5 Managing Tools and Services

WebCenter Portal supports tools and services that expose collaborative, social networking, and personal productivity features in portals. While certain features are available by default, for other features you need to install and configure additional back-end servers like WebCenter Content.

This chapter includes the following topics:


To perform the tasks in this chapter, you must be granted the WebLogic Server Admin role through the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console and the Administrator role in WebCenter Portal Administration.

For more information about roles and permissions, see Understanding Administrative Operations, Roles, and Tools.

The tasks described are performed by a system administrator at the application level. Working with tools and services at the portal level is an application specialist or portal manager task, as described in the Introduction to Portal Tools and Services in Oracle Fusion Middleware Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal.

5.1 Introduction to Managing Tools and Services

WebCenter Portal exposes collaborative, social networking, and personal productivity features through tools and services, which, in turn, expose subsets of their features and functionality through task flows. Task flows provide reusable functionality that may expose all or a subset of the features available from a particular tool or service.

Some tools, like tags, are available and work out-of-the-box, but other tools require additional configuration for example, a connection to an external back-end server. The data associated with the various tools and services is stored in the Metadata Services Repository (MDS), a database, or an external repository or server.

  • MDS - Some tools and services store connection metadata in the MDS. Changes that you make to applications, post deployment, are stored in MDS as customizations. For WebCenter Portal, MDS is installed and configured out-of-the-box. For more information, see Oracle WebCenter Portal Configuration Considerations.

  • Database - The following tools and services require a connection to a database schema where relevant information (such as relationship mapping) is stored:

    • Analytics

    • Documents (wikis and blogs that want to include the comments and Activity Stream)

    • Links

    • Lists

    • People Connections

    • Tags

  • External repository or server - The following tools and services require a connection to an external data repository (such as a content server, a presence server, or a mail server) where relevant information is stored:

    • Analytics

    • Announcements

    • Discussions

    • Documents, including wikis and blogs

    • Events

    • Instant Messaging and Presence (IMP)

    • Mail

    • RSS

    • Search (for Oracle SES adapter)

    You must always use Fusion Middleware Control or the WLST command-line tool to review and configure back-end server connections for WebCenter Portal.

Table 5-1 lists where the data associated with the various tools and services is stored, that is, in MDS, a database, or an external repository or server.

5.1.1 Back-End Repositories for Tools and Services

Table 5-1 lists the tools and services provided in WebCenter Portal and points to more information about setting up each connection. The table also lists where the data associated with the various tools and services is stored, that is, in MDS, a database, or an external repository or server. You may find it helpful to know which tools and services are impacted when any one of these repositories are unavailable.

Table 5-1 Data Repositories for Tools and Services

Tools and Services Description MDS Database Schema External Repository For More Information

Activity Stream

Provides a streaming view of the activities of your connections, actions taken in portals, and business activities




Setting Up Database Connections

Managing People Connections


Enables you to display usage and performance metrics for your portal application




Setting Up Database Connections

Managing Analytics


Provides the ability to post announcements about important activities and events to all authenticated users




Managing Announcements and Discussions


Provides the ability to create threaded discussions, posting and responding to questions and searching for answers




Managing Announcements and Discussions


Provides content management and storage capabilities, including file upload, file and folder creation and management, file check out, versioning, and so on. The documents tool also supports the wiki and blog functionality.




Setting Up Database Connections

Managing Connections to Oracle WebCenter Content Server


Provides the ability to create and maintain a schedule of events relevant to a wider group of authenticated users. Also provides access to your personal events from your Outlook calendar if the Exchange server is configured.


WEBCENTER schema (Portal events)

X (Personal Events)

Managing Calendar Events

Instant Messaging and Presence (IMP)

Provides the ability to observe the status of other authenticated users (online, offline, busy, or away) and to contact them instantly



Managing Instant Messaging and Presence

Using Instant Messaging and Presence Viewer in Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Oracle WebCenter Portal


Provides the ability to view, access, and associate related information; for example, you can link to a document from a discussion




Setting Up Database Connections

Linking Information in WebCenter Portal in Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Oracle WebCenter Portal


Provides the ability to create, publish, and manage lists




Setting Up Database Connections

Adding Lists of Information to a Portal in Oracle Fusion Middleware Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal


Provides easy integration with IMAP and SMTP mail servers to enable users to perform mail functions, such as reading messages, creating messages with attachments, replying to or forwarding messages, and deleting messages




Managing Mail

Messages and Feedback

Provides the ability to post messages, attachments, and feedback for your connections and to the Activity Stream




Managing People Connections


Provides the ability to "jot down" and retain bits of personally relevant information




Provides a means of subscribing to services and application objects and, when those objects change, receiving notification across one or more messaging channels


Managing Subscriptions and Notifications

People Connections

Provides social networking capabilities, such as creating a personal profile, displaying current status, and viewing other users' activities




Setting Up Database Connections

Managing People Connections


Provides views of users' contact information (such as email address, business address, phone number), department, manager, photo, portal activities, public documents, and connections


Managing People Connections


Provides the ability to access the content of many different web sites from a single location—a news reader



Setting Up a Proxy Server

Managing RSS


Provides the ability to search services, the application, or an entire site

(This includes integrating Oracle Secure Enterprise Search.)




