Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide > Creating an ADM Package > Process of Creating ADM Deployment Units from Database Types >

About ADM Deployment Filters

Application Deployment Manager (ADM) deployment filters allow the selection of specially selected records of a particular data type for export. Creating ADM deployment filters is a part of creating ADM deployment projects. A deployment filter must generally be specified for all deployment units. For information on creating deployment filters in deployment projects, see Creating ADM Deployment Filters.

You can also create ADM deployment filters based on predefined queries (PDQs). For information on this task, see Creating ADM Deployment Filters with PDQs.

ADM deployment filters can also be set or modified when creating deployment sessions. See Creating ADM Deployment Sessions for more information on this task.

Each data type is represented by a Siebel integration object. The deployment filter applies to the primary business component defined within the integration object, and can be set on any field defined on the primary business component and present in the integration object. For detailed information on business components, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

Filtering is also possible on the child business components to exclude or include certain records. See the end of this topic for an example.

The format for the deployment filter value entered into the Filter field of the data type record is as follows:

[Field_Name] operator 'Filter_Criterion'


    • Field_Name is the name of the field on which to filter records. For a list of available fields for each data type, click the Select button in the Field List field. Make sure the field name is enclosed in brackets.
    • operator is a standard Siebel query operator that defines the filter, for example, like or =. For a list of Siebel query operators, see Using Siebel Tools.
    • Filter_Criterion is the criterion by which to filter the field name. Use an asterisk (*) as the wildcard character for part of the criterion. For example, to filter by names beginning with an A use 'A*' for the criterion. The filter criterion is case-sensitive and must be enclosed in quotes. Use multiple filters for one data type by using the logical AND or OR operators.

      NOTE:  You cannot use a function as a filter criterion. For example, a filter such as [Name] = GetProfileAttr ('VODImpExpSpec') is not supported.

Some deployment filter examples follow:

  • [Name] like 'ABC*' or [Name] = 'My StateModel'

    This example filters the data type State Model using the Name field. The primary business component for State Models is State Model, the field containing the state model name is Name.

  • [Activation Date]>'12/29/2001 14:58:29'

    This example filters the data type Assignment Rules using the Activation Date field. All assignment rules with a start date later than 12/29/2001 are filtered for migration.

  • [Value]='ACCOUNT_STATUS' AND [List Of Values Child (UDA).Language] ='ENU'

    This example filters the data type LOV using the Value field and the child business component List of Values Child (UDA).Language. The filter allows deployment of only the English language LOVs for the ACCOUNT_STATUS LOV type.

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