4 Post-Migration Tasks for Oracle BI EE

After migrating the Oracle BI EE metadata, manually migrate the configuration settings for catalog groups and other components such as security for WebLogic and Enterprise Manager, BI Server, and BI Presentation Services.

Migrating Catalog Groups

Catalog groups were a feature of Oracle BI EE that allowed administrators to organize users and application roles for security administration purposes.

In Oracle BI Release 12c ( and higher), catalog groups are obsolete. The catalog groups are migrated by the upgrade process to application roles.

Migrating Configuration of Oracle BI EE

After migrating the data, manually migrate the configuration information from the 11g system to the 12c system, which includes WebLogic security, Enterprise Manager security, the managed BI configurations, BI logs, BI Server, and BI Presentation Server configuration settings.

Migrating the Security Configuration for Oracle BI with Oracle WebLogic Server

Oracle BI 12c is tightly integrated with the Oracle Fusion Middleware Security architecture and delegates core security functionality to components of that architecture. By default, an Oracle BI installation is configured with an authentication provider that uses the Oracle WebLogic Server embedded LDAP server for user and group information. The Oracle BI default policy store provider and credential store provider stores credentials, application roles, and application policies in files in the domain. You must manually migrate the security configuration for Oracle BI from the 11g system to the 12c system with Oracle WebLogic Server.

To migrate the security configuration for Oracle BI:
  1. Examine your Oracle BI 11g WebLogic security configuration by accessing the Oracle BI 11g WebLogic Console to examine the current security configuration for security providers.
  2. Manually configure the same security configuration in WebLogic Console of Oracle BI 12c.

Migrating the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Security Configuration

Most of the security configuration related to application roles, security grants, and application policies are migrated to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control 12c during the migration process. You must examine and manually apply any special Security Provider configuration in the Fusion Middleware Control 12c.

To migrate the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control security configuration:
  1. Examine the Security Provider configuration in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control 11g.
  2. Validate the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control 12c security setup by searching application policies and appropriate users.
  3. Apply any special Security Provider configuration in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control 12c.
  4. Ensure that the user, group, and application roles appear correctly in the 12c system.

Migrating the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Managed Business Intelligence Configurations

The Fusion Middleware Control is used to manage some of the important configurations for Oracle BI. You must manually examine the configuration of the General, Presentation, Performance, and Mail sections of the Fusion Middleware Control 11g and apply the same settings to the 12c system.

To migrate the Fusion Middleware Control managed BI configurations:
  1. In the Fusion Middleware Control 11g, navigate to the Business Intelligence Configuration link and examine the Configuration tab.
  2. Apply the same configuration settings in the Business Intelligence Configuration tab of the Fusion Middleware Control 12c.
    Ensure that the configuration settings of the General, Presentation, Performance, and Mail sections are applied correctly to the Fusion Middleware Control 12c.

Migrating the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Managed Business Intelligence Log Configuration

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control is used to manage the log configuration for the Oracle BI components. You must manually examine the log configuration settings in the 11g system and apply the same settings to your 12c system.

To migrate the Fusion Middleware Control managed Oracle BI log configuration:
  1. In the Fusion Middleware Control 11g, navigate to the Business Intelligence link and examine the settings in the Diagnostics tab.
  2. Note the configuration settings and apply the Oracle BI component log configuration and component log levels in the Fusion Middleware Control 12c.

Migrating the Oracle BI Server Configuration

Various files for the BI Server contain configuration information: odbc.ini and tnsnames.ora. The odbc.ini file contains non-Oracle data source (DSN) connection information. The tnsnames.ora file contains network service names mapped to connect descriptors for the local naming method, or net service names mapped to listener protocol addresses. You must examine these 11g files and manually copy the configuration information to the respective 12c files.

To migrate the BI Server configuration details:
  1. View the BI Server information in the 11g odbc.ini file present at the following location:
    (UNIX) 11g_DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/bienv/core
    (Windows) 11g_DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\bienv\core
  2. Copy the BI Server configuration from the 11g odbc.ini file to the 12c file.
  3. In the existing 12c odbc.ini file. integrate the ODBC entries from 11g.

