Defining Account Tax Attributes

The following table lists the attribute name, values, and functionalities of the account dimension. See also: Account Dimension

Table 13-2 Account

Attribute Type Attribute Value Description
WARSourceAccount WARExpSrcAccount This attribute associate the tax expense account(s) that is going to be used to calculate the Weighted Average rate for other Tax and Book accounts. You can tag multiple book accounts with this attribute. See also: Calculating the Weighted Average FX Rate Override for Other Tax and Book Accounts> in Working with Tax Reporting
Tax Type
  • National
  • Regional
  • NationalAndRegional
Classifies whether the data present in the account is of type National data or Regional data or of both National and Regional. For example, you set Tax Type to NationalAndRegional. This drives national data for the tax account to be passed to the active region/province. To set attributes see, Editing Member Properties using the Simplified Dimension Editor
Tax Data Type
  • PreTax
  • Tax
  • Apportioned
  • TaxCalcElim

This attribute defines how data is entered in the application for the accounts - PreTax, Tax and Apportioned.

TaxCalcElim - This attribute specifies that data in this account is subject to elimination.

FBOS NOFBOS This attribute defines that "No federal benefit of state" would be applied on this account.
Consolidated ETR CETR This attribute defines that this account and the data will be included in the Consolidated Effective Tax Rate Reconciliation (CETR) . See also: Setting Consolidated ETR Custom Attribute
Rate change to equity RCToEquity This attribute defines that impact from change in Tax rates data will be reversed and applied to the Impact from Change in Tax Rates in Equity column for all the temporary difference accounts with this attribute. See also: Working with National Deferred Tax and Working with Regional Deferred Tax in Working with Tax Reporting
TAR Book Account National
  • N_TARFExpenseCurrent
  • N_TARFExpenseDeferred
  • N_TARFDeferredNonCurrentAssets
  • N_TARFDeferredNonCurrentLiabilities
  • N_TARFDeferredVANonCurrent
  • N_TARFCurrentPayable
  • N_TARFCurrentReceivable
  • N_TARFLongTermPayable
  • N_TARFEquity
  • N_TARFAcq
  • N_TARFDisp

This is deprecated. Use TAR Automation. See also: Working with Regional Tax Account RollForward (TAR) and Working with TAR Automation and TAR Automation Book Balance in Working with Tax Reporting

TAR Book Account Regional
  • R_TARFExpenseCurrent
  • R_TARFExpenseDeferred
  • R_TARFDeferredNonCurrentAssets
  • R_TARFDeferredNonCurrentLiabilities
  • R_TARFDeferredVANonCurrent
  • R_TARFCurrentPayable
  • R_TARFCurrentReceivable
  • R_TARFLongTermPayable
  • R_TARFEquity
  • R_TARFAcq
  • R_TARFDisp

This is deprecated. Use TAR Automation. See also: Working with Regional Tax Account RollForward (TAR) and Working with TAR Automation and TAR Automation Book Balance in Working with Tax Reporting

Is Switch Sign
  • TAR Switch Sign National
  • TAR Switch Sign Regional
  • TAR Switch Sign NationalAndRegional
  • CbCR Switch Sign

This is deprecated. Use TAR and/or CbCR Automation. See also: Working with Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR) in Working with Tax Reporting

  • CBCRRevenueRelatedParties
  • CBCRRevenueUnRelatedParties
  • CBCRNationalIncomeTaxPaid
  • CBCRRegionalIncomeTaxPaid
  • CBCRNationalIncomeTaxAccrued
  • CBCRRegionalIncomeTaxAccrued
  • CBCRStatedCapital
  • CBCRAccumulatedEarnings
  • CBCRNumberOfEmployees
  • CBCRNetTangibleAssets

This is deprecated. Use CbCR Automation. See also: Working with Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR) in Working with Tax Reporting


This attribute is used to set level of classification for deferred tax purposes. A negative balance is classified as a deferred tax liability and positive balance in classified as a deferred tax asset.

