Installing Oracle® Solaris 11.2 Systems

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Updated: July 2014

How to Update the Script or Service

If you change the script or the service manifest, use this procedure to install the update.

  1. Copy the updated files to your prototype directory.
    $ cp first-boot-script-svc-manifest.xml proto/lib/svc/manifest/site
    $ cp proto/opt/site
  2. Increment the package version.

    In the package manifest, change the value of the pkg.fmri attribute to the following, for example:

  3. Publish the new version.

    Publish the new version of the package to the repository.

    $ pkgsend publish -d ./proto -s ./firstbootrepo first-boot-script.p5m
  4. Update the package.

    Use the pkg list -af command to make sure you can access the new version. You might need to use the pkg refresh firstboot command to update the package list. Use the pkg update command to update the package.

  5. Reboot the test system.