Migrating the Oracle BI Presentation Server Configuration

The Oracle BI Presentation Services process hosts most of the business logic of the Web server and provides the framework and interface for the presentation of business intelligence data to web clients. The userpref_currencies.xml file defines the currency options that are displayed in the Currency box of the Preferences tab of the My Account dialog. The bridgeconfig.properties file contains the Presentation Services Plug-in information. Examine these 11g files and manually copy the configuration information to the respective 12c files.

To migrate the Oracle BI Presentation Server configuration:
  1. View the configuration information in the userpref_currencies.xml file present at the following location:
    (UNIX) 11g_DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/biconfig/OBIPS/
    (Windows) 11g_DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\biconfig\OBIPS\
  2. Copy the appropriate configuration information from the 11g userpref_currencies.xml file to the 12c file.
  3. View the configuration information in the bridgeconfig.properties file present at the following location:
    (UNIX) 11g_DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/biconfig
    (Windows) 11g_DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\biconfig
  4. Copy the appropriate configuration information from the 11g bridgeconfig.properties file to the 12c file.

Configuring the Database to Use DataDirect Drivers

You must configure the database to use the appropriate DataDirect drivers. If you are using a database that is already configured to use the DataDirect drivers, modify the database configuration's odbc.ini file to use the correct DataDirect drivers. 

To configure the database to use the DataDirect drivers:
  1. Open the odbc.ini file located at the following location:
    (UNIX) 12c_DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/bienv/core/odbc.ini
    (Windows) 12c_DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\bienv\core/odbc.ini
    Replace the value of DOMAIN_HOME with the actual path to the 12c Domain home you created when you installed the 12c software.
  2. Update the ODBC entry to use the DataDirect drivers, as shown in the following example:
    [DSN name in RPD] 
    Description=DataDirect 7.1.4 Sybase Wire Protocol 
    LogonID=DB username
    Password=DB password
    NetworkAddress=DB hostname, DB port
    Database=DB name
    Where, RPD indicates rapidfile database. RPD is a binary file used by the BI Server to retrieve data from a source database.
  3. Update all existing data source names (DSNs) that are configured with the 11g DataDirect version. For example, the data source name for SYBASE should point to DataDirect 7.1.4 as shown in the following example:
    [ODBC Data Sources] 
    AnalyticsWeb = Oracle BI Server 
    Cluster = Oracle BI Server 
    SSL_Sample = Oracle BI Server 
    DSN name in RPD = DataDirect 7.1.4
  4. Save and close the odbc.ini file.

Configuring Usage Tracking

The Oracle BI Server supports the collection of usage tracking data. When usage tracking is enabled, the BI Server collects usage tracking data for each query. The statistics are then written to a usage tracking log file or are inserted directly in to a database table. After you complete migrating and configuring the 12c system, you must enable usage tracking in the NQSConfig.INI file.

To configure usage tracking:
  1. Open the repository in online mode.
  2. Import the S_NQ_ACCT and the S_NQ_DB_ACCT table from the RCU schema.
  3. In the NQSConfig.INI file, set USAGE_TRACKING=YES and update the PHYSICAL_TABLE_NAME and the CONNECTION_POOL.
  4. Import the following tables to track query statistics related to the initialization block execution and the summary advisor feature:
  5. To enable initialization block logging, update the INIT_BLOCK_TABLE_NAMEand INIT_BLOCK_CONNECTION_POOL in the NQSConfig.INI file.
  6. To enable summary advisor logging, set SUMMARY_STATISTICS_LOGGING=YES and update the SUMMARY_ADVISOR_TABLE_NAME in the NQSConfig.INI file.
  7. Restart the BI Server.
For more information about usage tracking, see Managing Usage Tracking in System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.


Ensure that the queries of the BI Server are being tracked in the table by view data.

Configuring the SQL Server

After configuring the 12c system, you must configure the SQL Server settings in the odbc.ini file.

To configure the SQL Server:
  1. Open the odbc.ini file located at the following location:
    (UNIX) 12c_DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/bienv/core/odbc.ini
    (Windows) 12c_DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\bienv\core\odbc.ini
    Replace the value of DOMAIN_HOME with the actual path to the 12c Domain home you created when you installed the 12c software.
  2. Update the ODBC entry to use the DataDirect drivers, as shown in the following example:
    [DSN name in RPD] 
    Description=DataDirect 7.1.4 SQL Server Wire Protocol 
    Database=DB name 
    LogonID=DB username
    Password=DB password
  3. Update all existing data source names (DSNs) that are configured with the 11g DataDirect version. For example, the data source name for SQL Server should point to DataDirect 7.1.4 as shown in the following example:
    [ODBC Data Sources] 
    AnalyticsWeb = Oracle BI Server 
    Cluster = Oracle BI Server 
    SSL_Sample = Oracle BI Server 
    DSN name in RPD = DataDirect 7.1.4
  4. Save and close the odbc.ini file.