  • TRCS_CLASSIFY_ATACCOUNT - This attribute value when set on an account (i.e. base/parent) will classify based on the value at this level.
  • TRCS_CLASSIFY_ASSET - This attribute value when set on an account (that is, base/parent) will classifies the value as an Asset without regard to the balance (that is, negative/positive).
  • TRCS_CLASSIFY_LIABILITY - This attribute value when set on an account (that is, base/parent) will classifies the value as an Liability without regard to the balance (that is, negative/positive).
TAR Account Classification
  • TAR_Domestic
  • TAR_Foreign

This attribute sets newly created TAR accounts to be calculated as Domestic or Foreign. These two custom attributes are available in the Account and Jurisdiction dimensions to differentiate between Foreign and Domestic Entities.

This allows data to roll up to domestic and foreign classification. See also: Classifying TAR Accounts as Domestic or Foreign

TAR Difference Reclassification TAR_Difference This attribute is used to identify the TAR journal difference posting account under the Tax Automation RollForward (TAR) account hierarchy. The difference between the ending balance and the ending balance as per book account will get stored into the mapped account. See also: Reviewing Journal Data
Override FX Translation Method
  • PeriodicFxTranslationMethod
  • YtdFxTranslationMethod
Tax Reporting provides translation methodology overriding on an account-by-account basis. This is available as an Account member attribute PeriodicFXTranslationmethod or YtdFxTranslationMethod. See also: Translation Methodologies
Intercompany Account IC_Acc_Yes This attribute is used to identify the Intercompany account that is that is set as "Plug account". See also: Intercompany Dimension and Setting Intercompany Account Attribute Values
Is Plug Account Plug_Acc_Yes Specifies if this account is a Plug account. See also: Setting Intercompany Account Attribute Values
Plug Account Plug_Acc_Yes For the accounts that have Intercompany set to Yes, and IsPlugAccount is not set, you can specify a Plug account. Accounts with this property set to Yes can be selected as Plug Accounts. See also: Setting Intercompany Account Attribute Values
Equity Reversal Target Account TRCS_CurrentAddtlCalcStockCompRTA This attribute is used to identify the additional provision account where the tax effect of the permanent or temporary difference account will be reversed for equity accounted tax. Note that a separate equity reversal account is required for each permanent or temporary difference account.
Equity Reversal Target Account Regional
  • TRCS_RCurrentAddtlCalcStockCompAdj
  • TRCS_RCurrentAddtlCalcStockCompRTA
This attribute is used to identify the regional additional provision account where the tax effect of the regional permanent or temporary difference account will be reversed for equity accounted tax. Note that a separate regional equity reversal account is required for each regional permanent or temporary difference account.
FX Rates Global Account Rate Override Descendants of Account member TRCS_FX Rates - Global Account Rate Override This attribute identifies an account that an FX override rate is required. See also: Working with FX Rates – Global Account Override Forms
NIBT FX Override Account TRCS_NIBT Override This attribute is used to identify the NIBT Account that is translated using an FX Override Rate. This can be any account that rolls up to NIBT As Adjusted. See also: Entering NIBT FX Override Rates
NIBT FX Override Difference Account
  • TRCS_PermGSTotal
  • TRCS_PermSTTotal
  • PermGS0001
  • PermGS0002
  • PermGS0003
  • PermST0001
  • PermST001A
  • PermST0002
  • PermST0003
  • PermST0004
  • PermST0005
  • PermST0006
  • PermST0007
  • PermST0008
  • PermST0009
  • PermST0010
This attribute is used to identify the NIBT Override Account, a permanent difference account where the difference between the NIBT FX Override Rate and the Average Rate * NIBT is reflected.
Deferred Tax Movements Pillar Two   This attribute identifies the total tax effect of a Deferred Tax movement less valuation allowance which will be automated to the Pillar Two Account for which it is being assigned (i.e. Other Adjustments). The Pillar Two account must be included in the Deferred Tax calculation for Pillar Two - Covered Tax.
NCI Account Ownership_NCI_Account This attribute is used to identify the Non-Controlling (NCI) Account that is a permanent difference where the non-controlling interest of pre-tax income will be posted. See also: Setting Non-Controlling Interest (NCI)
Weighted Ownership Account Ownership_Weighted_Account This attribute is used to identify the account used for weighted ownership as ownership changes over time. It no attribute is set the TRCS_NIBTAdjusted account is used. See also: Handling Changes in Ownership