
Find the first task in the specified executable step whose name contains the specified string expression.
findTaskLogByName(OdiSession, String, int) - Static method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.common.ExecutableHelper
Find the first task log for the specified session whose name contains the specified string expression.
findTaskLogByName(OdiSession, String) - Static method in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.common.ExecutableHelper
Find the first task log for the specified session whose name contains the specified string expression.
findUsedInInterface(Number) - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiInterfaceFinder
Return OdiInterfaces using the specified interface as SourceDataStore.
findUsedTechnologies() - Method in interface oracle.odi.domain.topology.finder.IOdiTechnologyFinder
Finds OdiTechnology instances which are used by any OdiLogicalSchema or OdiDataServer instance.
FIRST - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.RecurrenceAttributes.DayOfWeekRank
Constant indicating the first occurrence of the week day in a month.
FIRST_ROW - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.LookupComponent.LookupType
FIXED - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiDataStore.FileDescriptor.Format
Fixed file.
fixReusableChildMapRef(Mapping, ReusableMapping, Map, Map) - Static method in class oracle.odi.domain.project.MapReferenceShortcutAdapter
FlattenComponent - Class in oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component
A delegate class for the flatten mapping component.
FlattenComponent(MapComponentOwner, String) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.FlattenComponent
Constructs a new persistent flatten component.
flattenedVersion(String, String, int) - Method in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.registration.ComponentRegistryHelper
FLOW_DESIGN - Static variable in class oracle.odi.interfaces.interactive.IInterfaceIssue.Origin
Issue on the flow design (KMs...).
flush() - Method in interface oracle.odi.core.persistence.IOdiEntityManager
Synchronize the persistence context to the underlying repository database.
FOLDER_OBJECT_NAME - Static variable in interface oracle.odi.impexp.smartie.ISmartImportService
FolderImportExportResource - Class in oracle.odi.impexp.resource
An IImportExportResource implementation for a folder or directory that can be used as a source for import or as a target for export.
FolderImportExportResource(File) - Constructor for class oracle.odi.impexp.resource.FolderImportExportResource
Constructs a FolderImportExportResource object.
FOREIGN_KEY - Static variable in class oracle.odi.generation.DDLDiff.ObjectType
Difference is for a foreign key.
foundWorkrepositoryToProcess(List) - Method in interface oracle.odi.setup.IRepositoryUpgradeCallback
Will be called to provide the list of work repositories found in the master that will be updated.
foundWorkrepositoryToProcess(List) - Method in class oracle.odi.setup.RepositoryUpgradeReport
FOURTH - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.RecurrenceAttributes.DayOfWeekRank
Constant indicating the forth occurrence of the week day in a month.
FRIDAY - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.runtime.scheduling.RecurrenceAttributes.DayOfWeek
Enumeration constant indicating Friday.
FUNCTION_NAME - Static variable in class oracle.odi.domain.mapping.component.TableFunctionComponent
Property key name for the function name property.
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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Integrator
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