Installing Oracle® Solaris 11.2 Systems

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Updated: July 2014

Using Secure Shell to Remotely Monitor Installations

You can enable network access to an automated AI client by using ssh. You can use this access to remotely observe an installation in progress by monitoring progress in the /system/volatile/install_log installation log file.

To enable remote access for all clients of a particular install service, set the option livessh to enable in the installation configuration file. When this access is enabled, you can log in to the AI client by using the username jack and password jack.

Individual clients can also set this option on the boot command line.

Monitoring x86 Client Installations

For x86 systems, use the –b option with the create-service subcommand to set boot properties for all clients that use that service, as shown in the following example:

# installadm create-service -a i386 -b livessh=enable

The following excerpt shows how the property appears in the /etc/netboot/svcname/grub.cfg file:

$multiboot $kern /platform/i86pc/kernel/amd64/unix -B livessh=enable,...

You can enable ssh for a single x86 client by specifying livessh on the boot command line. For instructions, see Adding Kernel Arguments by Editing the GRUB Menu at Boot Time in Booting and Shutting Down Oracle Solaris 11.2 Systems .

Monitoring SPARC Client Installations

For SPARC systems, access the system.conf file through the service's net image directory mounted under the /etc/netboot directory: /etc/netboot/svcname/system.conf.

In the system.conf file, the options are defined as name-value pairs. In the following example, the livessh option is set to enable:

$ cat /etc/netboot/solaris11_2-sparc/system.conf

You can enable ssh for a single SPARC client by specifying livessh on the boot command line. The following examples show two different ways to specify this argument:

ok boot net:dhcp - livessh
ok boot net:dhcp - livessh=enable

The livessh specification on the boot command line overrides any setting specified in the service's system.conf file. For example, if the system.conf file specifies livesssh=enable, you can disable livessh on a particular client by specifying livessh=disable on the boot command line:

ok boot net:dhcp - livessh=disable