Managing Oracle Secure Enterprise Search in WebCenter Portal


Provides the ability to assign one or more personally-relevant keywords to a given page




Setting Up Database Connections

5.2 Configuring Back-end Data Repositories for Tools and Services

For certain tools and services to work in WebCenter Portal, you must configure various back-end data repositories.

The following sections are included:

5.2.1 Setting Up the MDS Repository

Some tools and services store information in the Metadata Services Repository (MDS).

For WebCenter Portal, MDS is installed and configured out-of-the-box.

See Also:

Managing the Metadata Repository in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

5.2.2 Setting Up Database Connections

Many tools and services store information in the WebCenter Portal repository, which is a database with the WebCenter Portal schema (WEBCENTER) installed. Refer to Table 5-1 for a complete list of these tools and services. For example, with the Links service, relationship mapping information, such as what object is linked to what other object, is stored in this database. Some other tools, such as analytics, require the ACTIVITIES schema.

For WebCenter Portal, WEBCENTER and ACTIVITIES schemas are configured out-of-the-box, so no further configuration is required.

Depending on the connection type used in an application, do one of the following:

  • Create a global data source, if the application does not include an application-level data source with password indirection. For information on creating global data sources, see Creating and Managing JDBC Data Sources in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

  • Map the connection credentials, if the application uses an application-level data source with password indirection. The password is set through the Oracle WebLogic Administration Console on the Credential Mappings tab under Security. If you change the password for an indirect data source on the Connection Pool tab under Configuration, then it has no effect. For more information on credential mapping, see JDBC Data Sources: Security: Credential Mapping under the Creating a JDBC Data Source in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering JDBC Data Sources for Oracle WebLogic Server.

  • Merge the information stored in the application credential store with that of the global application store, if the application uses a JDBC URL connection. For more information on credential migration behavior, see Configuring the Credential Store in Oracle Fusion Middleware Securing Applications with Oracle Platform Security Services.

In a typical business scenario, applications are deployed to different managed servers, and multiple databases are used as repositories for the applications.

When a repository connection is reconfigured, the local datasource file and the *-jdbc.xml file in the WEB-INF directory of the WAR file are updated with the new connection details. However, the JNDI Name and data source name remain the same. If you change the JNDI Name for any reason, then you must also update the adf-config.xml file. The JNDI name must be of the form jdbc/connection-nameDS. For example, if the application has a connection name connection1, then the JNDI name is jdbc/connection1DS.

5.2.3 Setting Up Back-End Server Connections

Some tools and services require a connection to an external data repository (such as a content server, a presence server, or a mail server) where relevant information is stored. Refer to Table 5-1 for a complete list of these tools and services, as well as links to the relevant chapter in this guide where connection configuration is described.

Administrators must always use Fusion Middleware Control or the WLST command-line tool to review and configure back-end server connections for WebCenter Portal application deployments.


Most changes that you make to services configuration, through Fusion Middleware Control or using WLST, are not dynamic so you must restart the managed server on which the application is deployed for your changes to take effect.

5.2.4 Setting Up a Proxy Server

A proxy server is required if you want to enable external RSS news feeds and external links in activity stream task flows in WebCenter Portal. The RSS service and the activity stream service share the same proxy server settings.

You can set up a proxy server using Fusion Middleware Control or WLST.

This section includes the following subsections: Setting Up a Proxy Server Using Fusion Middleware Control

To set up a proxy server using Fusion Middleware Control:

  1. Log on to Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the home page for WebCenter Portal.
  2. From the WebCenter Portal menu, select Settings > Application Configuration.
  3. In the Proxy Server section, enter the host name and the port number of the proxy server. For details, see Table 5-2.

    Table 5-2 RSS Proxy Server Details

    Field Description

    Proxy Host

    Enter the host name of the proxy server.

    Proxy Port

    Enter the port number on which the proxy server is running.

  4. Click Apply to save this connection.
  5. Restart the managed server to which your application is deployed. Setting Up a Proxy Server Using WLST

Use the WLST command setWebCenterProxyConfig to specify the proxy host and port number used by RSS news feeds and activity stream task flows. For example:

setWebCenterProxyConfig(appName='webcenter', proxyHost='www-proxy.example.com', proxyPort='80')

For command syntax and examples, see setWebCenterProxyConfig in Oracle Fusion Middleware WebCenter WLST Command Reference.

For information about how to run WLST commands, see Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands.


To start using new proxy details, you must restart the managed server in which your application is deployed.

Use the getWebCenterProxyConfig command to find out the current proxy host and port used by RSS and activity stream task flows. For example:


If you want to delete the current proxy host and port settings, use the unsetWebCenterProxyConfig command. For example:


5.2.5 Setting Up External Application Connections

When a tool or service interacts with an application that handles its own authentication, you can associate that application with an external application definition to allow for credential provisioning.

The following tools and services permit the use of an external application to connect with and define authentication for it:

  • Documents

  • Events

  • Instant Messaging and Presence

  • Mail

  • RSS Viewer (when using a secured RSS feed)

For information about working with external applications, see Managing External Applications.


