Installing Oracle® Solaris 11.2 Systems

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Updated: July 2014

Specifying Configuration in a System Configuration Profile

You can specify configuration of any system characteristic that is configurable by using SMF properties. For example, the system configuration profile can configure a root account, an initial user, keyboard layout, terminal type, an IPv4 network interface (static or DHCP) and default route, an IPv6 network interface (static or addrconf) and default route, and name service (name server list, search list, domain). If you specify a service or property that does not apply, that specification is ignored. Do not specify any particular property more than one time.

If you are not sure which SMF properties you need to specify, you can use the describe subcommand of the svccfg command to display a description of the property groups and properties of a service, including possible settings. See “Property Inspection and Modification Subcommands” on the svccfg(1M) man page.

svccfg -s FMRI describe [-v] [-t] [propertygroup/property]

A property group or specific property can be queried by specifying either the property group name, or the property group name and property name separated by a slash (/), as an argument.

The –v option gives all information available, including descriptions for current settings, constraints, and other possible setting choices.

The –t option shows only the template data for the selection (see the smf_template(5) man page), and does not display the current settings for property groups and properties.

$ svccfg -s name-service/switch describe config
config                      application
    Name service switch configuration data as described in nsswitch.conf(4).
config/value_authorization  astring   
config/default              astring             files
    Default configuration database entry.
config/host                 astring             "files dns mdns"
    Override configuration for host database lookups. (both IPv4 and IPv6 hosts)
config/printer              astring             "user files"
    Override configuration for printer database lookups.
$ svccfg -s name-service/switch describe -v config
config                      application
    name: config
    type: application
    required: true
    target: this
    description: Name service switch configuration data as described in nsswitch.conf(4).
config/value_authorization  astring   
config/default              astring             files
    type: astring
    required: true
    Default configuration database entry.
    visibility: readwrite
    minimum number of values: 1
    maximum number of values: 1
  value: files
$ svccfg -s name-service/switch describe -t config
name: config
type: application
    Name service switch configuration data as described in nsswitch.conf(4).
  name: default
  type: astring
    Default configuration database entry.
  name: host
  type: astring
    Override configuration for host database lookups. (both IPv4 and IPv6 hosts)
  name: password
  type: astring
    Override configuration for passwd database lookups. Also used with the shadow and user_attr databases.
  name: group
  type: astring
    Override configuration for group database lookups.
  name: network
  type: astring
    Override configuration for network database lookups.
$ svccfg -s system/config-user describe root_account
root_account                     application
root_account/expire              astring
root_account/password            astring
root_account/read_authorization  astring  
root_account/stability           astring            Evolving
root_account/type                astring