Installing Oracle® Solaris 11.2 Systems

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Updated: July 2014

Creating System Configuration Profiles

    Use one of the following methods to create a system configuration profile:

  • Run the interactive configuration tool and save the output to a file. The following command creates a valid profile in sc.xml from responses you enter interactively:

    # sysconfig create-profile -o sc.xml

    See Creating a System Configuration Profile Using the SCI Tool for information about using the configuration tool to produce a profile file.

  • Create the system configuration profile manually, using the property specifications shown in Specifying Configuration in a System Configuration Profile and Example System Configuration Profiles.

    Include the following lines in every system configuration profile:

    <!DOCTYPE service_bundle SYSTEM "/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1">
    <service_bundle type="profile" name="sysconfig">
      <!-- service, property_group, property, and propval specifications -->

    If you specify a service or property that does not apply, that specification is ignored.

    Do not specify any particular property more than one time.

  • A derived manifest script can create a system configuration profile when the script is run. See Example 10–6.

    A system configuration profile can express property and attribute values in two ways. One profile can use both methods.

  • Values can be entered explicitly before the profile is added to the install service using the property specifications shown in this chapter.

  • A system configuration profile can include variables that are replaced with valid values when the profile is used to install a client system. See Using System Configuration Profile Templates.