7 Configuring the Domain for a Standalone Collocated Agent

Create and configure a WebLogic domain for a standalone collocated agent in the standard installation topology.

7.1 Creating the Database Schema

Ensure that you have created the required schema in your database for your standalone collocated agent.

Before you can configure the topology for your standalone collocated agent, make sure you have created the necessary schema in your database. See Creating the Master and Work Repository Schemas for instructions.

7.2 Creating a Standalone Agent in the Master Repository Using Oracle Data Integrator Studio

Learn how to create a standalone agent for a topology with Oracle Data Integrator Studio (ODI Studio).

A physical agent corresponds to a single standalone agent or a Java EE agent. A physical agent should have a unique name in the topology.

As part of its startup sequence, an agent connects to the Master Repository to see if there is a physical agent defined with its name. If it finds its entry, the agent continues with startup and, once started, it reads all the scheduled jobs of itself from the repository and starts processing.

If there is no physical agent entry for an agent, then the agent startup fails.

To create a standalone agent using ODI Studio, see Creating an Agent in the Master Repository with ODI Studio.

7.3 Configuring Your WebLogic Domain for Your Standalone Collocated Agent

Learn how to create a WebLogic domain for your standalone collocated agent with the Configuration Wizard.

For more information on other methods available for domain creation, see Additional Tools for Creating, Extending, and Managing WebLogic Domains.

This topic contains the following tasks:

7.3.1 Starting the Configuration Wizard

The WebLogic Server Configuration Wizard is the tool you use to configure your domain.

To start configuration, navigate to the ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin directory and start the WebLogic Server Configuration Wizard.

On UNIX operating systems:


On Microsoft Windows operating systems:


7.3.2 Navigating the Configuration Wizard Screens to Configure the Domain

Learn how to use the WebLogic Server Configuration Wizard to create a domain.

To create and configure the domain for the topology:

  1. On the ODI Server Configuration screen, provide the information as described in the following table.
    Field Value

    System Component

    Make sure OracleDIAgent1 is selected from the drop-down list.

    Server Listen Address

    Enter the host name or IP address of the system on which the agent resides. Do not use "localhost."

    Server Listen Port

    Specify the port number on which this agent will listen.

    Supervisor Username

    Make sure this user name is SUPERVISOR (all CAPS).

    Supervisor Password

    Specify the password for the SUPERVISOR user, as previously configured in the domain.

    Preferred Datasource

    Use the default OdiMasterRepository; do not change this field.


    Oracle recommends that you write down the host name and port number of the agent; you will need this later when you create the agent in the master repository (Creating a Standalone Agent in the Master Repository Using Oracle Data Integrator Studio).


    More information about the other options on this screen can be found in ODI Server Configuration.

  2. The system component you just created is automatically assigned to a machine called LocalODIMachine. The Machines screen shows that this machine is already created.

    In the Node Manager Listen Address field, select the IP address of the host running Node Manager. Do not use "localhost".

  3. On the Assign System Components to Machines screen, verify that your system component OracleDIAgent1 is already assigned to the LocalODIMachine.
  4. The Configuration Summary screen contains the detailed configuration information for the domain you are about to update. Review the details of each item on the screen and verify that the information is correct.

    You can go back to any previous screen if you need to make any changes, either by using the Back button or by selecting the screen in the navigation pane.

    Domain creation will not begin until you click Update.


    More information about the options on this screen can be found in Configuration Summary.

  5. The Configuration Success screen will show the Domain home location and URL of the Administration Server you just configured:

When domain creation is complete, click Finish to dismiss the configuration wizard.

7.4 Adding Libraries to a Standalone or Standalone Collocated Agent

After configuring a standalone or standalone collocated agent, you can specify additional libraries if required.

To add libraries to a ODI standalone or standalone collocated agent:
  1. Set the environment variable ODI_ADDITIONAL_CLASSPATH to locate additional jars before starting the agent. For example:


  2. Do one the following:

    • Copy the additional libraries to the DOMAIN_HOME/lib directory. The ODI standalone and standalone collocated agents will automatically add these libaries to the agent’s classpath.
    • Edit the DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/components/ODI/Agent Name/bin/instance.sh/cmd command to add the libraries to the ODI_POST_CLASSPATH variable.

7.5 Starting a Standalone Collocated Agent with Node Manager

Learn how to start a standalone collocated agent with Node Manager.


If you have not yet configured the physical agent in the master repository, go to Creating an Agent in the Master Repository with ODI Studio.

To start your standalone collocated agent with Node Manager:

7.5.1 Starting Node Manager

Learn how to start Oracle Node Manager in your domain.

To start Node Manager in a domain, first go to the domain DOMAIN_HOME/bin directory. Then start Node Manager as follows:

On UNIX operating systems, use nohup and nm.out as output file:

nohup ./startNodeManager.sh > nm.out&

On Windows operating systems::



On Windows operating systems, Oracle recommends configuring Node Manager to run as a startup service. This allows Node Manager to start up automatically each time the system is restarted.

For more information, see Running Node Manager as a Startup Service.

For information about additional Node Manager configuration options, see Administering Node Manager for Oracle WebLogic Server.

7.5.2 Starting the Standalone Collocated Agent

Learn how to start the standalone collocated agent.

To start your standalone agent, go to the DOMAIN_HOME/bin directory and run the following command:

On UNIX operating systems:

./startComponent.sh OracleDIAgent1

On Windows operating systems:

startComponent.cmd OracleDIAgent1

You will be prompted for the Administrator password for the domain.

To verify that your agent was started, go to the following URL in your browser:


7.6 Starting a Standalone Collocated Agent Without Node Manager

Learn how to start a standalone collocated agent without using Node Manager.

To start your standalone agent without Node Manager, go to the DOMAIN_HOME/bin directory and run the following command:

On UNIX operating systems:

./agent.sh -NAME=OracleDIAgent1

On Windows operating systems:

agent.cmd -NAME=OracleDIAgent1

Enter the -NAME parameter in capital letters; the name of the agent (in this case, OracleDIAgent1) is case-sensitive.

7.7 Performing Next Steps

Learn about domain administration and configuration, and other tasks that prepare your Oracle Data Integrator environment for development.

Performing Basic Administrative Tasks contains basic administration tasks. You should familiarize yourself with the tasks described in this section and perform them as needed to verify that your domain is properly configured.

Performing Additional Domain Configuration Tasks contains additional domain configuration tasks that take advantage of additional Oracle Fusion Middleware products and features.

Preparing Oracle Data Integrator for Development contains common tasks to help prepare your Oracle Data Integrator environment for development.

Preparing Your Environment For High Availability contains important tasks to help prepare your environment to move to a highly available environment.