Adding Roles and Permissions

After migrating the data, you must add roles and permissions for BI Administrator, BI Author, and BI Consumer groups.

To add roles and permissions:
  1. Sign in to the WebLogic Console.
  2. Go to Myrealm under Security Realms and click Users and Groups.
  3. Create the following groups:
    On the Groups tab, create the BIAdministrators group.
    On the Membership tab, create the BIAuthors and the BIConsumers groups.
  4. Assign the BIAdministrators group to the Administrator or the WebLogic user.

Configuring MySQL for Oracle BI

You must configure the MySQL database to use the DataDirect driver. If you are using a database that is already configured to use the DataDirect drivers, modify the database configuration's odbc.ini file to use the correct DataDirect drivers.

To configure MySQL for Oracle BI:
  1. Open the odbc.ini file located at the following location:
    (UNIX) 12c_DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/bienv/core/odbc.ini
    (Windows) 12c_DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\bienv\core\odbc.ini
    Replace the value of DOMAIN_HOME with the actual path to the 12c Domain home you created when you installed the 12c software.
  2. Update the ODBC entry to use the DataDirect drivers, as shown in the following example:
    [DSN name in RPD] 
    Description=DataDirect 7.1.4 MySQL Wire Protocol 
    Database=DB name
    LogonID=DB username
    Password=DB password
    PortNumbeR=DB PORT
  3. Update all existing data source names (DSNs) that are configured with the 11g DataDirect version. For example, the data source name for MySQL should point to DataDirect 7.1.4 as shown in the following example:
    [ODBC Data Sources] 
    AnalyticsWeb = Oracle BI Server 
    Cluster = Oracle BI Server 
    SSL_Sample = Oracle BI Server 
    DSN name in RPD = DataDirect 7.1.4
  4. Save and close the odbc.ini file.

Checking Oracle BI JavaHost Configuration

Make sure that the XMLP and Oracle BI JavaHost settings match with the settings specified for the configuration of the 11g system.

To check the XMLP and the BI JavaHost configuration:
  1. View the config.xml file on the 11g and the 12c systems.
    The file is present at the following location on the 11g system:
    (UNIX) EXISTING_DOMAIN_HOME/config/OracleBIJavaHostComponent/coreapplication_obijh1/config .xml
    (Windows) EXISTING_DOMAIN_HOME\config\OracleBIJavaHostComponent\coreapplication_obijh1\config .xml
    The file is present at the following location on the 12c system:
    (UNIX) NEW_DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/biconfig/OBIJH/config.xml
    (Windows) NEW_DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\biconfig\OBIJH\config.xml
  2. Verify that the XMLP configuration on both the 11g and the 12c systems is as shown in the following code block:
  3. Verify that the OBIJH_ARGS="-server -Xmx1024M -Xrs" parameter in the 12c setOBIJHEnv.sh file matches with the "start-args" value="-server -Xmx1024M -Xrs parameter in the 11g opmn.xml file.
    The opmn.xml file is located at the following location on the 11g system:
    <process-type id="OracleBIJavaHostComponent" module-id="CUSTOM"> 
    <category id="start-parameters"> 
    <data id="start-executable" value="$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java"/> 
    <data id="start-args" value="-server -Xmx1024M -Xrs 
    The setOBIJHEnv.sh file is located at the following location on the 12c system:
    (UNIX) NEW_ORACLE_HOME/bi/modules/oracle.bi.cam.obijh/setOBIJHEnv.sh
    (Windows) NEW_ORACLE_HOME\bi\modules\oracle.bi.cam.obijh\setOBIJHEnv.sh

Enabling Clusters

After migrating the data, you must manually enable the ClusterEnabled parameter in the ClusterConfig.xml file to turn on the cluster instances on the 12c system.