If you are planning to use the same LDAP server and credentials for some of these tools and services (for example for IMP, Events, and Mail), consider creating a single connection for them, specifying the properties to use across the shared connections.

Creating a shared, single connection is especially useful in cases where the identity store imposes additional restrictions that passwords needs to be changed frequently. If you create only one external application connection, it would help minimize invalid login attempts after password changes, thus preventing chances of password lockout.

5.3 About Tools and Services in WebCenter Portal

You, as a system administrator, are responsible for managing connections to external servers and maintain the database schema and Metadata Service (MDS) repositories where application data, specific to WebCenter Portal, is stored.

When a back-end server is not configured, intentionally or otherwise, WebCenter Portal cannot offer features or functionality related to that tool:

  • Associated task flows are not available in the resource catalog.

  • Existing task flows display a message indicating that the tool or service is unavailable.

  • Tool or service is not listed as available to portal managers—through the portal's administration settings.

When a valid connection exists, the associated tool or service is available in WebCenter Portal. If a tool or service is temporarily unavailable, you can use Fusion Middleware Control to investigate, diagnose, and solve issues relating to services. Most tools and services are optional. If you decide not to offer a particular tool or service in your application, temporarily or permanently, consider removing any associated task flows that display by default out-of-the-box.

This section includes the following:

5.3.1 Enabling and Disabling Tools and Services in WebCenter Portal

WebCenter Portal offers tools and services that allow portal members to collaborate and communicate through various task flows that are associated with these tools and services. Some tools, such as personal notes, are ready to use out-of-the-box and require no further configuration. Other tools, such as discussions, and other services, such as mail, require connections to the back-end server and require additional configuration.

When a valid connection exists, the associated tool or service is available in WebCenter Portal. With the exception of the Mail service, if the tool or service is not part of a template, then portal managers or application specialists must enable the tool or service within a portal. The Mail service is enabled upon portal creation, and, if it is configured by the system administrator, then it cannot be disabled for individual portals. If a tool is included in a portal template, then it is enabled when it is first used. Portal Managers can manually disable a tool in the portal, with the exception of the Mail service.

If a portal manager manually enables a tool in a portal, WebCenter Portal handles any necessary configuration with the back-end server. For example, when the portal manager enables discussions in a portal, WebCenter Portal configures discussions storage for that portal on the discussions server and performs role-mapping based authorization, that is, WebCenter Portal roles that allow users to work with the discussions in the portal, are mapped to corresponding roles on the discussions server. If role-mapping fails, the portal manager is notified by email, and users are unable to access discussions.

If a tool is enabled in the template used to create a new portal, WebCenter Portal handles the back-end server configuration when someone accesses that tool for the first time. For example, the first time someone navigates to the Discussions page in a portal at /webcenter/portal/PortalName/Discussions, WebCenter Portal configures discussions storage for that portal on the discussions server, performs role-mapping based authorization, and then the discussions page displays.

The following tools and services can be automatically enabled on first use, if the portal template includes it:

  • Announcements

  • Discussions

  • Events

  • Lists

  • Documents


In previous releases, these tools and services were enabled at portal creation (instead of on first use). In most cases, the portal managers manage tools and services for their own portal, but WebCenter Portal system administrators can also perform this task if required to do so. For more details about enabling and disabling tools and services in a portal, see Enabling and Disabling Tools and Services Available to a Portal in Oracle Fusion Middleware Building Portals with Oracle WebCenter Portal.

5.3.2 Configuring Tools and Services in WebCenter Portal

Tools and services become available in WebCenter Portal when you configure connections to the appropriate back-end applications. Portal managers are responsible for managing tools and services in their individual portals. You, as the system administrator, can, however, use the Tools and Services page in WebCenter Portal Administration to set up some additional configurations for WebCenter Portal (Figure 5-1).

Figure 5-1 WebCenter Portal Tools and Services Page

Description of Figure 5-1 follows
Description of "Figure 5-1 WebCenter Portal Tools and Services Page"

Table 5-3 lists the tools and services that you can configure in WebCenter Portal Administration.

Table 5-3 Tools and Services Configuration in WebCenter Portal Administration

Tool or Service Description
Discussions Change the root category under which discussions are stored. For information, see Configuring Discussion Forum Options for WebCenter Portal.
Search if Oracle SES is configured, you can additionally choose which types of search results to display and do some other customizations. For information, see Managing Search in WebCenter Portal Administration.
External Applications Register new external applications, or edit and deregister the existing external applications. For information, see Managing External Applications at Runtime.
Mail Specify the default mail client for either the local mail client or WebCenter Portal's mail service. For information, see Configuring Send Mail Notifications for WebCenter Portal.
People Connections Set options for people connection features. For information, see Configuring People Connections for WebCenter Portal.
Portlet Producers Register new portlet producers, or edit and deregister existing portlet producers. For information, see Managing Portlet Producers.
Portal Server Connections Register new portal servers for deploying WebCenter Portal. For information, see Creating a Portal Server Connection.