A.12.3 GET

Displays MBean properties and JMX object names in the format described at.http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/javax/management/ObjectName.html

The output of the command follows:

{MBeanName object-name {property1 value} {property2 value}. . .} 
. . .

Note that the properties and values are expressed as name-value pair where each pair is returned within curly brackets. This format facilitates output parsing by a script.

If -pretty is specified, each property-value pair is displayed on a new line and curly brackets are not used to separate the pairs:

MBeanName: object-name
property1: value
property2: value
MBeanName: object-name
property1: value
abbribute2: value


java wlevs.Admin 
    [ Connection Arguments ]
    [ User Credentials Arguments ]
    [ Common Arguments ] 
    GET [-pretty] {-type mbeanType| -mbean objectName} [-property property1] [-property property2]...

Table A-15 GET Arguments

Argument Definition
-type mbeanType

Returns information for all MBeans of the specified type. For more information, see Specifying MBean Types.

-mbean objectName

Fully qualified object name of an MBean in the http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/javax/management/ObjectName.html format.

For example, if you want to look up an MBean for a processor stage, the naming is as follows (in practice, the string should be on one line):

"com.bea.wlevs:Name=<name of the Stage>,Type=<type of Mbean>, 
Application=<name of the application>"

Places property-value pairs on separate lines.

-property property

The name of the MBean property (attribute) or properties to be listed.

If -property is not specified, all properties are displayed.


The following example displays all properties of the CQLProcessorMBean that was registered for the Processor Stage when the application called helloworld was deployed in Oracle Stream Analytics.

java wlevs.Admin
     -url service:jmx:msarmi://localhost:9002/jndi/jmxconnector
     -username wlevs -password wlevs
     GET -pretty
     -mbean com.bea.wlevs:Name=cqlprocessor,Type=CQLProcessor,Application=helloworld

The following example displays all instances of all CQLProcessorMBean MBeans.

java wlevs.Admin 
     -url service:jmx:msarmi://localhost:9002/jndi/jmxconnector 
     -username wlevs -password wlevs 
     GET -pretty -type CQLProcessor