To enable the clusters:
  1. Open the ClusterConfig.xml file for editing, located at the following location:
    On UNIX operating system:
    On Windows operating system:
  2. Locate the following:
    Change it to the following:
  3. Save and close the file.

Enabling Oracle Hardware Acceleration and Compatibility Mode

Hardware acceleration affects the autocompletion of features such as dashboard prompts, trellis charts and microcharts, Summary Advisor functionality, and aggregate persistence for the TimesTen In-Memory database. Therefore, you must manually enable the bi:hw-acceleration flag in the 12c bi-config.xml file post-migration. You must also enable the bi:compat-mode-11g flag, so that the state of the 11g system is preserved at run time.

To enable the bi:hw-acceleration flag:
  1. Locate the bi-config.xml, available at the following location:
    (UNIX) 12c_DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/biconfig/core/bi-config.xml
    (Windows) 12c_DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\biconfig\core\bi-config.xml
    Replace the value of DOMAIN_HOME with the path of the Oracle BI domain on the 12c system.
  2. Locate the following:
    Replace it with the following:
  3. Locate the following:
    Replace it with the following:
  4. Save and close the file.

Setting the Compatibility Framework for Oracle BI Server

The compatibility framework allows the BI Server to add new features or bug fixes in Oracle BI 12c ( and later) that are not compatible with the Oracle BI 11g releases while providing a flexible framework that enables the BI Server to operate in a compatibility mode with the earlier major release. Individual features and bug fixes can be enabled or disabled independently using compatibility flags. Alternatively, you can set all the compatibility flags to the default values using a single COMPATIBLE_RELEASE flag for the Oracle BI system to be compatible with the earlier release, which is Add the COMPATIBLE_RELEASE parameter to the NQSConfig.INI file to ensure that the migrated 12c environment behaves as closely as possible to Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Release 1 ( environment.


If the COMPATIBLE_RELEASE parameter is not set, then the system defaults to the behavior of the current release, such as

The framework does not distinguish individual bundle patches (only the first four digits of the version number are significant for determining compatibility).

When applying new features, enhancements, or bug fixes that are not inherently backward-compatible, ensure that you specify a compatibility flag using the guidelines described in this topic.


The NQSConfig.INI file does not contain the COMPATIBLE_RELEASE parameter by default. The global bi:compat-mode-11g is the default flag and it applies to all Oracle BI EE components. When the bi:compat-mode-11g element in the bi-config.xml file is set to true, the BI Server compatibility framework behaves as if the COMPATIBLE_RELEASE were set to and it disables any features or bug fixes that would cause major compatibility issues during migration from 11g to 12c. However, if you explicitly edit the NQSConfig.INI file to set the COMPATIBLE_RELEASE parameter or any other compatibility flag, then the setting in the NQSConfig.INI file takes precedence over the global bi:compat-mode-11g flag specified in the bi-config.xml file.

In addition to setting the general COMPATIBLE_RELEASE parameter, you can set compatibility flags for specific features or bug fixes, which begin with the prefix "OBIS_". Instructions to set these specific compatibility flags are provided by the support team to solve certain issues on a need basis. For example,


Setting the COMPATIBLE_RELEASE parameter or specific compatibility flags in the NQSConfig.INI file applies the changes to the entire system. You can also set the COMPATIBLE_RELEASE parameter or the specific feature flag as a session variable or an environment variable so that the compatibility mode is set to specific reports or dashboards. You can do this by adding a query prefix to an analysis request. The following is an example of a variable setting:

set variable COMPATIBLE_RELEASE='':

Migrating the Fusion Middleware MapViewer Configuration

Oracle Fusion Middleware Mapviewer (MapViewer) is a programmable tool for rendering maps using spatial data managed by Oracle Spatial and Graph or Oracle Locator (also referred to as Locator). MapViewer provides tools that hide the complexity of spatial data queries and cartographic rendering, while providing customizable options for more advanced users. These tools can be deployed in a platform-independent manner and are designed to integrate with map-rendering applications. After migrating the data, you must manually modify the 12c MapViewer configuration file to contain the same contents as the 11g file except the Logging section.

