Starts the playback of events of a particular stage of a Oracle Stream Analytics application.


java wlevs.Admin 
    [ Connection Arguments ]
    [ User Credentials Arguments ]
    [ Common Arguments ] 
    STARTPLAYBACK -application application -stage stage
        [-filterStartTime starttime] 
        [-filterEndTime endtime | -filterDuration duration]        [-speed speed]         [-repeat true | false]

Table A-25 STARTPLAYBACK Arguments

Argument Definition
-application application

Specifies the name of the Oracle Stream Analytics application whose event record and playback you want to manage.

To get the exact name of your application, you can:

  • Use wlevs.Admin to query for the name (see Query for Application and Processor Names).

  • Use the Oracle Stream Analytics Visualizer: Start the Oracle Stream Analytics Visualizer (see Using Visualizer for Oracle Stream Analytics). In the left pane, navigate to and expand the Applications node of the Oracle Stream Analytics instance to which the application is deployed. Each node under the Applications node is named with the exact application name.

  • Look at the MANIFEST.MF file of the application; the application name is specified by the Bundle-SymbolicName header.

-stage stage

Specifies the name of the particular stage, attached to the Oracle Stream Analytics application specified with the -application argument, whose event record and playback you want to manage.

-filterStartTime startime

Specifies that only events with record-time greater than or equal to this value will be selected for playback.

Express the start time as an XMLSchema dateTime value of the form:


For example, to play back only events with record-time greater than or equal to January 20, 2010, at 5:00am, use the following value:


For complete details of the XMLSchema dateTime format, see http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#dateTime-lexical-representation.

Specify null if you want to select all events for playback.

-filterEndTime endtime

Specifies only events with record-time less than or equal to this value will be selected for playback.

Express the end time as an XMLSchema dateTime value of the form:


For example, to play back only events with record-time less than or equal to January 20, 2010, at 6:00pm, use the following value:


For complete details of the XMLSchema dateTime format, see http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#dateTime-lexical-representation.

You can specify either -filterEndTime or -filterDuration, but not both.

-filterDuration duration

Specifies the filter applied to events in the event store. Only events that were recorded during the filter time will be selected for play back. Specify null if you want to select all events for playback.

The format is HH:mm:ss, such as 01:00:00.

You can specify either -filterEndTime or -filterDuration, but not both.

-speed speed

Specifies the playback speed as a positive float.

The default value is 1, which corresponds to normal speed. A value of 2 means that events will be played back 2 times faster than the original record speed. Similarly, a value of 0.5 means that events will be played back 2 times slower than the original record speed.

-repeat repeat

Specifies whether to playback events again after the playback of the specified time interval is over.

Valid values are true or false. Default value is false. A value of true means that the repeat of playback continues an infinite number of times until it is deliberately stopped (see STOPPLAYBACK). A value of false means that events will be played back only once.


The following example shows how to start the playback of events on the helloworldAdapter stage of the helloworld application deployed to the specified Oracle Stream Analytics instance:

java wlevs.Admin 
     -url service:jmx:msarmi://localhost:9002/jndi/jmxconnector 
     -username wlevs -password wlevs 
     STARTPLAYBACK -application helloworld -stage helloworldAdapter