To migrate the MapViewer configuration:
  1. Go to the 12c Fusion Middleware MapViewer Administration Console.
  2. Create a copy of the default 12c MapViewer configuration file.
  3. Overwrite the contents in the copy of the 12c MapViewer configuration file with the content from the mapViewerConfig.xml file from the 11g MapViewer install.
  4. Replace the logging section of the MapViewer configuration file copy with the settings from the default 12c MapViewer configuration file.
  5. Update the logging settings log levels of the MapViewer configuration file as needed for the 12c.
  6. Click Save on the 12c MapViewer Administration Console and then click Restart.

Resolving Authentication Issues After Migration

To avoid authentication issues post-migration, you must uncheck the Required for Authentication option in the DYNAMIC_OLAP_LOGIN initialization block.


Follow this procedure only if you are migrating from Oracle BI Release to 12c.
To resolve the authentication issues after migration:
  1. Open the repository in offline mode.
    1. Change to the following directory on the 12c system:
      (UNIX) 12c_DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin/
      (Windows) 12c_DOMAIN_HOME\bitools\bin\
      Replace the value of DOMAIN_HOME with the actual Domain home on your 12c system.
    2. Run the following command:
      sh data-model-cmd.sh downloadrpd –u uname –p pwd –o downloaded.rpd –w rpd_password

      -o is the output RPD
      -w rpd_password  is the RPD password, say Admin123

    3. Open the downloaded repository offline in the BI Administration Tool, which you installed with the client installer.
  2. Complete the following steps:
    1. From the Manage menu in the BI Administration Tool, select Variables.
    2. In the Variable Manager dialog, from the Action menu, select Session, then Initialization Blocks.
    3. In the Variable Initialization Block dialog, locate DYNAMIC_OLAP_LOGIN.
    4. Open the DYNAMIC_OLAP_LOGIN properties, and uncheck the Required for Authentication checkbox.
    5. Click Apply and save the repository.
  3. Open the repository in online mode using the uploadrpd command.
    12c_DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin/data-model-cmd.sh uploadrpd –u uname –p pwd –i downloaded.rpd –w rpd_password

Copying Configuration Files

You must manually copy the following configuration files after the migration: writebacktemplate.xml, userpref_currencies.xml, and bicustom.ear.

Copy the following configuration files to the new BI instance:
  1. Change to the following directory:
    (UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/bi/bifoundation/web/msgdb/messages
    (Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\bi\bifoundation\web\msgdb\messages
  2. Copy the writebacktemplate.xml file to the 12c instance.
  3. Change to the following directory:
    (UNIX) APPLICATION_HOME/bi/bidata/components/OBIPS/
    (Windows) APPLICATION_HOME\bi\bidata\components\OBIPS\
  4. Copy the bicustom.ear file to the 12c instance.
  5. Change to the following directory:
    (UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/biconfig/OBIPS
    (Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\biconfig\OBIPS
  6. Copy the userpref_currencies.xml file to the 12c instance.
  7. Open the userpref_currencies.xml file for editing and add the following lines:
    <UserCurrencyPreferences currencyTagMappingType="static">
      <UserCurrencyPreference sessionVarValue="gc1" displayText="Global Currency 1" currencyTag="int:USD" />
      <UserCurrencyPreference sessionVarValue="gc2" displayText="Global Currency 2" currencyTag="int:euro-l" />
      <UserCurrencyPreference sessionVarValue="gc3" displayText="Global Currency 3" currencyTag="loc:ja-JP" />
      <UserCurrencyPreference sessionVarValue="orgc" displayText="Org Currency" currencyTag="loc:en-BZ" />
      <UserCurrencyPreference sessionVarValue="lc1" displayTag="int:DEM" currencyTag="int:DEM" />
    Save and close the file.
  8. Change to the following directory:
    (UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/biconfig/OBIPS
    (Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\biconfig\OBIPS
  9. Open the instanceconfig.xml file for editing and add the following line:
    Save and close the file.
  10. Restart the services.

Removing the Display of HTML Codes in a Customized "No Results" Message

In an analysis, content developers can control the text that is displayed when the results of the analysis return no data. Content developers can accept the default message, or they can customize the text of the message, including by inserting HTML formatting codes in the message.

If content developers customized the message and included HTML codes in Release 11g, then the message is displayed with the codes showing as readable text in Release 12c, rather than performing their functions to format the message. To work around this issue, open the Analysis Properties dialog for each analysis whose custom message includes HTML codes and select the Contains HTML Markup option.

For information on the use of the Contains HTML Markup option, see EnableSavingContentWithHTML in Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.